Israeli Politics

Israel has followed various methods to achieve its stated goal: the Judaization of Jerusalem, perhaps the most prominent of which was the settlement, which contributed to the success of the Israeli goal to a large extent, however, it was not the only tool that the occupation resorted to, in addition to planting settlement neighborhoods bypassing the city of Jerusalem in order to encircle and isolate it and And it is working to reduce the number of Palestinian citizens in various ways.

The issue of Jerusalem is one of the most prominent issues that were postponed under the Oslo Accords to the so-called Final Solution negotiations, but the Israeli governments, with their policies aimed at Judaizing Jerusalem, sought to pre-empt those negotiations to resolve the situation in their favor unilaterally, and thus the issue of Jerusalem was the dilemma of the negotiation process at Camp David II on the final status.

Through this research, we will shed light on the reality of the city and the Israeli policies it has been subjected to since the Nakba aimed at completing the Zionist Judaization project.

The establishment of Israel

Under the conditions created by Britain in order to allow the Zionist movement to establish its feet on the Palestinian territories, the British government announced its intention to withdraw from Palestine on May 14, 1948. The Zionist movements began to escalate the organized war of extermination and acts of violence, using all methods to spread panic in the souls of the Arabs of Palestine to force them to flee their homes, enabling them to take the lands empty of the population, and for this purpose they carried out many heinous massacres against civilians, including the massacre carried out by Zionist gangs in the village of Deir Yassin, near Jerusalem on 9 April 1948, which resulted in the death of nearly three hundred people, including women, children and the elderly, as they were stopped next to the walls and shot randomly, and the Palestinian history is full of many massacres and massacres committed by Israel since its inception against the Palestinian people.

By May 14, 1948, the date of the end of the British withdrawal from Palestine, the establishment of the state of Israel was announced on the Palestinian land, which was followed by the entry of units of the Arab armies to fight alongside the inhabitants of Palestine, as the war resulted in the fall of West Jerusalem as well as other areas of approximately four-fifths of Palestine under Israeli control, which far exceeded the territories stipulated by the partition resolution; East Jerusalem remained under the control of Jordan, and the fighting stopped after Jordan and Israel signed a ceasefire agreement on November 30, 1948, and then turned into an armistice agreement held under the supervision of the United Nations on April 3, 1949.

The area under Jordanian rule


2,220 dunums. 11.48%

the area under Israeli occupation



is 16,261 dunums. 84.13% United Nations areas and no man

850 dunums

's zones. 850 dunums. 4.39%







With the bulk of the city of Jerusalem under Israeli control, Israel has been working to integrate this large part of the city with the Hebrew state, thus Israel has exceeded the provisions of the partition resolution. Israel has made a change to the status of the city of Jerusalem, but this change did not legally and practically affect the partition decision, as the UN General Assembly on December 11, 1948 passed Resolution No. 194, which returned and confirmed the principle of the internationalization of the city of Jerusalem, as well as the decision to form the international Conciliation Commission consisting of France, the United States and Turkey, whose tasks The UN General Assembly reaffirmed its intention to place Jerusalem under a special regime that guarantees the protection of the holy places in the city through its Resolution No. 303 issued on December 4, 1949, and entrusted this to the Trusteeship Council by reviewing the responsibilities of this matter, where the Council drafted a constitution He soon announced his inability to implement this regime in front of Israel's announcement of the transfer of its capital to Jerusalem on December 11, 1949, its further annexation measures and Jordan's announcement the next day of the annexation of the occupied part of the Jerusalem lands.

Israel declared that the occupied part of Jerusalem is under its full control through the following measures:

The Israeli Supreme Court was established in Jerusalem in September 1948, and on February 17, Chaim Weizmann took the oath of office in Jerusalem as the first president of the state of Israel.

On December 13, 1948, the first Knesset was held in Jerusalem.

On January 23, 1950, the Knesset declared Jerusalem the capital of the state of Israel.

By 1951, the Israeli ministries moved to Jerusalem, with the exception of the ministries of Defense and foreign affairs, and then the latter was transferred to Jerusalem in 1953, in addition to some administrative and judicial procedures that constituted other indications of Israel's intention to permanently retain the part of the holy city it occupied.

Municipal government:

With Israel tightening its grip on the city, an expanded municipal committee was formed consisting of individuals and representatives of the community committee (Ved hechilah) 2 and Jewish neighborhoods to exercise its functions, then in January 1949 the Ministry of Interior appointed a new municipal council, and in November 1950 the first municipal elections were won by the public Zionists headed by Shlomo Zalman Mizrahi, and since that date Israel has been strengthening Its presence in the city at all levels delayed its transformation into its capital. After occupying the western part of the city, it was able to doublethe number of the Jewish population as a result of the successive waves of immigration that followed the war, they recorded for the first census of the population in November 1948, "the presence of 84 thousand inhabitants in West Jerusalem" 3, and at the end of 1949 the number reached 103 thousand inhabitants, and in 1951 the Jewish population increased by 54 thousand settlers The 1961 census showed the presence of 167 thousand inhabitants, which increased to almost 195 thousand until June 1967.

The increase in the population rate is due to the arrival of new immigrants and organized displacements from inside Israel, and most of the immigrants arriving in Jerusalem between 1948-1951 were accommodated in Arab housing that was abandoned by its Arab residents during the war, and the British Army camps were used, and when these units were filled, Israel worked to establish groups of popular housing in the Arab In order to accommodate these huge numbers of immigrants, the borders of the municipality were expanded from the western side in 1952, and included the Arab villages abandoned by their inhabitants, in addition to the establishment of residential neighborhoods on the lands of Deir Yassin and Lifta.

For the same purpose, the Israeli government built a headquarters for the Prime Minister opposite the site of the Hebrew University, and other buildings for the ministries of Finance and labor, and the Knesset building was established on a plateau located to the southeast of the place, and to the south of it the Israeli National Museum was erected, in addition to other institutions such as Israelis to promote the spirituality of the city in the souls of Israelis.

Despite those huge efforts exerted by Israel, the city of Jerusalem seemed to be only a mock capital, as the city of Tel Aviv played the role of the political capital of Israel, perhaps the reason for this is due to the geographical and economic situation of the city of Jerusalem, as it is located on the armistice lines and faces geographical and topographical conditions that affect its economic development because it is not located in the center of Israel, in addition to The majority of the world's countries condemned the Israeli actions in Jerusalem and refused to deal with Jerusalem as the capital of the state of Israel, and this refusal was represented by the refusal of these countries to establish their embassies to Israel in Jerusalem or to present the credentials of their ambassadors to Israel in Jerusalem, which forced Israel to take Tel Aviv as the location of its main ministries.

Land ownership in West Jerusalem under Israeli control (4)

Arab ownership


Jewish ownership


ownership of European and Christian institutions


government, municipal and roads









Occupation and annexation of East Jerusalem

After the outbreak of the 1967 war, Israel had the appropriate opportunity to occupy the rest of the city of Jerusalem, which was the part occupied by Jordan during the 1948 war. on the seventh of June 1967, Menachem Begin, the minister in the Israeli government at the time, initiated the Storming of the city of Jerusalem, where it was captured on the same day, and after that a military administration was established for the West Bank headed by General Haim Herzog, whose headquarters was located at the Ambassador Hotel in East Jerusalem, "a military administration of the city was appointed, consisting of Shlomo lahat as military governor and Jacob Salman as his deputy, and large forces consisting of a Parachute Brigade, two infantry battalions, a Border Guard battalion, two engineering battalions and two artillery battalions were placed under its command to tighten control over the city"5.

Indeed, the occupation did what it wanted and tightened its military grip on the city, and perhaps the occupation of the city itself was not the only Israeli goal, as the Israeli intentions towards the city were revealed immediately after its occupation and consisted in completely demolishing the Maghrib neighborhood adjacent to the Buraq Wall, and it seems that the goal is to displace as many Arab residents This was on the orders of Dayan, and the demolition was not limited to the neighborhood, but included additional buildings and holy sites, including the Al-Buraq mosque and the Sheikh's tomb, and the residents of the neighborhood were transferred to empty houses in neighborhoods of East Jerusalem, such as the Jewish neighborhood, which was abandoned by its Jewish residents in 1948. In addition to three other villages in the Latrun area near Jerusalem (Beit Nuba, emwas, Yaalon) were demolished and their Arab residents were displaced from them, after the completion of the demolition of the Maghrib neighborhood a few days.

