General Assembly resolutions

This resolution was passed by the UN General Assembly on November 29, 1947 and is known as the"partition law", which approved the division of the Palestinian territory into an Arab state and a Jewish state, while placing Jerusalem, Bethlehem and neighboring territories under international trusteeship.

This resolution was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1949 following the 1948 war, the first of the Arab-Israeli wars. The resolution confirmed that the General Assembly does not recognize Israel's declaration of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

It was issued on the Fourth of July 1967, in which the General Assembly regrets Israel's decision to apply Israeli law to east Jerusalem, and considers it illegal.

It was issued on October 28, 1981, and considers that any changes in the Jerusalem area are illegal, against international law, and that such actions are an obstacle to achieving a just and comprehensive peace.

It was issued on February 28, 2001, and calls on Israel to provide the necessary facilities to the special committee to investigate Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Palestinian territories, including Jerusalem.

Issued on the eighth of December 2003, the General Assembly requested the International Court of justice to issue urgently an advisory opinion on the construction of the wall in the Palestinian territories and around East Jerusalem, outlining the rules and principles of international law in this regard.

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Issued on January 18, 2006, the General Assembly requested the special committee to investigate Israeli practices affecting human rights to continue its work until the Israeli occupation is completely ended.

It was issued on the ninth of December 2015, condemning settlement activities in the Occupied Palestinian territories, the expansion of settlements in and around occupied East Jerusalem, and condemning Israel's continued illegal construction of the wall.

It was issued on the sixth of December 2016, and contains the confirmation that the Geneva Convention relative to the protection of civilian persons in time of war of August 12, 1949, applies to the Occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem.