Al-Aqsa mosque fire

The fire of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in 1969 was one of many attacks on the Al-Aqsa Mosque throughout its history, especially after the British Mandate in 1917 and the brutal Zionist occupation in 1967.


The attack on the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque occurred by burning it on 1969/8/21, and the perpetrator was a Jewish extremist from Australia named Dennis Michael Rohan), where he sneaked into the blessed Al-Aqsa mosque through the door of the Moroccans, whose keys had been confiscated by the occupation forces since the occupation in 1967, then sneaked inside the tribal mosque and set fire to three places with highly flammable chemicals and the flames were concentrated in three main points mihrab, the tribal facade of the tribal mosque, the eastern Portico, the southern corner of Therefore, the burning of the entire tribal mosque was intended as a prelude to the flames getting out of control and burning the area of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque Completely.


When Muslims were alerted to the fire, everyone collapsed to extinguish the fire, and the fire services were called from Ramallah, Hebron, Nablus and Bethlehem, in addition to the fire brigade of the Jerusalem municipality (belonging to the occupation authorities), and all the fire trucks arrived even from Hebron before the fire trucks of the Jerusalem municipality arrived..!! These suspicions were confirmed by the fact that Muslims in Al-Aqsa were surprised that the water was cut off from the entire area of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque (by the municipality, forcing everyone to use barrels to fill water from their homes and use dirt and everything their hands reached to extinguish the fires...!!


After the end of the fire, the sad picture of what happened to the tribal mosque, which is the main chapel of the blessed Al - Aqsa Mosque, became clear, as the roof of the eastern Portico of the mosque fell completely and the marble on the tribal facade and the mihrab melted and the dome also collapsed after it suffered significant damage, especially in its lower parts, and the historical pulpit built by the Just King Nur al - Din Mahmoud and brought by Sultan Nasser Salah al-Din from Aleppo burned down, and only small pieces of wood remained from it that are currently in the Islamic Museum in the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The perpetrator, who confessed to his creation and claimed that he carried out this attack in fulfillment of a biblical prophecy found in the book of Zechariah, was already arrested, and later it turned out, as some researchers stated, that he had emigrated to Palestine from Australia and trained in kibbutzim for two years. But the court surprised the whole world when it claimed that this extremist was mentally ill and released him..!!

As for the Islamic reaction, it was unfortunately weak and did not exceed the condemnation, condemnation and statements that followed the establishment of the organization of the Islamic Conference..!!! This led Golda Meir, the Israeli prime minister at the time, to declare that the day of the Al-Aqsa mosque fire was the worst day of her life and at the same time the happiest day of her life....!! It was the worst day of her life when she learned about the event and imagined that this was the end of the state of Israel.. But it was the happiest day of her life when she learned about the Arab and Muslim reaction...!!!


The most important restoration achievements in the mosque were that the eastern Portico was completely rebuilt, including the ceiling, and most of the Mosaic and marble decorations on the tribal facade of the mosque and the mihrab were restored, but some of them have not been restored to this day because it is impossible and their effects are still visible, especially at the base of the dome and as for the pulpit, a huge project was completed in Jordan within the Balqa applied University to rebuild The pulpit is completely identical to that of Noureddine Mahmoud, and from the same materials and in the same way as the previous pulpit was built exactly, and the work on this painstaking and distinctive project was completed within ten years, and the new pulpit was placed in its place from the tribal mosque in 2007, forty years after this terrible event. Thank God, the Lord of the worlds.