Nakba & Division

 In 1799, during the French campaign on the Arab world, Napoleon Bonaparte published a manifesto calling for the creation of a homeland for Jews on the territory of Palestine under French protection, with the aim of strengthening the French presence in the region.

Napoleon's plan to establish a Jewish state in the Middle East did not work out at that time, but it did not die either, as the British revived this plan in the late nineteenth century.

After the fall of the Ottoman empire following the first World War and the establishment of the British Mandate in Palestine, the British colonial powers began to implement their plan to build a Zionist state on the land of Palestine.

At the same time, the Zionist movement was doing its best to put pressure on the colonial powers to support the immigration of Jews to Palestine and to recognize the right of Jewish presence on the land of Palestine.

In 1917, the Balfour Declaration declared British support for the creation of a "national homeland for the Jewish people" in Palestine.

The Balfour promise came in a letter written by former British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Baron Rothschild, one of the leaders of the Jewish community in Britain, to refer him to the Zionist Union of Great Britain and Ireland.

This message was supported by the then British prime minister David Lloyd George, who adopted Zionist thought in 1914.

The Zionists saw this promise as a real victory, the letter stated that the British would "do their best to facilitate the achievement of this goal".

The Zionists flocked to Palestine with the support of the British, and these moves were met with severe resistance by the Palestinians.

Jews bought a number of Palestinian lands to build Zionist settlements on, which led to the displacement of tens of thousands of Palestinians from their homes. And all this was done with the full support of the British.

While the Palestinian leadership in Jerusalem insisted on pursuing negotiations with the British to resolve the land dispute, Izz al-Din al-Qassam, a Syrian leader based in Haifa since 1922, began to call for armed struggle against the British and Zionists.

And in 1935, the British besieged Izz al-Din al-Qassam and killed him along with a number of other comrades. The Palestinians were influenced by the Qassam resistance, and in 1936 an Arab revolt took place against British imperialism and Zionist settler colonialism.

The British crushed the Arab Revolt of 1939, and the Palestinians found themselves facing two enemies: the British colonial troops and the Zionist armed gangs, whose numbers increased to 40,000 people at that time.

Despite the British support for the mass immigration of Jews to the land of Palestine, the British colonial powers began to determine the numbers of Jewish immigrants coming to the region.

The move came in an attempt to contain Arab anger despite Britain's announcement that Palestine was ready to be a "national homeland for the Jews".

The Zionists resented the British move to limit the immigration of Jews to Palestine, so they launched a series of terrorist attacks against the British themselves, with the aim of pushing them out of the region.

While the Zionists continued to use all possible means to achieve their dream of establishing their own state on the land of Arab Palestine, it became clear to them that the Palestinian resistance was very weak on the battlefield.

The Zionist strategy of expelling Palestinians from their homes and lands did not come overnight, it was planned in advance.

The Israeli historian Ilan babeh confirms that the leaders of the Zionists and their military commanders held periodic meetings for a whole year, namely from March 1947 to March 1948 to plan and agree on how to carry out an ethnic cleansing operation in Palestine.

With the escalation of Zionist terrorist attacks against the Arabs and the British, the British decided to hand over responsibility for the Palestine file to the newly formed United Nations at that time.

In November 1947, the UN General Assembly proposed a plan to divide Palestine into two states: Jewish and Arab.

The Jews in Palestine at that time constituted one third of the population, the majority of whom came from Europe during the few years preceding this date, and they controlled an area of less than 6% of the historical state of Palestine.

However, the plan proposed by the UN allocated to them 55% of the area of the historical state of Palestine.

The Palestinians and their Arab allies rejected the proposed plan.

For its part, the Zionist movement approved the proposed plan, especially since it legitimized the idea of building a Jewish state on the land of Arab Palestine, but it did not agree with the proposed borders.

Therefore, the Zionists launched intensive campaigns to seize more of the territory of historical Palestine.

By the beginning of 1948, the Zionists had taken control of dozens of Palestinian towns and villages and forcibly expelled their Palestinian residents from their homes, all under the eyes of the British Mandate authorities in the region. In most cases, the Zionists committed organized mass massacres against the Palestinian people.

The message of the Zionists was clear: either the Palestinians leave their lands, or we will kill them.

