Al-Buraq Wall

It is the Western Wall of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, taking its name from the connection of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) with the night of Isra and Miraj to it, and the wall is considered part of the wall of the mosque, and directly adjacent to its door called the door of the Moroccans.

Historical background



The Buraq Wall represents the southern part of the Western Wall of Al-Aqsa al-Sharif mosque, and extends from the south side of the Mughrabi Gate towards the north to the tanziya school, which the Israeli occupation turned into a synagogue and police headquarters, and its length is about fifty meters and its height is about twenty meters.

It is the Western Wall of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, taking its name from the connection of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) with the night of Isra and Miraj to it, and the wall is considered part of the wall of the mosque, and directly adjacent to its door called the door of the Moroccans.

Historical background


The Buraq Wall represents the southern part of the Western Wall of Al-Aqsa al-Sharif mosque, and extends from the south side of the Mughrabi Gate towards the north to the tanziya school, which the Israeli occupation turned into a synagogue and police headquarters, and its length is about fifty meters and its height is about twenty meters.

Jews call the place the" Wailing Wall " because their prayers there take the form of crying and wailing.


The historical documents in the possession of the Jerusalemite Palestinians prove-according to a study on the Al - Buraq Wall by the Palestinian researcher al-Mutawakkil Taha published in 2010-that the city of Jerusalem is an Arab city of origin for thousands of years, and the Islamization of history and civilization.

Since the Islamic conquest, the Buraq Wall has remained an Islamic Waqf, which is a pure right of Muslims, and there is no stone in it that dates back to the reign of King Solomon, as the Jews claim.

Jerusalemites say that the passage located at the wall is not a public road, but was created only for the passage of Moroccan and other Muslim residents of the locality on their way to the Buraq mosque and then to the Haram al-Sharif, and allowing Jews to pass to the wall was like tolerance in the decree issued by the Egyptian governor of the region Ibrahim Pasha in 1840, not to perform prayers.


It is the Western Wall of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, taking its name from the connection of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) with the night of Isra and Miraj to it, and the wall is considered part of the wall of the mosque, and directly adjacent to its door called the door of the Moroccans.

Historical background


The Buraq Wall represents the southern part of the Western Wall of Al-Aqsa al-Sharif mosque, and extends from the south side of the Mughrabi Gate towards the north to the tanziya school, which the Israeli occupation turned into a synagogue and police headquarters, and its length is about fifty meters and its height is about twenty meters.

Jews call the place the" Wailing Wall " because their prayers there take the form of crying and wailing.


The historical documents in the possession of the Jerusalemite Palestinians prove-according to a study on the Al - Buraq Wall by the Palestinian researcher al-Mutawakkil Taha published in 2010-that the city of Jerusalem is an Arab city of origin for thousands of years, and the Islamization of history and civilization.


Since the Islamic conquest, the Buraq Wall has remained an Islamic Waqf, which is a pure right of Muslims, and there is no stone in it that dates back to the reign of King Solomon, as the Jews claim.

Jerusalemites say that the passage located at the wall is not a public road, but was created only for the passage of Moroccan and other Muslim residents of the locality on their way to the Buraq mosque and then to the Haram al-Sharif, and allowing Jews to pass to the wall was like tolerance in the decree issued by the Egyptian governor of the region Ibrahim Pasha in 1840, not to perform prayers.


Jews did not take the Lightning wall as a place of worship until after the British Balfour Declaration was issued in 1917, and this wall was not part of the alleged "Jewish temple", but it was Islamic tolerance that enabled Jews to stand in front of it and cry over the destruction of their alleged temple, and then over time they claimed that the Lightning wall is a remnant of this "temple".

Jerusalemites assert that Palestine was not Jewish in the seventh century AD when the Muslims conquered it, but it was under the rule of the Romans, and then there were no Jews in Jerusalem, and the Jews did not claim a day that they have a right to the wall of light, and that the Balfour Declaration in 1917 was the reason for the dispute and incited Jews to demand the right to pray before him.