The Israeli occupation authorities merged the two parts of the city by removing the Mendelbaum gate, which formed the transit gate between the eastern and western parts of the city between 1949 and 1967, in addition to the cease-fire lines, and work was done to unify the infrastructure networks, roads, transportation and others.

The Israeli annexation of East Jerusalem:

After the cessation of fighting in the city of Jerusalem and Israel's actions annexation of the city illegally as a prelude to Judaize them entirely, "was a matter of pressing legal research theme among the ministers in the Ministry of a co-parenting Israel since June 9, 1967, and was not easy to pass legislation in this regard, due to the lack of internationally recognized borders of the state of Israel."6 on the other hand, deals with such illegal annexation with international law, there was a divergence of views between members of the Israeli government on the mechanisms of pressure and is not secured Where there was of opinion that the work is done through the actions of the administrative pressure in order not to evoke echoes of the great and the others saw that is expanding the boundaries of the country to the city, the team is a third opinion that it is expected that the process of pressure through special legislation in the Knesset, but this view is stopped at a certain point, the risk that understands him that only meant the annexation of Jerusalem, which would end the aspirations of Israel in the annexation of the other regions in the future, and in the end it was agreed that the cost of a special ministerial committee to develop a proposal for the settlement of the legal status and management of the foot, and have it through the Legislature, So it was the choice of the law safety regulations and No. 5708-1948, this act is the first legislation passed by the Israel provisional after the announcement of the measure and to assign to this law, new legislation for the annexation of Jerusalem by adding one substance to which Article 11-A, which provides that the applicable law of the state of stand management on every space of the land of Israel defined by the government decree, that Israel allowed herself to the annexation of any part of it, "on 28/6/1967 government issued based on this law, a decree on the entry into force of the law of the state state and managed at a distance so without drama, Includes the Old City of Jerusalem entire and large areas around it, extending from the Sur Baher in the south to the airport, Qalandia in the north, the flat country to the city of Jerusalem at that time located within an area of 37200 acres, then became after the pressing process three times what it was before the occupation"7 the aim of this glen, which included the largest area of land with the least possible number of sweat to maintain the majority of Jews in the city.

"Although these laws were sufficient to resolve the issue of Israeli control over Arab Jerusalem and its annexation to Israel and its annexation to the jurisdiction of the West Jerusalem municipality, the Israeli Knesset returned on July 30, 1980 and exceptionally approved a new law known as the (Basic Law): Jerusalem is the capital of Israel 5841 – 1980"8. This project was put forward by MP Gyula Cohen, who was a member of the terrorist organization Lehi before the establishment of Israel, and then a member of the Herut party and then Likud.

These annexation laws formed the basis for other laws and measures aimed at enabling the occupation to tighten its control over the city completely, perhaps the most prominent of which was the restriction on the indigenous ethnic population to be displaced, in addition to the confiscation of land and the establishment of settlement communities and others. The Arab residents of the city were considered residents of Israel, not its citizens, and the Israeli authorities refrained from granting them citizenship, as well as preventing them from participating in general elections, while they were allowed to participate in municipal elections only, which the Arab residents boycotted for their part.

The annexation measures were met with strong opposition and resistance by the residents of the city, as the city's Board of trustees rejected these measures, and its members refused to join the Israeli municipal council.

One of the manifestations of rejection and disapproval by the Arab residents of the city is also the sending of a memorandum by leaders, clerics and dignitaries in Jerusalem and Palestine to the military governor of the West Bank rejecting the annexation measures and Israeli practices, and announced the formation of an Islamic body to take care of Palestinian affairs in the West Bank, including Jerusalem, until the occupation ends. With the increasing national opposition to the annexation procedure, especially at the mass level, the expression of this rejection has gone beyond protest and condemnation to armed resistance, as the Israeli occupation decided to respond by various means to the resistance, and began to interfere in internal religious affairs, exile and expulsion, and forms of deterrence have developed in front of the continuation of resistance, until a more radical Demolition of houses, mass arrests, imposition of curfews, confiscation of property, closure of houses, etc.

Table showing the transfer of land from Arabs to Jews in Jerusalem since 1917 (9)



Arab Jewish[Muslim and Christian]

Sunni foreigners


























Table showing the population of Jerusalem in thousands between 67 -99 selected years (10)





Jews total





























































































Israeli plans to Judaize the city of Jerusalem

First: population policies:

Since the first day of its occupation of East Jerusalem, Israel has resorted to developing an unfair population policy against the Palestinians, "relying on the positions of successive Israeli governments, the foundations of which were laid by the Labor Party government since 1967, based on the principle of limiting and reducing the number of Palestinians in Jerusalem to no more than 24% of the general percentage of the population of Jerusalem in both parts.

The Israeli Ministry of the interior formed in 1992 a committee to investigate the annexation of lands located east of the city, and this committee stressed on maintaining the population proportions set in 1967, and based on the same report submitted by the "kabersky" committee of the Ministry of the interior, the percentage of Jews in Jerusalem will reach 77% of the total population in 2020, by working to increase The number of Jewish settlers within the municipal boundaries combined with increased settlement in the settlements surrounding the city that are outside its current borders [12].

The status of Arab immigrants from the city of Jerusalem due to Israeli measures until 1993 (13)

Immigration from Jerusalem to outside the country since 1967


immigrants from Jerusalem to outside

its municipal borders

12,080 were outside the country at the time of the 1967 occupation and therefore were not included in the Israeli census and have not obtained the right of citizenship in Jerusalem since then.








The occupation authorities also followed a series of arbitrary measures against the Arab population in order to reduce the growth of this population, the most important of which are:

Determine the size and location of building permits

The Israeli authorities have acted in accordance with the policy of freezing Arab construction within the municipal borders, and to ensure this, they have procrastinated in preparing structural plans for the city, without which construction is not legally allowed. However, in 1970, according to a partial structural map, the old municipality and adjacent areas such as al-Tur, Wadi al-Joz, Silwan, Al-thuri, Ras al-Amud and the southern area of Jerusalem were included with a total area of 10,800 dunums.

For the first time since the occupation, permits were given to Arabs to build, and the number of these permits did not exceed only 50 licenses, and in the face of the pressure resulting from this policy, the municipality was forced to make a radical change in 1971 and granted Arabs about 400 licenses compared to 7000 licenses granted to establish residential apartments for Jewish settlers in the eastern part of the city.

The number of housing units for both Arabs and Jews in Jerusalem in Selected periods (14).

Jewish residential units in East Jerusalem

Arab residential units in East Jerusalem




1967 before annexation

38,534 21,490


after annexation











In order to achieve the goal of reducing the Palestinian population presence in the city, the occupation authorities have created a coercive system with regard to the licensing policy of residential buildings and others, and indirectly limited them to applying for individual building permits and subjecting them to a tight bureaucratic career ladder, so that years pass before they reach their final stages, despite the approval of the Israeli authorities concerned with housing in East Jerusalem In September 1993, the Israeli government approved the construction of 30,000 housing units for settlers, but did not grant the necessary permits for the construction of 10,000 housing units for Palestinians, despite the Jerusalem municipality's 1980 recognition that the Palestinians of Jerusalem urgently needed to build 18,000 housing units immediately.15 however, it did not grant the necessary permits for the construction of 10,000 housing units for Palestinians.

On the other hand, the occupation has employed several other trends in this aspect, the most important of which is not to allow Arab buildings in East Jerusalem to rise more than two or three floors, and this limits the possibilities of vertical urban expansion.

In the face of the growing shortage of apartments available to the Arab population within the municipal borders, there was no choice but to search for housing outside the municipal borders and the suburbs adjacent to the city or in other cities such as Ramallah and Al-Bireh, and thus this trend indirectly achieves one of Israel's goals in the issue of Judaization.