The British decided to end their mandate for Palestine on May 14, 1948.

As this date approached, the Zionists intensified their efforts to control as much of the Palestinian territories as possible. In April 1948, the Zionists took control of Haifa, one of the largest Palestinian cities, and their next target was the city of Jaffa.

On the same day that the troops of the British mandate officially withdrew from Palestine, David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Zionist Agency, declared the establishment of the state of Israel.

Overnight, the Palestinians became stateless.

Within a few minutes, the two largest world powers, the United States of America and the Soviet Union, recognized Israel.

The first Nakba of Palestine and the unhappy birth of the Hebrew state, how the partition lines were drawn by the project of two Arab and one Jewish states in UN Resolution No. 181 on November 29, 1947, the desire and even the wisdom of the international will to take the issue of Jerusalem out of the circle of conflict and put it in a special entity Separatum Corpus under international supervision, the Palestinian and Arab rejection of Partition and also internationalization, the Zionist maneuver in declaring temporary approval of the two projects, and after the goal of recognizing and declaring the Hebrew state was achieved, the Zionist movement her consent and declared the rejection of the partition and the rejection of the International administration of Jerusalem.

 The events of the Palestinian Nakba and the subsequent displacement constituted a major tragedy for the Palestinian people, because this Nakba represented and continues to be an ethnic cleansing process, where an entire people was destroyed and expelled and replaced by groups and individuals from various parts of the world, and 957 thousand Palestinians were displaced from their villages and cities out of 1.4 million Palestinians who lived in historic Palestine in 1948 in 1,300 Palestinian villages and cities, where the displacement ended with the majority of them to a number of neighboring Arab countries in addition to the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, as well as the internal displacement of thousands some of them are inside the territories that came under the control of the Israeli occupation in the year of the Nakba and the subsequent expulsion from their homes and the seizure of their lands.

During the Nakba period, the Israeli occupation controlled 774 Palestinian villages and cities, 531 of which were completely destroyed and the rest were subjected to the occupation entity and its laws.this cleansing process was accompanied by the Zionist gangs committing more than 51 massacres against Palestinians, which led to the martyrdom of more than 15 thousand Palestinians, and the massacres continue to this day.

And from the words of Ben-Gurion {from your point of entry to Jerusalem (via Lifta) there are no Arabs-Jews make up 100% in the western region one does not see any Arabs and I do not think this situation will change

The British engineer at the Jerusalem municipality, “Henry Kendall”, developed a comprehensive development plan for the city in 1944, which was considered a fair and reasonable attempt to develop the eastern and western parts of the Old City and aimed at erecting modern facilities along industrial and Civil Lines .the plan was not implemented until twenty years later, Kendall returned to propose a year خطة a plan to save east Jerusalem and was adopted by the Jordanian government in year.1966 along the Ramallah – Nablus Road (north) and Bethlehem – Hebron Road (south).

The “new and amended " plan proposed expanding the city's borders to include neighborhoods and villages, in addition to a separate Urban Development Program for the communities located between Bethlehem, Ramallah and the Old City, in addition to industrial and commercial areas and plans to create (30) thousand housing units with the placement of Qalandia airport within the municipal borders.

 Jordan's adoption of the Kandel plan coincided with the beginning of the Israeli invasion and occupation of the rest of Jerusalem and Palestine in June 1967, which led to an immediate and forced halt to the implementation of the plan.

And some historians are trying to record the roles and imprints of commanders and military, their differences and imprints in drawing the geography of the city! King Abdullah and his position of rejecting internationalization and then seeking "Arab-Jewish interests" for the conflict, and then the King's instructions came to the commander of his army, British general Golub Pasha, and his orders to the Arab military governor Colonel Abdullah TAL to hold on to the Arab section of the city. On the other hand, David Ben-Gurion was the first head of government in Israel to urge the military governor Moshe Dayan to control the other part of the city and between the two parties, the “diligence” of the international mediator Count Bernadotte proposes “to establish a union consisting of two members, one Arab and the other Jewish, in which the holy places and religious buildings are preserved and the current rights on them are guaranteed by both members of the Union...