The Muslims argue that Britain, which was the mandatory state of Palestine, explicitly recognized in its white paper issued in November 1928 that the Western Wall and the adjacent area belonged exclusively to Muslims.

It is the Western Wall of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, taking its name from the connection of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) with the night of Isra and Miraj to it, and the wall is considered part of the wall of the mosque, and directly adjacent to its door called the door of the Moroccans.

Historical background


The Buraq Wall represents the southern part of the Western Wall of Al-Aqsa al-Sharif mosque, and extends from the south side of the Mughrabi Gate towards the north to the tanziya school, which the Israeli occupation turned into a synagogue and police headquarters, and its length is about fifty meters and its height is about twenty meters.

Jews call the place the" Wailing Wall " because their prayers there take the form of crying and wailing.


The historical documents in the possession of the Jerusalemite Palestinians prove-according to a study on the Al - Buraq Wall by the Palestinian researcher al-Mutawakkil Taha published in 2010-that the city of Jerusalem is an Arab city of origin for thousands of years, and the Islamization of history and civilization.


Since the Islamic conquest, the Buraq Wall has remained an Islamic Waqf, which is a pure right of Muslims, and there is no stone in it that dates back to the reign of King Solomon, as the Jews claim.

Jerusalemites say that the passage located at the wall is not a public road, but was created only for the passage of Moroccan and other Muslim residents of the locality on their way to the Buraq mosque and then to the Haram al-Sharif, and allowing Jews to pass to the wall was like tolerance in the decree issued by the Egyptian governor of the region Ibrahim Pasha in 1840, not to perform prayers.


Jews did not take the Lightning wall as a place of worship until after the British Balfour Declaration was issued in 1917, and this wall was not part of the alleged "Jewish temple", but it was Islamic tolerance that enabled Jews to stand in front of it and cry over the destruction of their alleged temple, and then over time they claimed that the Lightning wall is a remnant of this "temple".

Jerusalemites assert that Palestine was not Jewish in the seventh century AD when the Muslims conquered it, but it was under the rule of the Romans, and then there were no Jews in Jerusalem, and the Jews did not claim a day that they have a right to the wall of light, and that the Balfour Declaration in 1917 was the reason for the dispute and incited Jews to demand the right to pray before him.

The Muslims argue that Britain, which was the mandatory state of Palestine, explicitly recognized in its white paper issued in November 1928 that the Western Wall and the adjacent area belonged exclusively to Muslims.


Jews tried to seize the Buraq Wall by owning the adjacent places during the 19th century, but they failed, and during the British Mandate era, Jewish visits to the wall increased until Muslims felt their danger, and the Buraq revolution occurred on August 23, 1929, in which dozens of Muslims were martyred and a large number of Jews were killed.

After the British managed to control the situation harshly, more than a thousand Palestinian Arabs were put on trial, and 26 were sentenced to death, including one Jew who was a policeman who entered an Arab family in Jaffa consisting of seven people and killed them all, but only three Palestinians were executed: Fuad Hijazi, Mohammed Jamjoum and Atta Al-Zair.


These events resulted in the establishment of the Al-Aqsa Mosque guard Association, and the formation of an international committee to settle the dispute between Muslims and Jews at the Al-Buraq Wall, headed by former Swedish Foreign Minister Eliel Lofgren.the committee listened to the parties to the conflict and obtained from them the arguments and documents that support their views.

The Jews have asked the committee to recognize that the" Wailing Wall " is a sacred place for the Jews of the whole world, and to decide that Jews have the right to go to it to pray according to their religious rituals without anyone's objection, and to take all necessary measures to vacate the property of the Moroccan Waqf, provided that the Islamic Waqf Department accepts instead new buildings in a decent location in Jerusalem.

The ICRC issued its report-which it submitted to the league of nations in 1930 - and concluded that "only Muslims own the Western Wall and have the right to it in kind, because it forms an integral part of the Haram al-Sharif Square, which is the property of the Islamic Waqf, and Muslims also own the sidewalk located in front of the wall, and in front of the locality known as the Moroccan lane, because it is suspended according to the provisions of Islamic law".


