
After seven years of negotiations, the Palestinians were surprised and shocked by the Israeli ideas and rejected them immediately upon hearing them, which were put forward by Ehud Barak, the president of the Israeli government, as the basic lines of the proposed agreement to end the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, especially what was reported on the issue of Jerusalem on July 23, 2000. the capital will be the city of Jerusalem, which will include Abu Dis and Eizariya, certain sovereignty in remote neighborhoods and a sovereign corridor to the area of the Grand Mosque, and in the inner neighborhoods, such as the Revolutionary neighborhood, will be granted symbolic sovereignty, while the rest of the inner neighborhoods will be administered under a “neighborhood administration”, under the sovereignty of Israel, and subject to the municipality of Yerushalayim, there will be a connection of these neighborhoods with the municipality of Jerusalem In the field of education, for example.

As for the Old City, a special regime will be imposed, perhaps a separate one, and Arafat will be allocated a specific area under Palestinian control in the Islamic quarter adjacent to the area of the grand mosque, but the area of the Grand Mosque itself will remain under Israeli sovereignty and the right to pray will be granted to Jews and the Palestinians there will be given the right of “guarding” provided that they commit not to carry out any excavations there.

As for the settlers: 80% of them will be integrated into settlement blocs within reasonable border lines, and they will be annexed to Israel forever as part of the permanent border demarcation process, in addition to security arrangements in the Jordan Valley and the West Bank,” he said .

Summary of President Clinton's proposals :
1-the issue of Jerusalem can be resolved by making Arab neighborhoods Palestinian and Jewish neighborhoods Israeli.
2-an effort can be made for demographic communication between these neighborhoods
3-for the Temple Mount / Haram al-Sharif area, the main point is to respect all religions
There are two options and both are under international control:
The first is to propose Palestinian sovereignty on the surface of the Temple Mount/ Haram al-Sharif, and Israeli sovereignty on the Wailing Wall (the wall of lightning), including the "Holy Basin", which is part of it, and the parties should commit not to conduct excavations under the Temple Mount / Haram al-Sharif yard behind the Wailing Wall (the wall of lightning).

The second alternative proposes Palestinian sovereignty on the surface of the Temple Mount /Haram al-Sharif and Israeli sovereignty on the Western Wall, in addition to procedural (executive) sovereignty over excavations under and behind the Temple Mount / Haram al-Sharif and the Western Wall, and that a prior agreement must be completed to conduct the necessary excavations.

The Second Intifada and the siege :
On September 28, 2000, Likud party leader Ariel Sharon made a provocative “visit” to the Holy Temple Mount under the guard of thousands of security forces deployed in and around the holy city and clashed with the protest and opposition of Palestinians, which developed into the beginning of another chapter of the Palestinian resistance against the Israeli occupation and its policies and practices, especially in Jerusalem, this chapter was known as the intifada of 2000 or “Al-Aqsa Intifada” and with Ariel Sharon assuming the presidency of the government in Israel, Israeli military, settlement and governmental practices led to “a second Palestinian Nakba” exceeded in its pain, tragedy and losses the Nakba of a year .1948

The Israeli military machine reoccupied all cities and villages and liquidated the institutions of the Palestinian Authority. 42% of the West Bank (excluding Jerusalem, the No Man's land area and the Dead Sea) is under the effective control of the settlements, which amounted to (142) settlements comprising about 415,383 settlers, of which 223,119 in the West Bank, 184,589 in East Jerusalem and 7,595 in the Gaza Strip, and during one year from June 2003 to June, 2004 the number of settlers increased by 5,32%, about 12,306 settlers, that is, the total became 245,000 a settler. More than 3,577 Palestinians have been killed and about 28,457 injured, and most of the national institutions, especially in Jerusalem, have been closed. Israel has initiated the construction of an 8-meter-high” wall “with a length of 832 kilometers, representing twice the length of the” Green Line “and will” practically " include about (47,6%) of the occupied territories and besiege 1% (10), i.e. 249,000 West Bank citizens (about 2 between the wall and the Green Line, and about (13,8%) 329,000 Palestinians will be deprived of their lands.

The order was condemned by the International Court of justice in The Hague in 2004/7/9 and considered it contrary to international laws and must be removed. Israel has begun the construction of a” wall " on the borders of the city of East Jerusalem, in the South, North and East, as well as within the municipal borders and besieging Palestinian neighborhoods. 141 kilometers to isolate it from inthe South: a 2-length wall was erected in Bethlehem, Beit Sahour, Beit Jala, the Dheisheh, Aida and Beit Jibrin camps. In the north, it built an 8-kilometer wall and confiscated about 800 dunums. In the East, it erected a 2-kilometer-long wall from a planned 18-kilometer-long wall. The areas of birnbala, Gedera, the enclave, the old Beit Hanina, will become a closed and besieged “ghetto”.

In addition to the isolation of East Jerusalem from the West Bank and its blockade, about 5% of the West Bank territory in and around Jerusalem will be effectively annexed to Israel, while about 15,000 Jerusalemites in the Qalandia and Kafr Aqab areas will be deprived of their Jerusalem citizenship.