The city of Jerusalem is annexed to the Arab region with the granting of the Jewish community the right to independence in its municipal affairs and the establishment of measures to protect the holy places.” The project ended with his assassination at the hands of a terrorist group of the Jewish stern organization in .1948/9/17 in late November, 1948, Moshe Dayan and Abdullah Tal signed a "complete and genuine ceasefire agreement” and drew a map in a primitive and hastily" strange map” that was not intended to be the final word on the division or division of Jerusalem; but the texts of the armistice agreement signed between Jordan and Israel in Rhodes in April, 1949 these lines are considered the " only reference point” in the statement of the division of the city of Jerusalem, which lasted until June .1967 dense lines in pencil on paper reflected reality on the ground: they created an inconspicuous demilitarized zone with a depth of 80-60 meters running from North to south through the city.

About 125 houses were located inside this mysterious area of 850 dunams surrounded by about (55) fortified positions, and one crossing point called the Mendelbaum gate was opened for the tasks of the truce monitoring team.

 The terms of the truce stipulated that a supply convoy and personnel from Israel would be allowed to pass every two weeks from West Jerusalem to the” demilitarized zone " maintained by Israel in the vicinity of Hadassah Hospital, the Hebrew University and Mount Scopus in East jerusalem٠

Then the demilitarized zone was surrounded by a fence on both sides until 1962 , the Arab-Jordanian control of 11.48% of the Jerusalem municipal area was a year ago, 1948, while Israel's control of 48.12% Israel retained its own corridor leading to Mount Scopus and this meant that it retained effective control over all its “properties” before the war in the area controlled by Jordan, which is an area of 116 dunums, while the Palestinians lost their property in the Western (Israeli) part completely and completely 1948 and August, 1949 about (16) thousand Jews moved to the homes and properties of Palestinians in West Jerusalem

Demographic reality: 75 years after the Nakba, the Palestinians have doubled about 10 times

The population of historical Palestine in 1914 amounted to about 690 thousand people, the proportion of Jews accounted for only 8% of them, and in 1948 the population reached more than 2 million, about 31.5% of them were Jews, where the largest number of Jewish immigrants flowed between 1932 and 1939, and their number was 225 thousand Jews, and more than 93 thousand Jews flowed to Palestine between 1940 and 1947, and thus Palestine received between 1932 and 1947 approximately 318 thousand from 1948 to 2022, there was an influx of more than 3.3 million Jews.

 Despite the displacement of about a million Palestinians in 1948 and more than 200 thousand Palestinians after the June 1967 war, the total number of Palestinians in the world reached 14.3 million people at the end of the year 2022, indicating that the number of Palestinians has doubled about 10 times since the events of the 1948 Nakba, about half of them (7.1 million) in historical Palestine (1.7 million in the occupied territories in 1948), and population estimates indicate that the population reached the end of 2022 in the West Bank "including Jerusalem" 3.2 million about 2.2 million people in the Gaza Strip, and with regard to the Jerusalem governorate, the population reached about 487 thousand people at the end of the year 2022, of which about 65% (about 314 Thousands of people live in the areas of Jerusalem (J1), which were forcibly annexed by the Israeli occupation shortly after its occupation of the West Bank in 1967.  Based on these data, Palestinians make up 50.1% of the population residing in historical Palestine, while Jews make up 49.9% of the total population and occupy more than 85% of the total area of historical Palestine (27,000 km2).

The General Assembly of the United Nations in November 1947 (Resolution 181) established a special international regime zone, dispensing with the passage leading to the beach, and keeping Bethlehem in addition to ١٧ a large Palestinian village and two Jewish settlements. Two separate municipalities enjoy semi-autonomy.

(On that day) 105 thousand Palestinians and 100 thousand Jews will be elected.the United Nations body guarantees that the area will be demilitarized and neutral. a governor appointed by the UN body will oversee the creation of an international police force responsible for Foreign Affairs and ensure free access to the holy places.

A public referendum will be held 10 years later, after which the Trusteeship Council will review the situation, including the possible division of Jerusalem.

On April 1, 1948, Israeli massacres were committed in Palestinian villages west of the city, and on April 9, the Deir Yassin massacre was carried out, then 39 Arab villages around Jerusalem were emptied and 10 thousand houses and real estate were confiscated.on April 14, 1948, British troops left Palestine and the confiscated Arab property was approximately 85% of the Jerusalem municipality.