Judaization efforts

Although the Jews admitted in 1929 before the committee of the league of nations that they did not claim ownership of the Western Wall, when Israel occupied the Old City of Jerusalem in 1967, it began to falsify the identity of the place itself.

It began by demolishing the Moroccan neighborhood adjacent to the Western Wall of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, including monuments, schools, mosques and corners, and then blew up the houses that surrounded the wall and displaced its people claiming that the wall area belonged to the Jews three thousand years ago.


The Israelis set up a large tiled courtyard in front of the Al-Buraq Wall to gather there to pray in front of it, and also seized the keys to the door of the Moroccans that are still with them, therefore the door of the Moroccans is the usual entrance to all intrusions carried out by Jews in the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

In this square there is the first door of the tunnel dug by the occupation authorities parallel to the Western Wall of the Haram al-Sharif with a length of about 488 meters, and they connected it with an ancient Roman canal eighty meters long, and they opened a second door at the end of the tunnel at the Islamic kindergarten school in 1996.

In 1971, the Israeli government concluded an agreement with the Jewish Quarter development company under which it leased the Islamic endowments in Al-Buraq Square and its vicinity, which were confiscated by Israel shortly after the occupation, and the executors of the Judaization plans implemented at the door of the Moroccans are based on this agreement.

Israel also established the Wailing Wall Heritage Fund, which reports directly to the Office of the prime minister of Israel, and in 2004 entrusted it with the responsibility of carrying out the affairs of Al-Buraq Square and digging tunnels in it, which entitles it illegally to provide all the lullaby plans erected in Al-Buraq Square, including the construction of a "wailing" for women and the roof of Al-Buraq square.

Israel's attempts to falsify the facts of history are being carried out by excavating in Al-Buraq Square and below Al-Aqsa, carving and falsifying stones, excavating and bulldozing Islamic cemeteries and establishing museums on them, and obtaining fatwas from rabbis to legalize the Storming of Al-Aqsa and dividing it and changing Al-Buraq Square, and also obstructed the entry of a UNESCO Fact-Finding Committee on the tunnels targeting al-Aqsa Mosque.

In November 2009, the Jerusalem District Committee for organization and construction revealed a plan to build a large religious center run by Jewish Puritans to be located on the north side of Al-Buraq Square, an expansion of the Jewish center located in the square called "Strauss house", which has an area of about 750 square meters to about 1,750 square meters distributed over four floors.

In June 2010, Palestinian sources revealed that Israel had formed a special committee to implement the Beit Al-Jawhar project to erect a three-story building next to Al-Buraq Square on a large area to house a museum of the Jewish religion, and to expand the Davidson Jewish center located in the "Archaeological Park" area on the southern side of Al-Buraq Square to accommodate about four hundred thousand visitors annually.

In June 2012, Israel allowed various planning institutions in Occupied Jerusalem to begin implementing structural plans to Judaize the borders of Al-Aqsa and Buraq Square by establishing Judaization centers, synagogues, and biblical gardens to tighten the noose on the mosque as part of a comprehensive plan to enable Jews to Buraq Square in exchange for the exclusion and absence of Islamic civilization and history from the place.

On the twentieth of October 2015, the UN Secretariat avoided commenting on a statement issued by the director-general of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and cultural organization (UNESCO) Irina Bokova on an Arab draft resolution confirming the Islamic identity of the Buraq Wall and considered it one of the Islamic holy sites by the organization.

The general secretariat said that its position on this issue is clear, namely the need to "preserve the current historical status of the holy places". The Israeli Foreign Ministry claimed that the Arab draft resolution "distorts history and blurs the relationship of the Jewish people with their holiest place".

The Palestinian institutions concerned with the care and defense of Al-Aqsa Affairs agree that the absence of an official position of the Arab regimes and the international silence towards Jerusalem motivate Israel to accelerate its Judaization and settlement plans to impose facts on the ground and legitimize the demolition of Al-Aqsa and the construction of the alleged temple.

It is the Western Wall of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, taking its name from the connection of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) with the night of Isra and Miraj to it, and the wall is considered part of the wall of the mosque, and directly adjacent to its door called the door of the Moroccans.

Historical background


The Buraq Wall represents the southern part of the Western Wall of Al-Aqsa al-Sharif mosque, and extends from the south side of the Mughrabi Gate towards the north to the tanziya school, which the Israeli occupation turned into a synagogue and police headquarters, and its length is about fifty meters and its height is about twenty meters.

Jews call the place the" Wailing Wall " because their prayers there take the form of crying and wailing.


The historical documents in the possession of the Jerusalemite Palestinians prove-according to a study on the Al - Buraq Wall by the Palestinian researcher al-Mutawakkil Taha published in 2010-that the city of Jerusalem is an Arab city of origin for thousands of years, and the Islamization of history and civilization.


Since the Islamic conquest, the Buraq Wall has remained an Islamic Waqf, which is a pure right of Muslims, and there is no stone in it that dates back to the reign of King Solomon, as the Jews claim.

Jerusalemites say that the passage located at the wall is not a public road, but was created only for the passage of Moroccan and other Muslim residents of the locality on their way to the Buraq mosque and then to the Haram al-Sharif, and allowing Jews to pass to the wall was like tolerance in the decree issued by the Egyptian governor of the region Ibrahim Pasha in 1840, not to perform prayers.


Jews did not take the Lightning wall as a place of worship until after the British Balfour Declaration was issued in 1917, and this wall was not part of the alleged "Jewish temple", but it was Islamic tolerance that enabled Jews to stand in front of it and cry over the destruction of their alleged temple, and then over time they claimed that the Lightning wall is a remnant of this "temple".

Jerusalemites assert that Palestine was not Jewish in the seventh century AD when the Muslims conquered it, but it was under the rule of the Romans, and then there were no Jews in Jerusalem, and the Jews did not claim a day that they have a right to the wall of light, and that the Balfour Declaration in 1917 was the reason for the dispute and incited Jews to demand the right to pray before him.

The Muslims argue that Britain, which was the mandatory state of Palestine, explicitly recognized in its white paper issued in November 1928 that the Western Wall and the adjacent area belonged exclusively to Muslims.


Jews tried to seize the Buraq Wall by owning the adjacent places during the 19th century, but they failed, and during the British Mandate era, Jewish visits to the wall increased until Muslims felt their danger, and the Buraq revolution occurred on August 23, 1929, in which dozens of Muslims were martyred and a large number of Jews were killed.

After the British managed to control the situation harshly, more than a thousand Palestinian Arabs were put on trial, and 26 were sentenced to death, including one Jew who was a policeman who entered an Arab family in Jaffa consisting of seven people and killed them all, but only three Palestinians were executed: Fuad Hijazi, Mohammed Jamjoum and Atta Al-Zair.


These events resulted in the establishment of the Al-Aqsa Mosque guard Association, and the formation of an international committee to settle the dispute between Muslims and Jews at the Al-Buraq Wall, headed by former Swedish Foreign Minister Eliel Lofgren.the committee listened to the parties to the conflict and obtained from them the arguments and documents that support their views.

The Jews have asked the committee to recognize that the" Wailing Wall " is a sacred place for the Jews of the whole world, and to decide that Jews have the right to go to it to pray according to their religious rituals without anyone's objection, and to take all necessary measures to vacate the property of the Moroccan Waqf, provided that the Islamic Waqf Department accepts instead new buildings in a decent location in Jerusalem.

The ICRC issued its report-which it submitted to the league of nations in 1930 - and concluded that "only Muslims own the Western Wall and have the right to it in kind, because it forms an integral part of the Haram al-Sharif Square, which is the property of the Islamic Waqf, and Muslims also own the sidewalk located in front of the wall, and in front of the locality known as the Moroccan lane, because it is suspended according to the provisions of Islamic law".