In addition to the problem of building permits, the Arab population, especially young couples, suffer from the problem of obtaining housing, as they can only migrate from the city to neighboring areas.if the wife does not have a Jerusalem ID, she is not allowed to reside in the city, which reinforces the issue of immigration among young couples and limits the natural growth of the Arab population.

Second: green areas and nature reserves

Israel has adopted a policy of placing Palestinian land suitable for construction and urban expansion under green areas and nature reserves and depriving Palestinians of using it for their residential the same time, these lands were being exploited to build settlement housing units intensively after they were confiscated from their original owners, as well as being used to build security and military sites on them.

Perhaps the most obvious example of this is the confiscation of the land of Mount Abu ghunaym south of Jerusalem, owned by Palestinians "from Beit Sahour and Umm Tuba, an area of 1,850 dunums, which had been declared to the Israeli authorities as green areas belonging to the lands of the Jewish state, and later announced its approval to establish a settlement neighborhood settled by 45,000 settlers." 16 With the start of settlement construction on the mountain, the settlement belt around Jerusalem from the South will be completed to form a buffer belt between the southern West Bank and the city of Jerusalem. 

Table showing the land situation in East Jerusalem (17)

Outside the organization are green areas, roads that are closed for security, a reserve for expansion.


dunums of confiscated land on which 15 colonies and Jewish settlement neighborhoods were built, the total area

21738 dunums

of the plans amounted to 18,769 dunums 21,738 dunums allocated for Arab construction


dunums total

70,400 dunums








Third: the policy of demolition and closure of houses

The occupation authorities have adopted a policy of demolishing and closing Palestinian homes in Jerusalem, in addition to the previous methods and for the same purposes (under the pretext of building without a license) and most often for political reasons, which led to keeping 21,000 people living in difficult living conditions in Jerusalem either in caves, wooden huts or tents, and if these individuals are able to rebuild their homes The occupation authorities have declared 86% of the Arab lands of East Jerusalem as either settlement areas or green lands, and kept only 14% of the total area of the Palestinian expansion of Jerusalem, which has been built They are in the overwhelming majority.

A table showing the number of houses demolished in Jerusalem between 1967 and 1990 (18)



Number of houses

per year













number of houses

per year













































Fourth: withdrawal of identities:

After Israel announced its annexation of East Jerusalem in 1967, it adopted the method of secret deportation of Jerusalemite Arab citizens as part of the policy package aimed at Judaizing the city, as Israel at that time maintained " the Jordanian passports carried by the residents, in return they were given an Israeli identity, and this led to a strange situation in which the residents became like Jordanian citizens residing in Israel."19 Israel has also taken several measures in this regard, perhaps the most important of which is the Israeli government conducting a census of the population in Jerusalem in 1967, and considered that those included in the census "only those who obtained the right of permanent residence in the city, and therefore the rest of the Jerusalemite Palestinians are considered strangers according to this law, although Jerusalem is their hometown. " 20 therefore, their property is subject to confiscation according to the Absentee Property Law of 1950. "While 66 thousand Jerusalemite Palestinians were registered in 1967, about 30 thousand Palestinians were not registered, as most of them were abroad at the time of the census due to the war, and later they could not return to the city or neighboring villages,"21.

"In addition, the Israeli government has amended the entry into Israel Law of 1974 with a set of regulations and laws,"22 authorizing the relevant authorities to cancel the permanent residence of any citizen who proves his residence outside Israel for at least seven years, or has obtained the citizenship of another country or the right of permanent residence there.

Since then, "Israel began to confiscate Israeli identity cards, starting with a few Jerusalemite women married to Jordanians, and then the Ministry of Interior began to withdraw identities from East Jerusalemites, male and female, under the pretext of moving their life center outside Israel, "23," which led to the loss of about five thousand Jerusalemite Palestinians their right to reside in the city in the period from 1967 – 1995 because of their presence abroad for the purpose of work or study"24.

By the beginning of 1995, more strict and rigid policies were developed towards Palestinian Jerusalemites than the previous one, as the new policy of the Israeli Ministry of the interior ruled that "every Palestinian resident of East Jerusalem who cannot prove that he currently lives in Jerusalem, and that he has lived there continuously in the past, loses his right to reside in the city." 25 The Jerusalemite Citizen can prove this only by bringing documents proving ownership of his property, in addition to bringing tax receipts and specifying the place of work and the places of study of the children, and this led to thousands of families losing the right to reside in the city, "where the number of residence IDs confiscated from 1967 to 1998, a total of 6257 family IDs,"26. This situation reflects only a small part of the overall picture, as the Israeli Ministry of interior uses unclear criteria and procedures in order to revoke the right of residence in many cases.

Fifth: Settlement:

On the one hand, Israel has pursued a strategic settlement policy that places its outposts inside the city, and on the other hand, wraps its settlement lines around the city in order to besiege Palestinian communities, limit their growth and isolate them from each other as a single geographical unit, as well as separate them from the West Bank.

This policy was based on the intensification of settlement above the hills and heights to form a continuous chain surrounding the city with a focus on the city center itself and connected to each other by a network of main roads that take the form of "string arms"27 that connect the settlement suburbs so that the city would become a preparatory step for the Greater Jerusalem project.

This project, which was "prepared in February 1993, in cooperation between the Israeli Ministry of construction and housing, the Jerusalem Municipality and the Israel Lands Department" 28 as a plan for the Greater Jerusalem city in 2010, and this plan aims to strengthen the status of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel by establishing road networks for Jews used for movement and trade and creating a clear communication for the Jewish population Plans have also been drawn up to connect the settlements of Ma'ale Adumim, gebat Zeev, Gush Etzion, and Beitar in Jerusalem"29 with each other, with the aim of isolating Palestinian villages and neighborhoods where it is easier to control them both security and demographically.

A table showing the volume of confiscated land in Jerusalem from 1967-1995 (30).

Sixth: municipal taxes on real estate and property

In addition to the Israeli measures imposed on Jerusalemites for displacement, the municipality and the occupation authorities have imposed many additional unjustified taxes, although they are already illegal according to international laws and the Geneva Convention, considering Arab Jerusalem as occupied territory.

The occupation authorities have imposed the "Arnona" tax on Jerusalemite citizens, where 55% of Palestinians in Jerusalem were included in the Register of taxpayers, classified as first-class payers, in return, the government and the municipality, to encourage settlers, exempt the settler who wishes to settle in East Jerusalem for five years, after which something symbolic is paid For each year, while Palestinians pay 26% of the total amount of tax paid in Jerusalem in both halves, in contrast, less than 5% of it is spent on Arab areas. In addition to many other practices, we mention the military cordon imposed on Jerusalem, according to which Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza are prevented from entering Jerusalem without obtaining a special permit from the Israeli civil-military administration, where fixed military checkpoints and checkpoints were erected at the entrances and crossings of Jerusalem, and under military orders, the number of Palestinians visiting the city was reduced to a minimum, as The Palestinian presence in Jerusalem, as it was able to isolate it and turn it into a small Palestinian Canton exposed to all pressures, not to mention the negative economic impact on the individual and economic institutions, except for the effects related to social and educational aspects, which have reached a minimum.

The site

area is in

acres of the

Old Town
( Al-Maghriba lane, al-Sharaf lane, Nabi Dawud lane, al-Midan district, AL-Sirian district).



Sheikh Jarrah, land of Samar, wad El GOZ, Khalat nuh



Beit Aksa, Lifta, Shuafat



Baher photos



Beit Jala, Beit Safafa, Sharafat



Beit Hanina



Qalandia, Beit Hanina



around the old fence



Beit Safafa



Beit Hanina



Beit Hanina, Hazma, Anata






Beit Sahour, Sur Baher



Beit safava



Jabal Abu Ghneim


may 91

Beit Hanina + Beit safava







Settlement and land confiscation:

Over the past decades, Israel has sought to complete its settlement plan aimed at taking full control of the city of Jerusalem, and has worked to achieve this by expanding the so-called borders of Jerusalem to the East and North, by annexing the settlement of "Maale Adumim", inhabited by about 35 thousand settlers, as the main settlement from the East, in addition to small military settlements such as Mishor, Adumim, Kadar, kfaat Benjamin" from the East, "the Prophet Jacob, kfaat ze'ev, and the French Hill, kfaat Hadasha, kfaat hardar" from the North.

The policy pursued by "Israel" led to a doubling of the number of settlers, and at the same time reduced the proportion of the Palestinian population, which constitutes a third of the population of Jerusalem, i.e. about 220 thousand people, including the annexed part of 380 thousand people, knowing that the number of settlers in the city of Jerusalem is equal to the number of settlers in the West Bank and Gaza Strip (180 thousand settlers). 

In practice, the annexation of the settlement of "Ma'ale Adumim" to the municipal borders added 35 thousand settlers to the number of settlers located in the settlement belt around Jerusalem, thus becoming more than 200 thousand settlers living within the municipal borders, in addition to the eastern settlements, which doubled the number to 400 thousand Jews in West Jerusalem.

According to the statistics of the land Research Center, the number of settlements in Jerusalem is 29, 14 of which are in the annexed part of Jerusalem, i.e. the so-called borders of East Jerusalem, and these settlements are spread in the Jerusalem governorate in the form of dense settlement communities that take a circular shape around the city and its suburbs represented by large settlement centers.

It is also noteworthy that the borders of the municipality (west Jerusalem) were officially expanded, but in practice 72 square kilometers were seized by various decisions and by restricting the urban expansion in Jerusalem and turning the areas into Israeli settlements, as happened with Jabal Abu Ghneim "harahmah settlement".

The consequences of the Jewish settlement in Jerusalem and its environs:

There is no doubt that the "Israeli" settlement operation in Jerusalem and its environs has significant effects on the Palestinian population, these effects can be summarized by the following points:

Confiscation of thousands of dunams of land belonging to villages on which settlements were built.

Encircling Palestinian residential communities and limiting their horizontal and vertical expansion to accommodate the natural growth of the Palestinian people.

The threat of removal of some Palestinian communities, especially those that oppose the implementation of the Israeli plan to integrate several settlements surrounding Jerusalem.

To keep the Palestinians of the city of Jerusalem and its suburbs in a state of fear and terror, permanently isolated from their people and homeland, through repeated attacks on them by heavily armed settlers protected by the Israeli police and Border Guards.

Isolating the city of Jerusalem and its suburbs from its Palestinian surroundings in the north, south and East.

Separating the north bank from its South, and controlling the movement of Palestinians between the North and south of the West Bank.

Severing the geographical connection between the parts of the West Bank and dividing it into scattered spots, thus preventing the establishment of a sovereign and contiguous Palestinian state geographically.

Distorting the magnificent urban style of ancient Jerusalem and the surrounding Palestinian villages, rooted in the depths of history, by introducing the modern urban style.

Jerusalem and the confiscation of land:

  • The Israeli occupation adopts a policy of confiscating land owned by the Palestinians in order to expand its settlements, thus tightening the noose on the Arab presence in the city of Jerusalem.over the past decades, thousands of dunams have been confiscated in Jerusalem and its surroundings and this policy is still followed by the occupation. In 2004, it was announced that 2,000 dunums of land were confiscated from the village of al-Walaja, south of Occupied Jerusalem, to establish 5,000 new settlement units on it, and a dangerous settlement plan was unveiled that swallows all the lands of Beit Iksa, northwest of Jerusalem, and the Israeli authorities notified Palestinian citizens to confiscate 14 thousand dunums of their village land to establish a new settlement on it. From now on, their village was limited to a thousand dunums, which is the classified area only, while the rest of the properties and lands were considered state property, to which the owners are prohibited from moving and working to cultivate and farm.
  • In the same context, the occupation took a series of steps in order to control the largest possible area of the territory of Jerusalem, since 1967, the then commander of the central region, Rehoboam ze'evi, in coordination with Moshe Dayan, the Israeli minister of war at the time, annexed the lands of 28 Palestinian villages and cities, and removed all Palestinian communities from the city limits.
  • In 1993, another stage of the Judaization of Jerusalem began, which was the drawing of new borders for the Greater Jerusalem (metropolitan) city, including territories with an area of 600 square kilometers or equivalent to 10% of the area of the West Bank, with the aim of regional and geographical communication between these settlements to establish full control over the city.
  • Settlement blocs around Jerusalem:
  • Gush Etzion block: consists of settlements: Alon shigot, Kfar Etzion, Mejdal UzA, Navi Daniel, gebaut, bat ayes, Rosh tzudim, Beitar Illit.
  • Ma'ale Adumim block: includes: Ma'ale Adumim, alamun, Givat Binyamin, Mishor Adumim, Alon, Neve brat, E1.
  • Modi'in block
  • The block of settlement blocs northwest of Jerusalem: Givat Zeev, Givot hadshah, haradam, and harshmuel.
  • As a result of the existence of these settlement blocs, as well as other measures taken by the Israeli authorities, the Palestinian communities in Jerusalem will turn into isolated areas from each other (ghettos) in exchange for Jewish settlement continuity.

Demographic changes in Jerusalem

The process of controlling the city of Jerusalem and isolating it from its demographic and geographical surroundings in the West Bank has two main dimensions: the first dimension concerns the geographical isolation of the city through the completion of the construction of settlement neighborhoods at the gates and entrances of the city, the latest of which was the Jabal Abu Ghneim neighborhood to close the south of the city and separate it from the city of Bethlehem, in addition to the decision of the eastern gate plan, which aims to Controlling the city from the north-eastern side by preventing any geographical communication between the Arab neighborhoods outside and inside the city, and limiting any geographical extension of these neighborhoods, in addition to the implementation of this plan is considered a prelude to connecting Ma'ale Adumim with the city of Jerusalem through planE1‎.‏

The second dimension is the isolation of the city from its Arab surroundings, which consists in isolating the city demographically through a long list of measures against the residents, which began by withdrawing identity cards from the residents of Jerusalem residing in its surroundings, and then the next step was to prevent the access of West Bank residents to the city through permits issued by the Israeli authorities They are permits valid for a maximum of 3 months(hearts newspaper 31/3/2005). ‏

Also, in July 2004, the Israeli government decided to apply the Absentee Property Law to properties and lands in East Jerusalem that belong to Palestinians living outside the city limits, and the decision allows the property custodian to confiscate these lands and sell them to Jewish entities, and after an uproar and the intervention of the United States of America and opposition to the decision, the legal adviser to the Israeli government issued a decision Nevertheless, the Ministry of Finance confiscated the land of Palestinians near the settlement of Gilo(Maarif newspaper 2/2/2005) (al-Quds newspaper 18/5/2005), except in special cases and after its ratification. All these measures and decisions, in addition to the closure of the PLO offices in Jerusalem in 2001, and the decision to demolish 88 houses in the Bustan neighborhood in Silwan, and more measures, including the preparation of a plan in 2005 to develop the unified city of Jerusalem and strengthen Israel's control over it, which is worth 280 million shekels, and this will make the city of Jerusalem attract tourists, investors and new residents(newspaper 2/6/2005), the construction of the apartheid wall also played a role in changing the geography of the city, and included Jewish settlements and empty lands so that an area of ( 234 square km) will be isolated inside the wall, which is 4.1% of the area of the West Bank, and includes in addition to east Jerusalem three major settlement communities containing 20 settlements, namely (Haaretz newspaper 12/4/2005):

- Adumim settlements are grouped and include (30,500 settlers) and control an area of (62 thousand dunums).‏

- The Kfar Etzion settlements cluster includes (37,700 settlers) controlling an area of (71 square km).‏

- The Gibeon settlements group includes (14,600 settlers) and controls an area of (31 square km).‏

Thus, about (100 thousand) Palestinians were expelled outside the city limits and deprived of their right to reside there, in addition to isolating the rest of the Palestinians living inside the city from their Palestinian surroundings, and preventing any Palestinian from reaching Jerusalem from the West Bank or the Gaza Strip.‏