The reality of Palestinian refugees

The records of the relief and Works Agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA) indicated that the number of registered refugees in December 2020 was about 6.4 million Palestinian refugees, including about 2 million in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.  About 28.4% of the refugees registered with the agency (UNRWA) live in 58 official camps affiliated to the international relief agency (UNRWA), distributed in 10 camps in Jordan, 9 camps in Syria, 12 camps in Lebanon, 19 camps in the West Bank, and 8 camps in the Gaza Strip.  These estimates represent the minimum number of Palestinian refugees considering the existence of unregistered refugees, as this number does not include those Palestinians who were displaced after 1949 until the eve of the June 1967 war "as defined by UNRWA" and also does not include Palestinians who were deported or deported in 1967 due to the war and who were not originally refugees.


The Palestinian Nakba turned the Gaza Strip into the most populous part of the world

The population density in the state of Palestine at the end of 2022 was about 899 individuals/ km2 with 569 individuals/km2 in the West Bank and 6,019 individuals/km2 in the Gaza Strip, noting that 66% of the population of the Gaza Strip are refugees, so that the influx of refugees has turned the Gaza Strip to the most populous part of the world, and it is noteworthy that the Israeli occupation has established a buffer zone along the border strip of the Gaza Strip with a width of more than 1,500 m along the eastern border of the Strip and thus the Israeli occupation controls about 24% of the area of the Strip 365 km2, which contributed to a sharp increase in the unemployment rate in the Gaza Strip, reaching 47%, and it turns out that the prevailing unemployment rates were the highest among young people This in turn contributed to the worsening and weakening of the economic reality in the Gaza Strip, which turned more than half of the population in the Gaza Strip into poor, where the poverty rate in 2017 in the Gaza Strip reached 53%.


More than a hundred thousand people have been martyred in defense of the Palestinian right since the Nakba of 1948

The number of Palestinian and Arab martyrs since the Nakba in 1948 until today (inside and outside Palestine) has reached about one hundred thousand martyrs, while the number of martyrs since the beginning of the Al-Aqsa intifada until 31/12/2022 has reached about 11,540 martyrs, and it is noteworthy that the year 2014 was the bloodiest year, where 2,240 martyrs fell, of which 2,181 were martyred in the Gaza Strip, the majority of them were martyred during the aggression on the Gaza Strip, and during the year 2022, the number of martyrs in Palestine reached 231 among them, 56 martyrs were children and 17 women, while the number of wounded reached about 10 thousand wounded.

More than one million arrests since 1967

25 prisoners who have spent more than a quarter of a century in Israeli prisons

The number of prisoners in Israeli occupation prisons reached 4,900 prisoners until April 2023 (including 160 prisoners of children, in addition to 31 prisoners), while the number of arrests was reported during 2022 with the arrest of about 7,000 citizens in all Palestinian territories, including about 882 children and 172 women, while the number of administrative arrest warrants against citizens who have not been charged with any 850 orders, and data indicate that there are 554 prisoners serving prison sentences the data also indicate that Israel is detaining more than 700 prisoners of patients and four prisoners of Deputies in the Legislative Council, in addition to the presence of 23 prisoners arrested before the Oslo agreement It was 1993 and they are still in Israeli prisons.  It is clear from the data that the number of martyrs of prisoners has reached 237 prisoners since 1967 due to torture, intentional murder after arrest or medical negligence against prisoners, and the data indicate the martyrdom of 114 prisoners since September 2000, and the year 2007 witnessed the highest rate of martyrdom of prisoners inside Israeli prisons, where seven prisoners were martyred, five of them as a result of medical negligence.