Judaization efforts

Although the Jews admitted in 1929 before the committee of the league of nations that they did not claim ownership of the Western Wall, when Israel occupied the Old City of Jerusalem in 1967, it began to falsify the identity of the place itself.

It began by demolishing the Moroccan neighborhood adjacent to the Western Wall of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, including monuments, schools, mosques and corners, and then blew up the houses that surrounded the wall and displaced its people claiming that the wall area belonged to the Jews three thousand years ago.


The Israelis set up a large tiled courtyard in front of the Al-Buraq Wall to gather there to pray in front of it, and also seized the keys to the door of the Moroccans that are still with them, therefore the door of the Moroccans is the usual entrance to all intrusions carried out by Jews in the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

In this square there is the first door of the tunnel dug by the occupation authorities parallel to the Western Wall of the Haram al-Sharif with a length of about 488 meters, and they connected it with an ancient Roman canal eighty meters long, and they opened a second door at the end of the tunnel at the Islamic kindergarten school in 1996.

In 1971, the Israeli government concluded an agreement with the Jewish Quarter development company under which it leased the Islamic endowments in Al-Buraq Square and its vicinity, which were confiscated by Israel shortly after the occupation, and the executors of the Judaization plans implemented at the door of the Moroccans are based on this agreement.

Israel also established the Wailing Wall Heritage Fund, which reports directly to the Office of the prime minister of Israel, and in 2004 entrusted it with the responsibility of carrying out the affairs of Al-Buraq Square and digging tunnels in it, which entitles it illegally to provide all the lullaby plans erected in Al-Buraq Square, including the construction of a "wailing" for women and the roof of Al-Buraq square.

Israel's attempts to falsify the facts of history are being carried out by excavating in Al-Buraq Square and below Al-Aqsa, carving and falsifying stones, excavating and bulldozing Islamic cemeteries and establishing museums on them, and obtaining fatwas from rabbis to legalize the Storming of Al-Aqsa and dividing it and changing Al-Buraq Square, and also obstructed the entry of a UNESCO Fact-Finding Committee on the tunnels targeting al-Aqsa Mosque.

In November 2009, the Jerusalem District Committee for organization and construction revealed a plan to build a large religious center run by Jewish Puritans to be located on the north side of Al-Buraq Square, an expansion of the Jewish center located in the square called "Strauss house", which has an area of about 750 square meters to about 1,750 square meters distributed over four floors.

In June 2010, Palestinian sources revealed that Israel had formed a special committee to implement the Beit Al-Jawhar project to erect a three-story building next to Al-Buraq Square on a large area to house a museum of the Jewish religion, and to expand the Davidson Jewish center located in the "Archaeological Park" area on the southern side of Al-Buraq Square to accommodate about four hundred thousand visitors annually.

In June 2012, Israel allowed various planning institutions in Occupied Jerusalem to begin implementing structural plans to Judaize the borders of Al-Aqsa and Buraq Square by establishing Judaization centers, synagogues, and biblical gardens to tighten the noose on the mosque as part of a comprehensive plan to enable Jews to Buraq Square in exchange for the exclusion and absence of Islamic civilization and history from the place.

On the twentieth of October 2015, the UN Secretariat avoided commenting on a statement issued by the director-general of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and cultural organization (UNESCO) Irina Bokova on an Arab draft resolution confirming the Islamic identity of the Buraq Wall and considered it one of the Islamic holy sites by the organization.

The general secretariat said that its position on this issue is clear, namely the need to "preserve the current historical status of the holy places". The Israeli Foreign Ministry claimed that the Arab draft resolution "distorts history and blurs the relationship of the Jewish people with their holiest place".

The Palestinian institutions concerned with the care and defense of Al-Aqsa Affairs agree that the absence of an official position of the Arab regimes and the international silence towards Jerusalem motivate Israel to accelerate its Judaization and settlement plans to impose facts on the ground and legitimize the demolition of Al-Aqsa and the construction of the alleged temple.

It is the Western Wall of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, taking its name from the connection of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) with the night of Isra and Miraj to it, and the wall is considered part of the wall of the mosque, and directly adjacent to its door called the door of the Moroccans.

Historical background


The Buraq Wall represents the southern part of the Western Wall of Al-Aqsa al-Sharif mosque, and extends from the south side of the Mughrabi Gate towards the north to the tanziya school, which the Israeli occupation turned into a synagogue and police headquarters, and its length is about fifty meters and its height is about twenty meters.

Jews call the place the" Wailing Wall " because their prayers there take the form of crying and wailing.


The historical documents in the possession of the Jerusalemite Palestinians prove-according to a study on the Al - Buraq Wall by the Palestinian researcher al-Mutawakkil Taha published in 2010-that the city of Jerusalem is an Arab city of origin for thousands of years, and the Islamization of history and civilization.


Since the Islamic conquest, the Buraq Wall has remained an Islamic Waqf, which is a pure right of Muslims, and there is no stone in it that dates back to the reign of King Solomon, as the Jews claim.

Jerusalemites say that the passage located at the wall is not a public road, but was created only for the passage of Moroccan and other Muslim residents of the locality on their way to the Buraq mosque and then to the Haram al-Sharif, and allowing Jews to pass to the wall was like tolerance in the decree issued by the Egyptian governor of the region Ibrahim Pasha in 1840, not to perform prayers.


Jews did not take the Lightning wall as a place of worship until after the British Balfour Declaration was issued in 1917, and this wall was not part of the alleged "Jewish temple", but it was Islamic tolerance that enabled Jews to stand in front of it and cry over the destruction of their alleged temple, and then over time they claimed that the Lightning wall is a remnant of this "temple".

Jerusalemites assert that Palestine was not Jewish in the seventh century AD when the Muslims conquered it, but it was under the rule of the Romans, and then there were no Jews in Jerusalem, and the Jews did not claim a day that they have a right to the wall of light, and that the Balfour Declaration in 1917 was the reason for the dispute and incited Jews to demand the right to pray before him.

The Muslims argue that Britain, which was the mandatory state of Palestine, explicitly recognized in its white paper issued in November 1928 that the Western Wall and the adjacent area belonged exclusively to Muslims.


Jews tried to seize the Buraq Wall by owning the adjacent places during the 19th century, but they failed, and during the British Mandate era, Jewish visits to the wall increased until Muslims felt their danger, and the Buraq revolution occurred on August 23, 1929, in which dozens of Muslims were martyred and a large number of Jews were killed.

After the British managed to control the situation harshly, more than a thousand Palestinian Arabs were put on trial, and 26 were sentenced to death, including one Jew who was a policeman who entered an Arab family in Jaffa consisting of seven people and killed them all, but only three Palestinians were executed: Fuad Hijazi, Mohammed Jamjoum and Atta Al-Zair.


These events resulted in the establishment of the Al-Aqsa Mosque guard Association, and the formation of an international committee to settle the dispute between Muslims and Jews at the Al-Buraq Wall, headed by former Swedish Foreign Minister Eliel Lofgren.the committee listened to the parties to the conflict and obtained from them the arguments and documents that support their views.

The Jews have asked the committee to recognize that the" Wailing Wall " is a sacred place for the Jews of the whole world, and to decide that Jews have the right to go to it to pray according to their religious rituals without anyone's objection, and to take all necessary measures to vacate the property of the Moroccan Waqf, provided that the Islamic Waqf Department accepts instead new buildings in a decent location in Jerusalem.

The ICRC issued its report-which it submitted to the league of nations in 1930 - and concluded that "only Muslims own the Western Wall and have the right to it in kind, because it forms an integral part of the Haram al-Sharif Square, which is the property of the Islamic Waqf, and Muslims also own the sidewalk located in front of the wall, and in front of the locality known as the Moroccan lane, because it is suspended according to the provisions of Islamic law".