The demographic danger of the Israeli settlement, as there was a penetration and disruption of the Arab population in the city of Jerusalem: - at the end of the mandate era, the population of the city of Jerusalem reached about (146,5 thousand), including ( 65 thousand) Arabs, and(99,5 thousand) Jews. - In 1922, about 40.7% of Jewish immigrants settled in the city of Jerusalem, that is, the population of the city of Jerusalem in 1922 was about 62 thousand people, including 28 thousand Arabs and 34 thousand Jews. - In 1930, about 30.1% of immigrants settled in the city of Jerusalem, that is, the population of the city of Jerusalem in 1930 was about 90 thousand people, including 39 thousand Arabs and 51 thousand Jews. - The population of the city of Jerusalem in 1944 amounted to about 157 thousand people, of which 60 thousand were Arabs and 97 thousand were Jews. According to British statistics. - The population of the Old City of Jerusalem in 1947 amounted to about 36 thousand people, of which 33,6 thousand were Arabs and 2,400 were Jews. (Rashad, P. 65) - after the annexation of the Arab section of the New Jerusalem, 39 thousand inhabitants, of whom 30 thousand were Arabs, and 9 thousand were Jews, as for the Jewish section, 89,5 thousand inhabitants, of whom 1500 were Arabs, and 88 thousand were Jews (Al-Arif, P.430). - Israeli minister of war Moshe Dayan ordered the demolition of the Maghrib neighborhood and part of the honor Lane and the Syrian lane, and deported about 1,000 Arabs to uncover the Wailing Wall, make a square in front of it, and build a Jewish neighborhood in place of the Arab neighborhood and housing about 600 Jewish families in it. - In 1968, the Jewish quarter was rebuilt to accommodate 270 Jewish families, so that Jews owned 84% of the Old Jerusalem real estate. - The expansion of settlements continued under the slogan "fattening Jerusalem" according to the statistics of the Israeli newspaper "Jerusalem", the population of Jerusalem in October 1990 amounted to 493 thousand, of which 71.7% were Jews (an article in the newspaper Jerusalem published its translation in the Jordanian constitution, 22/10/1990), and according to Reuters, even after 1967 and until 1989 the number of settlers in Jerusalem reached (290 thousand) settlers (al-Baath newspaper, 3/10/1990)

- As for the Al-Quds Al-Quds newspaper, in its issue issued on 12/7/1990, it indicated that East Jerusalem includes (210 thousand) inhabitants, of which (120 thousand) Jews out of a total (500 thousand) inhabitants are residents of Jerusalem.‏

- One study indicated that between 1967 and 1993, at least fifty thousand Palestinians emigrated or were displaced from Jerusalem, where these displaced persons were classified as follows: (16917) migrated outside the homeland, (12080) forced by difficult conditions and obstacles imposed by Israel, to look for places to live outside the borders The Jerusalem municipality, (12,500) live in the north of Jerusalem, an area considered outside the borders of the Jerusalem Municipality, and(7,630) people were outside Jerusalem during the 1967 war, and Israel did not recognize their right to live there.(Department of Jerusalem Affairs, P. 54)

According to the Center for Arab Studies in Jerusalem, the number of settlers in the Occupied Palestinian territories at the time of the signing of the "Oslo" agreement was (105 thousand) settlers, and in 2013, they reached about (600 thousand) settlers. The number of settlers in occupied East Jerusalem in the same year amounted to more than (200 thousand), a number approaching the number of Jerusalemites, which is (280 thousand). According to the same data on the natural growth rates of settlers in the West Bank, these rates are three times higher than the percentage of Jews in the Hebrew state, and more than the percentage of increase among Palestinians in the West Bank, where the growth rate in their ranks reached 5.8% in 2012, while the natural growth rate in Israel is 1.8%, and in The number of Palestinians is 2.9%, which is double the growth rate among Palestinians, which indicates the extent of the targeting of the territories of the West Bank and east Jerusalem.(Aggression, 2015)



  • The ghetto northeast of Jerusalem includes: Shuafat camp, Salam suburb, Anata and Hazma, and is inhabited by about 40 thousand people.
  • The ghetto north of Jerusalem: it includes the suburb of Al-post, and the town of Al-Ram is inhabited by about 60 thousand people.
  • The ghetto northwest of Jerusalem: it includes 14 villages with about 60 thousand inhabitants.
  • The ghetto southeast of Jerusalem: it includes the towns of Al-swahira, Abu Dis and Al-Eizariya, with a population of 60 thousand people.
  • Settlement communities within the expanded borders of the city of Jerusalem:
  • The Jewish Quarter inside the walls of the Old City: it was built on the ruins of honor Lane in 1968, where 116 dunums of land were confiscated, the number of settlers in the neighborhood is about 2800 settlers.
  • Neve Yaakov: it is located north of the city of Jerusalem, where 19,300 settlers live.
  • Ramot: it was established in 1972, and there are 37,200 settlers living in it.
  • Gilo: the largest settlement located in the southwestern part of Jerusalem, founded in 1972 on an area of 2,700 dunums.
  • Eastern Talpiot: it was established in 1974, on an area of 2240 dunums, and about 15,000 settlers live in it.
  • Maalot Dafna: with an area of 1389 dunums, it was established in 1973, and 4700 settlers live in it.
  • The Hebrew University was established in 1924 on the lands of the village of Issawiya, and it was expanded at intervals until its structural plan area reached 740 dunums, and about 2,500 residents live there.
  • Rikhs Shu'fat "Ramat Shlomo": its structural plan area is 1198 dunums, and its construction was started in 1990.
  • Ramat Eshkol and Jabat hamavtar: it has an area of about 397 dunums, and 6,600 inhabitants live in it.
  • These two colonies were established on an area of 3800 dunums of the land of the villages of Beit Hanina, Hizma, Anata, and about 35 thousand settlers lived there until 1998.
  • Atroot "industrial zone": an area of about 1200 dunums, the lands of which were confiscated in 1970.
  • Jabat Hamatos: an area of about 170 dunums, the land belongs to the residents of the village of Beit safaqa.
  • Jabal Abu Ghneim colony (harahmah): with an area of 2058 dunums, its lands were confiscated from the Arab villages of Sur Baher, Umm Tuba, Beit Sahour.
  • French Hill: built on the territory of the villages of "Lifta and Shu'fat", with an area of 822 dunums, and about 12,000 settlers live in it
  • Mamilla project "David's village": it was built on an area of 130 dunums.

Changing the geographical map of Jerusalem

- On 30/1/1948, a ceasefire was signed, and the city of Jerusalem was divided as follows: 2,220 dunums, about 11.48% of the city's area is under Jordanian sovereignty, 16,264 dunums are under Israeli sovereignty, equivalent to 84.12% of the city's area, and 850 dunums, equivalent to 4% of its total area is an international zone.‏

- In the Fifties and sixties, East Jerusalem expanded northwards towards Qalandia, and eastwards towards Abu Dis and Eizariya.‏

- The area of the city of Jerusalem was expanded in 1952, after the approval of the Jordanian government, to reach about 6,500 dunums, of which only 3,000 dunums were built, after the village of Silwan, Ras al-Amud, Sawana, Samar land and the southern part of Shuafat were annexed to it. (Decoding, without)

- In 1967, the Israeli Interior Minister (Moshe Shapira) decided to annex east Jerusalem and unify the city, where its borders were expanded 9 km north to Qalandia , and 10 km south to Sur Baher, with the removal of many Arab communities outside the city limits, the area of East Jerusalem expanded from 6,5 square km to 70,5 square km to become the area of Jerusalem The total area is 108 square kilometers. As for occupied East Jerusalem, after 18 days of its occupation on 28/6/1967, the Israeli government issued a decree based on the law on power and judicial systems of 1948, according to which the "law of the state, its judiciary and administration" applies to an area of 170 thousand dunums that includes the Old City in addition to the surrounding areas, and the Israeli Interior Minister issued an announcement in the Official Gazette The expanded Jerusalem area is under the jurisdiction of the Greater Jerusalem municipal council. With this, Occupied Jerusalem and its subsequent expansion into the state of Israel were annexed politically, administratively and judicially without being subjected to the forces of the occupation army or the Israeli military governor of the occupied territories.(Slave, without)