 The colonial expansion of the Israeli occupation continues

The number of Israeli colonial sites and military bases at the end of 2021 in the West Bank reached 483 sites, distributed in 151 colonies and 25 inhabited outposts that were considered as neighborhoods belonging to existing colonies, 163 colonial outposts, and 144 other classified sites, including (industrial, tourist, service areas and camps for the occupation army), as for the number of colonists in the West Bank, it reached 719,452 colonists, at the end of 2021, the data indicate that most of the colonists Jerusalem with 326,523 settlers (constituting 45.4% of the total colonists), including 239,951 settlers in area J1 (including that part of the Jerusalem governorate annexed by the occupation After the Israeli occupation of the West Bank in 1967), followed by Ramallah and Al-Bireh governorate with 143,311 settlers,95,279 settlers in Bethlehem governorate and 50,067 settlers in Salfit governorate.  The lowest governorates in terms of the number of settlers are Tubas Governorate and the northern Jordan Valley with 2,629 settlers.the ratio of settlers to Palestinians in the West Bank is about 23 settlers for every 100 Palestinians, while the highest in Jerusalem governorate is about 69 settlers for every 100 Palestinians. the year 2022 witnessed a significant increase in the pace of construction and expansion of Israeli colonies as the occupation authorities approved about 83 colonial plans to build more than 22 thousand colonial units throughout the West Bank, including Jerusalem.


Ongoing confiscation of land

The Israeli occupation exploited the classification of territories according to the Oslo agreement (a, b, c) to tighten control over the territories of Palestinians, especially in the areas classified (C), where security, planning and construction issues are fully under the control of the Israeli occupation, where the Israeli occupation directly exploits 76% of the total area classified (C), where the regional councils of the colonies control 63% of them, while the area of areas of influence in the Israeli colonies in the West Bank (including the areas closed and allocated for the expansion of these colonies) amounted to about 537 km2 at the end of the year 2022, representing about 10% of the area of the West Bank, while the areas confiscated for the purposes of the rules Military and military training sites are about 18% of the area of the West Bank by 1,016 km2, in addition to the annexation and expansion wall, which isolated more than 10% of the area of the West Bank, and more than 219 Palestinian communities were damaged by the construction of the wall, which is about 714 km long, and the Israeli occupation authorities since 1967 confiscated about 353 thousand dunums of Palestinian land and classified them as nature reserves in preparation for their seizure.


Judaization of Jerusalem and demolition of Palestinian real estate

As part of the deportation and replacement policy, the Israeli occupation authorities are taking accelerated Judaization measures in Jerusalem in order to obliterate Islamic and Christian monuments, displace Palestinians from Jerusalem and replace Israelis coming from various parts of the Earth, where the Israeli occupation authorities approved during the year 2022 about 70 colonial plans to build more than 10 thousand colonial units in the Jerusalem governorate and its surroundings, while the Israeli occupation authorities demolished more than 258 buildings and issued demolition decisions for more than 220 buildings, including 100 buildings a residential building in Al-Bustan neighborhood is part of the policy of mass demolition, which leads to the displacement of 1,550 people, the majority of whom are children and women, in addition The frequency of targeting Palestinians increased, as 19 Jerusalemites were martyred and about 2,486 were injured by the Israeli occupation during the year 2022, and the number of arrests carried out by the Israeli occupation in Jerusalem governorate increased during the year 2022, with the number of arrests reaching about 3,504 cases compared to 2,879 cases in 2021, an increase of about 22%.


More than 8,700 attacks carried out by the Israeli occupation authorities and settlers during the year 2022

The Israeli occupation authorities and settlers,under the protection of the Israeli occupation army, carried out 8,724 attacks against Palestinian citizens and their property during the year 2022, and these attacks were distributed by 1,515 attacks on property and religious places, 362 attacks on land and Natural Resources, and 6,847 attacks on individuals. On the other hand, the year 2022 witnessed the attempt of colonialist groups on 63 occasions to establish outposts, most notably the attempt of the right-wing Nahla movement to establish more than 10 outposts on 20/7/2022, as well as the occupation forces and colonialists launched a total of 223 confiscations of about 294 Palestinian properties, including 48 agricultural tractors, and 53 cars for citizens, and these attacks caused uprooting, damage and bulldozing 10,291 olive trees, including 2,400 trees in Nablus governorate.