Judaization efforts

Although the Jews admitted in 1929 before the committee of the league of nations that they did not claim ownership of the Western Wall, when Israel occupied the Old City of Jerusalem in 1967, it began to falsify the identity of the place itself.

It began by demolishing the Moroccan neighborhood adjacent to the Western Wall of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, including monuments, schools, mosques and corners, and then blew up the houses that surrounded the wall and displaced its people claiming that the wall area belonged to the Jews three thousand years ago.


The Israelis set up a large tiled courtyard in front of the Al-Buraq Wall to gather there to pray in front of it, and also seized the keys to the door of the Moroccans that are still with them, therefore the door of the Moroccans is the usual entrance to all intrusions carried out by Jews in the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

In this square there is the first door of the tunnel dug by the occupation authorities parallel to the Western Wall of the Haram al-Sharif with a length of about 488 meters, and they connected it with an ancient Roman canal eighty meters long, and they opened a second door at the end of the tunnel at the Islamic kindergarten school in 1996.

In 1971, the Israeli government concluded an agreement with the Jewish Quarter development company under which it leased the Islamic endowments in Al-Buraq Square and its vicinity, which were confiscated by Israel shortly after the occupation, and the executors of the Judaization plans implemented at the door of the Moroccans are based on this agreement.

Israel also established the Wailing Wall Heritage Fund, which reports directly to the Office of the prime minister of Israel, and in 2004 entrusted it with the responsibility of carrying out the affairs of Al-Buraq Square and digging tunnels in it, which entitles it illegally to provide all the lullaby plans erected in Al-Buraq Square, including the construction of a "wailing" for women and the roof of Al-Buraq square.

Israel's attempts to falsify the facts of history are being carried out by excavating in Al-Buraq Square and below Al-Aqsa, carving and falsifying stones, excavating and bulldozing Islamic cemeteries and establishing museums on them, and obtaining fatwas from rabbis to legalize the Storming of Al-Aqsa and dividing it and changing Al-Buraq Square, and also obstructed the entry of a UNESCO Fact-Finding Committee on the tunnels targeting al-Aqsa Mosque.

In November 2009, the Jerusalem District Committee for organization and construction revealed a plan to build a large religious center run by Jewish Puritans to be located on the north side of Al-Buraq Square, an expansion of the Jewish center located in the square called "Strauss house", which has an area of about 750 square meters to about 1,750 square meters distributed over four floors.

In June 2010, Palestinian sources revealed that Israel had formed a special committee to implement the Beit Al-Jawhar project to erect a three-story building next to Al-Buraq Square on a large area to house a museum of the Jewish religion, and to expand the Davidson Jewish center located in the "Archaeological Park" area on the southern side of Al-Buraq Square to accommodate about four hundred thousand visitors annually.

In June 2012, Israel allowed various planning institutions in Occupied Jerusalem to begin implementing structural plans to Judaize the borders of Al-Aqsa and Buraq Square by establishing Judaization centers, synagogues, and biblical gardens to tighten the noose on the mosque as part of a comprehensive plan to enable Jews to Buraq Square in exchange for the exclusion and absence of Islamic civilization and history from the place.

On the twentieth of October 2015, the UN Secretariat avoided commenting on a statement issued by the director-general of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and cultural organization (UNESCO) Irina Bokova on an Arab draft resolution confirming the Islamic identity of the Buraq Wall and considered it one of the Islamic holy sites by the organization.

The general secretariat said that its position on this issue is clear, namely the need to "preserve the current historical status of the holy places". The Israeli Foreign Ministry claimed that the Arab draft resolution "distorts history and blurs the relationship of the Jewish people with their holiest place".

The Palestinian institutions concerned with the care and defense of Al-Aqsa Affairs agree that the absence of an official position of the Arab regimes and the international silence towards Jerusalem motivate Israel to accelerate its Judaization and settlement plans to impose facts on the ground and legitimize the demolition of Al-Aqsa and the construction of the alleged temple.