Following the June 1967 war, Israeli settlement began in the Old City, so Jewish families began to create new realities, similar to the settlers, by laying hands or renting houses abandoned by the war, but the Palestinian residents realized the goals of the Jews to pave the way for the Judaization of Jerusalem, so many of them refrained from renting houses or disposing of the houses abandoned by their owners, but the Zionists Until 1970, the Israeli government began confiscating Arab lands in preparation for the establishment of housing units for these immigrants(Fayyad, P. 223). in April 1968, the Israeli government, by a decision of the then Minister of economy, confiscated 116 dunums inside the Old City, under the pretext of restoring and developing the Jewish Quarter, and the Jewish community was established in A new neighborhood on the ruins of the Moroccan and honor neighborhoods, named harafa hayhudi, and inhabited by about 600 families ranging from 3,500 - 5,000 people, and the neighborhood expanded to talk today about a Jewish neighborhood in the middle of the Islamic neighborhood in Jerusalem.(Al-Hayat newspaper, London, 13/2/1990)

In 1971, Shmuel Namir presented a project before the Knesset called the "Greater Jerusalem" project to include, in addition to Jerusalem, three cities and twenty-seven Palestinian villages, and the cities are Bethlehem, Beit Jala, Beit Sahour, and the Israelis returned to talk about this project in 1974, and it can be extrapolated indicators of settlement activity to say that this project is a limitation The occupation authorities aim to grant this settlement activity the status of measures applied in the territories annexed to the Israeli entity, and the culmination of the Israeli laws related to Jerusalem was the Knesset's declaration of Jerusalem as the "eternal capital of Israel" on July 30, 1980. (Warrior, P. 106)

This announcement came when the Israeli Knesset approved the Basic Law : Jerusalem, which was considered as the final legal annexation of Jerusalem after it was consolidated through settlement and seizure of public and private land and property and the expansion of the area of East Jerusalem, in the so-called Greater Jerusalem, and in parallel with the Judaizing settlement activities in Jerusalem, the Israeli occupation authorities In the nineties, a policy of forcibly deporting Palestinians to residents of East Jerusalem was applied, through various means, including laws, regulations, judicial rulings and administrative tactics, which caused thousands of them to lose their right to reside in the city.(Slave, without)

- In 1974, a commercial center was established in the middle of the Arab part with an area of 2,700 dunums, extending from the Mamilla cemetery to the municipal hospital, from the railway station in the South, Jaffa Road in the north, the Jerusalem wall and Wadi al-Joz in the East(Al-Khatib, P. 59)

- The occupation also built a residential neighborhood named (Shapira neighborhood) and a settlement complex on top of Mount Scopus, the "outskirts" of the Hebrew University, and linked it to Jerusalem.‏

- Construction of the Ramat Eshkol settlement in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood.‏

- The construction of the settlement of Maale defna north of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, and the construction of a settlement neighborhood, university buildings and ministries on the Mount of Olives from the eastern side of Jerusalem.‏

I tried to organizations settlement payment of the Patriarchs to the sale of church property; to make a settlement which is an example: case (MGR Shah name) to Armenian party who tried smelting help him elected patriarch of an Armenian based on the relationship between them, and is therefore to facilitate the operations of the potential sale of the property in the Armenian Quarter( October-Dimashqi, and 3/7/1990) , And takeovers are conducted under various names, were you religious groups, Jewish, backed by Likud, all Sharon when he was in office, minister of Housing Minister of infrastructure in the government of Netanyahu, who is himself the seizure of Real Estate Old Town residence, and this activity in accordance with the agreements held by the Likud with the religious parties small and formed with the government of Shamir in 1990, and held 14,000 housing units in the Arab neighborhood in Jerusalem under these conventions, and this neighborhood with the end of the current decade, The Sharon government support of religious communities the money and the power to wield the Arabian Property, whether Islamic or Christian example is the case of "the monastery of Saint John" and "stop Khalili" which was held by the embassy of the United States according to the agreement concluded with the government of Israel, the House of screaming about "the monastery of Saint John" the payment of the Ministry of the two Israeli to detect a scam in the procurement process across the Company, "reason" received from the Ministry of Sharon amount of $ 10 million and the company's " Panama," says the same thing, these companies operate with the support of a financial expert Jew named(Avraham doek)And enables the settlers of the recent takeover of 44 properties in the neighborhood, Islamic, close to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the home of Zionism" dis Cohanim" lost control of the 40 homes in the neighborhood, Islamic, national and 40 Jewish family in it(ibid.).‏

Radical Jewish religious groups acted as a solid nucleus for Jewish settlement in the Old City, the most famous of these groups are (Abu Hasna, P. 43):

- Attara lyoshna: after 1967, her active role emerged in the seizure of real estate in the Islamic quarter, with the aim of linking the Jewish Quarter and the settlement communities in Bab al-Silsila, Aqaba Al-Khalidiya, Aqaba al-Saraya, and wad Street.‏

- Aterot Kohanim: this group split from the previous one for the same purpose.‏

- Shuvo Benim School (return, sons): it emerged in 1982, and its goal is the same as the previous one.‏

In 1990, atirot seized two houses in the Islamic neighborhood with the support of the government of Ariel Sharon, but the owners of the two houses filed a complaint, but the Municipal Court in Jerusalem allowed the settlers to stay in the houses on the grounds that the ownership of the two properties was not clear ( An-Nahar al-birotiya, 9/3/1991). ‏

- In 1990, the expansion towards the West came to accommodate the Jewish communities and the area of the city became 123 square kilometers. (Haaretz, 29/3/1991).‏

- The Israeli newspaper "Haaretz" reported on 10/4/1991 that Sharon granted the aterot Cohanim organization about 30 dunums planted with olive trees from Jerusalem lands to expand the outpost it established in the Jewish Quarter, and the organization also seized 4 shops in Bab al-chain, confiscated from their Palestinian owners in 1969 and remained closed( Haaretz, 29/3/1991).‏

- He mentioned that the Madrid Conference accelerated the completion of the plans for the "development of Ma'ale Adumim" within the scheme of fattening existing settlements " as well as the plan for the creation of new neighborhoods in practice, in early 1992, the foundation stone was laid for the neighborhood (Jabat majdim) in the Khan al-Ahmar area, and this neighborhood will be built on an area of 550 dunums of confiscated land and will include 1100 Housing Units For those about to get married.‏

- After the signing of the "Oslo" agreement of 1993, the Israelis confiscated (275 dunums) of Anata lands and the confiscation continued until it included two thirds of the area of the village (30573 dunums) from Khan al-Ahmar east to Shuafat West, the village of Hazma and Deir dabwan north to Issawiya south to establish a base (anatut military base on an area of 2000 dunums), and the settlement of Alon And part of the settlement of Kfar Adumim(10397 dunums), and the settlement of besfat Omer – besfat Zeev)(Abu Hasna,, P.66).‏

- Also in 1993, the lands of 4 villages northwest of Jerusalem towards Al-Ram were confiscated ( Bir Nabala, Al-jib, Beit Hanina, Nabi Samuel) in order to establish green areas.‏

- Also in 1993, intensive work was carried out in the Greater Jerusalem area to convert large areas into a nature reserve, to deprive Palestinians of building on them, namely the areas of the Prophet Samuel (plan 107/51), the Prophet Yanun (Project No. 15/51), the Wadi tekua Reserve (51/56), the gab Al-qouk Reserve(63/51), the ranah Reserve (51/58), the Sheikh Abu Lamon(43/51), and the Reserve El Salvador Knights(51/58).‏

- In 1995, settlement activity accelerated after the signing of "Oslo", despite the announcement of a freeze on settlement construction, which was nothing but evasion and fraud, and the Israelis began to call the expression "Greater Jerusalem", and the newspaper (Yedioth Ahronoth) published a new map (of Greater Jerusalem) expanding to a diameter of (23 km), equivalent to 10_15% of the area of the West Bank(Grace, P.33).‏

- In 1996, the Israeli government began building a Jewish neighborhood in the area of Bab al-Amud, the settlement (harhoma) and it was said that the city of David would be rebuilt, under the implementation of the Jewish National Fund) under the pretext of owning real estate that would be transferred for the benefit of the settlement( Quds Press Agency, 17/7/1996).‏