The Israeli occupation authorities carried out 378 demolitions of 953 facilities in the West Bank during 2022

The policy of the occupying forces has not stopped the demolition of buildings owned by Palestinians and the resulting displacement of residents from their homes throughout the West Bank, as the office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the occupied territories (ocha) has documented since 2009 that the occupying forces have destroyed 9,353 houses or facilities since 2009, including 1,639 donor-funded facilities, resulting in the displacement of 13,641 citizens, and the demolitions were distributed by 19% in East Jerusalem, 79% in areas classified (C) and about 2% of the demolitions in areas classified (A) and (B), ocha documented that about 953 facilities were demolished during the year 2022, including 140 donor-funded facilities, which led to the displacement of 1,031 citizens and affected 28,446 Mwatana, agricultural establishments and inhabited and uninhabited residential establishments accounted for about 70% of them. While the Israeli occupation authorities carried out a total of 378 demolitions during the year 2022, affecting 953 structures in the West Bank, including the city of Jerusalem, most of the demolitions were concentrated in the Jerusalem governorate with 118 demolitions by 31%, leaving 178 demolished structures in the city of Jerusalem, of which 98 were self-demolitions, and the Israeli occupation authorities issued 1,220 demolition notices, of which about 33% in Hebron governorate, 18% in Bethlehem governorate, 9% in Ramallah and Al-Bireh governorate, in addition to to destroy many infrastructure sites that serve Palestinians, including roads, water and sewage networks, and recreational places ...Etc.


The Palestinian per capita share of water is less than the minimum according to international recommendations

The average daily Palestinian per capita consumption reached 86.3 liters of water during the year 2021, as this rate reached 89.0 liters per day in the West Bank, compared to 82.7 liters in the Gaza Strip, and if we take into account the high percentage of water pollution in the Gaza Strip, and calculating the quantities of water suitable for human use from the available quantities, the share of fresh water per capita will decrease to only 21.3 liters per day, and when comparing this rate with the Israeli per capita consumption, we note that the Israeli per capita consumption rate is three times higher than the Palestinian per capita, as the Israeli per capita share 300 liters per day, and this rate for colonists is doubled to more than 7 times the consumption per capita The Palestinian. It is worth mentioning that the rate of per capita Palestinian water consumption is still less than the minimum recommended globally according to WHO standards of 100 liters per day, as a result of the Israeli occupation's control over more than 85% of Palestinian water sources.


Israeli occupation control over the waters of the Jordan River and the Dead Sea

Palestine relies mainly on water extracted from underground and surface sources, which amounts to 76.4% of the total available water. The amount of water pumped from the wells of the underground basins (the eastern basin, the western basin, and the northeastern Basin) in the West Bank for the year 2021 amounted to about 105.3 million m3. The main reason for the weak use of surface water is due to the Israeli occupation's control over the waters of the Jordan River and the Dead Sea, and it should be noted that the Israeli occupation has prevented Palestinians from accessing the waters of the Jordan River since 1967, which is estimated at 250 million cubic meters. The amount of water extracted from the coastal Basin in the Gaza Strip reached 192.5 million m3 during the year 2021, and this amount is considered an unfair pumping due to the need for water and the lack of another water source, as pumping exceeds the storage capacity of the coastal Basin of renewable water, estimated at 50-60 million cubic meters per year, which led to depletion of water stocks and the descent of the groundwater level below 19 meters below sea level, which led to the interference of sea water, and the filtration of sewage to the reservoir, which made more than 97% the composition of the waters of the coastal basin does not comply with WHO standards.



The text of the Partition Resolution No. 181 of 1947

The General Assembly:

An extraordinary session was held at the request of the mandatory power to establish a special committee, tasked with preparing for consideration of the issue of the independent government of Palestine at the second regular session...

A special commission was formed, tasked with investigating all issues and issues related to the question of Palestine, and preparing proposals to solve the problem.. It has received and considered the report of the special committee, including a number of social recommendations, and a draft division with an economic union approved by the majority of the special committee... It considers that the current situation in Palestine would harm the public interest and friendly relations between nations. Takes note of the statement of the mandate authority that it seeks to complete its evacuation from Palestine on August 1, 1948. The United Kingdom, in its capacity as the Mandatory Authority for Palestine and all other members of the United Nations, recommends, with regard to the government of independent Palestine, the adoption and implementation of the partition and economic union project, as set out below

And ask

(A) the Security Council should take the necessary measures, as set out in the plan, for their implementation.