- In 2009, a decision was issued to demolish 88 properties, but Palestinian citizens protested in the alistan neighborhood, and a settlement was put forward to demolish only 29 properties.‏

- At the beginning of 2011, the policy of emptying Bedouin communities east of Jerusalem began, in order to complete the construction of the apartheid wall, and during 2012-2013, the army continued the policy of unloading and pushing them to migrate to the northwestحا and the army demolished 16 facilities for ignorant Arabs in North Jerusalem‎ ‎( Jerusalem lands Research Center).‏

- The Nof Zion project began as an investment of the "degal" company to establish an upscale suburb for the wealthy on the northern slope of Mount Mukaber facing the Old City, the project remained stalled until 2011, but work resumed on the second phase in 2013, and the same year the Jerusalem Development Company (Moria) began to build Road No. 50 aimed at securing the colonies and the Jewish center It also carried out a cable car project south of the Old City in order to attract Jewish tourists to the Al-Buraq Wall area and the Jewish Quarter.‏

- Israeli bulldozers also built Road No. (21) in the area of the atirot colony to enhance the population attraction of this colony and continued until this year 2015. (Previous reference).‏

Semi-official Palestinian data revealed last month that the total settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem amounted to 503 settlements for the current year, 2014, and that the number of settlers in these settlements exceeds one million. Finally, data published by the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics showed that new Israeli settlement construction increased in the West Bank in 2013 by 71.23% compared to the previous year. According to these data, Israel has started building two thousand and 534 housing units in the West Bank, compared to 133 thousand units in 2012. On the other hand, there was a significant 19% decrease in the number of housing units constructed in Tel Aviv. Jerusalem saw a 3.4% increase in the number of units(Adwan, 2015).‏



  • The displacement of Palestinians and the withdrawal of their identities:
  • The policy of displacing Palestinians from the city of Jerusalem is one of the means adopted by the Israeli occupying state in order to create a new reality in which Jews are the predominant percentage in the city of Jerusalem, and successive governments of the occupying state have developed evil plans for this, we can see this by:
  • The statements made by former prime minister Ariel Sharon on the occasion of the thirty-eighth anniversary of the occupation of Jerusalem in 1967, in which he continued to lie by declaring that Jerusalem belongs to Israel and that it will no longer be the property of foreigners.
  • Shimon Peres announced the need for mass displacement of Palestinians from the city of Jerusalem, whose number is estimated at about 240 thousand citizens.
  • A statement issued by the Council of Ministers of the occupying state entitled "Jerusalem Development Plan" includes the implementation of a new settlement plan that includes the demolition of 68 Palestinian homes and the displacement of 200 families from its residents in the Al-Bustan neighborhood in the town of Silwan.
  • It also includes the activation of extremist Jewish organizations to attract money from wealthy American Jews, to buy property in Jerusalem in dubious deals.
  • The draft resolution of the US Senate, which requires the recognition of the city of Jerusalem as the unified capital of Israel, in exchange for recognizing the future Palestinian state, with these measures the occupying state is desperately trying to impose a fait accompli on the ground, and to bring the issue of Jerusalem to this dangerous stage, and these measures constitute a flagrant violation of resolutions and international The occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip, within the Arab territories occupied in 1967.
  • This requires the return of Israel to its borders, which was also covered by Bush's vision, the road map and the Arab initiative.
  • Withdrawal of Israeli IDs from the Arab population of Jerusalem:
  • Successive Israeli governments have worked to implement the recommendation of the Israeli Ministerial Committee for Jerusalem affairs of 1973, headed by Golda Meir, which stipulates that the number of Palestinian residents in Jerusalem should not exceed 22% of the general hunger of the population, in order to disrupt the demographic balance in the city, so the occupation authorities have resorted to using many methods to implement this commandment, which The last one was the withdrawal of IDs from the Arab population in Jerusalem, but despite the authorities withdrawing IDs from more than five thousand Jerusalemite families, Palestinians make up about 35% of the total population within the city limits, as a result of the return of thousands of Jerusalemites to live within the borders of Jerusalem.
  • The bias of the US position towards Israel on Jerusalem:
  • Within the framework of American support for the Israeli occupation state, the White House and the State Department are trying hard to impose a fait accompli policy on the city of Jerusalem as the unified capital of the state of "Israel", and this is evidenced by a number of steps that have been taken, the most important of which are:
  • The American-Israeli Public Relations Committee (AIPAC), one of the Israeli lobby groups in the United States, successfully pushed a congressman to submit a draft resolution demanding the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel that does not accept partition.
  • The bill introduced by Senator broadenbach on 19/4/5200 includes the following:
  • A bill is being circulated in the Senate (Congress), calling for the recognition of Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel 180 days before the United States recognizes the Palestinian state.
  • Legislation of the US Congress on Jerusalem:
  • In order to provide for the recognition of Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel before the recognition by the United States of the Palestinian state and for other purposes, the US Senate (Congress) decides:
  • The first part: this joint legislation can be called The Jerusalem legislation.
  • Part II: the Congress reached the following conclusions:
  • - Jerusalem has been the capital of the Jewish people for more than 3 thousand years.
  • - Jerusalem has never been the capital of any state other than the Jewish people.
  • - Jerusalem is central to Judaism, it is mentioned in the Bible of the Jews– 766 times.
  • - It is not mentioned by name in the Quran.
  • - Jerusalem is the seat of the Israeli government, including the president, parliament and the Supreme Court.
  • - The law of the United States of America states that the policy of the United States is that Jerusalem should be the undivided capital of Israel.
  • Each sovereign state has the right to determine its capital.
  • - Israel is the only country where the United States does not have an embassy in the declared capital city, and does not recognize the city as the capital.
  • - The citizens of Israel should be allowed freedom of worship according to their traditions.
  • - Israel supports religious freedom of all beliefs.
  • - The relocation of the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem reflects the United States ' continued support for Israel and for an undivided Jerusalem.
  • The third part:
  • The location of the U.S. Embassy in Israel, from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem will be moved no more than 180 days before the recognition of the Palestinian state.
  • The fourth part:
  • Recognition of undivided Jerusalem as the capital of Israel: the United States will not recognize the Palestinian state until the international community resolves the status of Jerusalem and recognizes the city as the undivided capital of Israel.
  • The fifth part:
  • The position of the Congress on freedom of worship: the position of the Congress is that the citizens of Israel should be allowed, as a fundamental human right recognized by the United States and the UN General Assembly Resolution No. 181 of November 29, 1947, to worship freely and in accordance with their traditions.
  • Issuing laws: "law on organization and planning":
  • One of the innovative methods of the occupation authorities in order to Judaize the city of Jerusalem was the issuance of the so-called Organization and planning law, which resulted in a set of complex and impossible administrative and legal steps in the areas of licensing and construction, so that this led to the conversion of more than 40% of the area of Jerusalem to green areas In Jabal Abu Ghneim, these measures have prompted an exodus of Arab residents from Jerusalem to the surrounding neighborhoods of the city, due to the ease of construction and costs.
  • In 1993, another stage of the Judaization of Jerusalem began, which was the drawing of new borders for the Metropolitan City (Greater Jerusalem), including an area of 600 km2, or equivalent to 10% of the area of the West Bank, to begin a new episode of the establishment of settlements outside the city limits, its main goal is the territorial and geographical communication between those settlements To take full control of the city of Jerusalem.
  • Control of Education:
  • Since August 1967, two months after the fall of the city of Jerusalem, the government of the Israeli entity has taken a number of decisions related to the education sector in the city of Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank. With regard to Jerusalem, it decided to permanently cancel the Jordanian educational programs that were previously applied in the city's schools and replace them with the educational programs applied in Arab schools in the occupied territories in 1948. However, this arbitrary measure was not applied to the rest of the occupied West Bank cities, but Jordanian educational programs, curricula and books were retained there after imposing amendments on a number of books on Islamic education, history and geography.this was a clear sign of the deliberate distinction of the occupation authorities against the city of Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank cities.
  • These authorities also sought to impose the Israeli educational program gradually, while tightening the noose on private (private) schools by issuing the "law on supervision of schools No. 5729 of 1969, which included full supervision of all schools, including private schools for religious communities in addition to private private schools.
  • It also imposed on these schools and the educational system to obtain Israeli licenses that allow them to continue to carry out their activities, as well as to supervise the education programs and sources of funding for these schools. In this context, she deliberately distorted the facts contained in the curricula approved by her, including insulting our true religion, the prophets and apostles, and the Arab-Islamic Civilization, falsifying historical facts, obliterating the material of the Islamic faith and distorting it.she believed that Islam is "just a spiritual education" and that the history of Islam is a history of strife and disasters, and tried to convince students of Israeli ideas. She worked on the omission of the surahs talking about the children of Israel, corruption in the land or surahs and verses urging fighting and jihad and replacing them with the teaching of the Torah and"Jewish mythology".
  • In the subject of Arabic literature, the study of Arabic poetry was absent in the part about the Arab championships and Palestine and the adoption of special materials on the so-called Israeli literature, such as Israeli stories and novels about the Holocaust and others.
  • As for the history subject, the approved curriculum was divided by allocating half of the curricula to Arab history as written and seen by Israeli historians, and the other half was devoted to Hebrew and Jewish history.
  • Judaization of Palestinian site names:
  • The Israeli government has been working for more than 120 years (1878) to erase the names of Palestinian villages and cities and their"Hebrew", and this became official in 1922, when the Jewish Agency formed a Names Committee to name new settlements and old villages...From that date until 1948, the names of 216 sites were changed. In the first three years of the Nakba, a government committee decided to change the names of another 194 sites. In the following two years (1951-1953), after the committee was attached to the prime minister's office and joined by 24 leading scholars of history and Torah, 560 names were changed, and the attempts are still valid today.
  • At least 7,000 names of Palestinian sites, as well as historical names, geographical locations (more than 5,000 sites) and more than 1,000 settlements have been "Judaized". To complete her Judaization project, she replaced the names of the Arab areas with Israeli names, confirming this in the educational curricula, to consolidate these names in the minds of young Arabs. The names of the main Palestinian cities were changed from Arabic to Hebrew and became as follows:
  • Nablus: Shechem means in Hebrew Najd.
  • Hebron: Hebron means difficult.
  • Bethlehem: Beit lakhm means House of bread.
  • Jerusalem: Jerusalem.
  • The Israeli government has worked to change the names of the historical gates of Jerusalem in order to Judaize them, as shown in the following table:


The historical Arabic NameThe

Hebrew name after the Judaization

of the gate of Hebron

is vacant Yafo (Jaffa).

 The iron door

is vacant.

 The door of the column (Damascus)

is vacant.

 The door of Zahira (watchful)

is vacant for horodos.

 The door of Stana Maryam

is vacant Harion (black).

 The door

of the Maghrib is vacant (waste).

 The door of Mercy

is empty.

 The door of the Prophet David

is vacant in tencion (Zion

Statistical indicators on the Judaization of Jerusalem

According to the al-Maqdisi Foundation, since 2000 to 2012, about 1,124 buildings have been demolished in East Jerusalem (that part of the Al-Quds governorate that was forcibly annexed by Israel shortly after its occupation of the West Bank in 1967).  This resulted in the displacement of approximately 4,966 people,including 2,586 children and 1,311 women, and it is noteworthy that the total losses incurred by the Palestinians as a result of the demolitions of their buildings in Jerusalem have reached about three million dollars, not including the huge amounts of financial violations imposed on the so-called construction violations. According to data from Israeli human rights institutions, the occupation authorities have demolished about 25 thousand homes in Palestine since 1967.

  • The data indicate the increasing frequency of self-demolition of houses since 2000, where the occupation authorities forced 303 citizens to demolish their homes with their own hands, and the year 2010 witnessed the highest rate of self-demolition, which amounted to 70 demolitions, in 2009 it reached 49 demolitions, and in 2011 there are 20 documented self-demolition, while 14 recorded It was self-demolished in 2012. 
  • It should be noted that there are many cases of self-destruction that the population keeps secret and does not inform the media, human rights institutions and civil society institutions about them, according to al-Maqdisi Foundation.  While Palestinians make up 30% of the population in Jerusalem, they pay 40% of the taxes collected by the occupation municipality, in contrast, the municipality spends only 8% on the services it provides to them.

Half of the settlers live in the Jerusalem governorate

At the end of 2012, the number of Israeli colonial outposts and military bases in the West Bank reached 482, while the number of settlers in the West Bank reached 536,932 by the end of 2011. It is clear from the data that 49.8% of the settlers live in Al-Quds governorate, where their number is about 267,643, including 199,647 in East Jerusalem, and the ratio of settlers to Palestinians in the West Bank is about 21 settlers for every 100 Palestinians, while the highest in Al-Quds governorate is about 68 settlers for every 100 Palestinians.

The annexation and expansion wall deprives more than 50 thousand holders of the Jerusalem identity from residing in the city of Jerusalem:

It is expected that the length of the annexation and expansion wall, based on the data of the Arij Institute for Applied Research, will reach about 780 km, of which 61% is completed, and estimates according to the route of the wall indicate that the area of the isolated and besieged Palestinian territories between the wall and the green line amounted to about 680 km2 in 2012, which is about 12.0% of the area of the West Bank, including about 454 km2 are agricultural lands, pastures and open areas, 117 km2 are used as colonies and military bases, 89 km2 are forests, in addition to 20 km2 of Palestinian built-up land.

The wall permanently isolates about 37 communities inhabited by more than three hundred thousand people, most of the communities are concentrated in Jerusalem with 24 communities inhabited by more than a quarter of a million people, and the wall also deprived more than 50 thousand holders of Jerusalem identity of access and residence in Jerusalem, in addition, the wall besieges 173 communities inhabited by more than 850 thousand The city of Qalqilya is one example of this.


  • Margins
  • 1-Najib Al-Ahmad. The Judaization of Jerusalem.- Beirut: Palestine Liberation Organization, National Guidance and Information Department, (?)198).
  • 2-Samir Grace. Jerusalem - the Zionist plans.- Beirut: foundation for Palestine Studies, 1981, p.42.
  • 3-the previous source, P. 43.
  • 4-Walid Mustafa. Towards a Palestinian strategy towards Jerusalem-Bir Zeit: Center for Community Studies and documentation, 1998, p.383.
  • 5-Grace. A source already mentioned, P. 52.
  • 6-the previous source, P. 58.
  • 7-the previous source.
  • 8-the previous source.
  • 9-the previous source.
  • 10-my boyfriend is thinking. Geographical and demographic settlement and its dangers in the issue of Jerusalem( study not yet published).
  • 11-Mohammed Abdullah Jaradat. "Migration from the city of Jerusalem" in:towards a Palestinian strategy towards Jerusalem.- Birzeit: Center for studies and documentation of society,1998, p. 300.
  • 12-the previous source. P300.
  • 13-the previous source.P303.
  • 14-think. A source already mentioned.
  • 15-locusts. Previous source, P. 301.
  • 16-the previous source.
  • 17-Walid Mustafa. A source already mentioned, P. 384.
  • 18-the figures were taken from the following sources:
  • - Grace.A source already mentioned, P. 75. 
  • 19-think about it. A source already mentioned.
  • 20-Majid Zubaidi."The policy of the Israeli occupation authority against the citizens of Jerusalem," council Magazine, December 20, 2000, p. 142.
  • - The study is also published on the website
  • 21-the previous source.
  • 22-the previous source.
  • 23-think about it. A source already mentioned.
  • 24-Zubaidi. A source already mentioned, P. 143.
  • 25-summary of a report prepared by the B'tselem organizations"Israeli Information Center for Human Rights" and "center for the defense of individual rights in Israel".Journal of Palestinian Studies, No. 31, summer 1997, pp. 127 – P.132.
  • 26-Zubaidi. A source already mentioned.
  • 27-Abdul Rahman Abu Arafa."Jerusalem is a new formation of the city": Samad the Economist, No. 26, 1986, p.90.
  • 28-think about it. A source already mentioned.
  • 29-the previous source.
  • 30-Walid Mustafa. A source already mentioned, P.387.