(B) the Security Council, if the circumstances during the interim period require such consideration, shall consider whether the situation in Palestine constitutes a threat to peace, and if the Security Council determines that such a threat exists, it shall, in order to maintain international peace and security, add to the mandate of the General Assembly to take action to grant the United Nations Commission, in accordance with articles 39 41 of the charter, and as indicated in this resolution, the authority to carry out in Palestine the tasks assigned to it in this resolution.

(C) the Security Council should consider any attempt to change the settlement implied by this resolution by force as a threat to peace, a breach thereof or an act of aggression, in accordance with Article 39 of the charter.

(D) inform the Trusteeship Council of its responsibilities under this plan. It calls on the residents of Palestine to take the necessary steps for their part to achieve this plan.

Appeals to all governments and peoples to refrain from any action that is likely to hinder or delay the implementation of these recommendations.

Authorizes the secretary-general to cover the travel and living expenses of the members of the committee referred to in part I, Section B, paragraph (1) below, on the basis and in the manner he deems appropriate in the circumstances, and to provide the committee with the necessary staff to assist in carrying out the tasks assigned to him by the General Assembly.

(B) the General Assembly...

Authorizes the secretary-general to withdraw an amount from the working capital fund not exceeding two million dollars for the purposes set out in the last paragraph of the resolution on the independent government of Palestine.

The plan of division with the Economic Union

Part I: the Constitution of Palestine and its independent government

(A) termination of the partition mandate and independence

1 the mandate on Palestine ends as soon as possible, but in any case not later than August 1 .1948

2 the Armed Forces of the Mandatory Authority for Palestine shall be evacuated gradually, and the withdrawal shall be carried out as soon as possible and in no case later than August 1, 1948.

The delegated authority must inform the committee as early as possible of its intention to terminate the mandate and evacuate each area. The mandatory power shall use its best endeavours to ensure the evacuation of an area located in the territory of the Jewish state, which includes a seaport and a hinterland sufficient to provide facilities for a large emigration, as early as possible, but in any case not later than February 1, 1948.

.3 the Arab and Jewish Independent States and the international rule for the city of Jerusalem set out in the third part of this plan shall be established in Palestine two months after the completion of the evacuation of the Armed Forces of the Mandatory Authority, provided that in any case this shall not be later than October 1, 1948. the borders of the Arab state, the Jewish state and the city of Jerusalem shall be as follows Placed in the second and third parts below.

4 the period between the adoption by the General Assembly of its recommendation on the question of Palestine and the consolidation of the independence of the Arab and Jewish states shall be a transitional period.

(B) preparatory steps for independence


1. a committee shall be composed of one representative from each of the five member states, and the members represented on the committee shall be elected by the General Assembly on the widest possible geographical and non-geographical basis

At the time when the mandatory power withdraws its armed forces, the administration of Palestine will gradually be handed over to the committee, which will work in accordance with the recommendations of the General Assembly under the guidance of the Security Council.the mandatory power shall coordinate, to the extent possible, its plans for withdrawal with the plans of the committee; to hand over and manage the evacuated areas.

2. in order to carry out this administrative responsibility, the commission is empowered to issue the necessary regulations and take other actions as the casemay be.

- The delegated authority shall not take any action that prevents, hinders or delays the implementation by the committee of the procedures recommended by the General Assembly

3. upon its arrival in Palestine, the committee shall proceed with the implementation of procedures for the establishment of the borders of the Arab and Jewish states and the city of Jerusalem in accordance with the general outlines of the recommendations of the General Assembly on the partition of Palestine, provided that the Borders described in the second part of this plan should be adjusted as a rule, so that the state borders do not divide the areas of villages unless urgent reasons require it.

.4 the committee shall select and establish in each state as soon as possible, after consultation with the Democratic parties and other public organizations in the Arab and Jewish states, a provisional government council, and the work of the Arab and Jewish Provisional Government Councils shall proceed, under the general direction of the committee.

If, on April 1, 1948, it was not possible to select a provisional council of government for either state, or if the "council" was elected and was unable to carry out its functions, the committee shall report the matter to the Security Council, so that it may take such measures against that state as it deems appropriate, and also inform the secretary-general thereof for the information of the members of the United Nations.

5.taking into account the texts of these recommendations, during the transition period, both chambers shall have - under the supervision of the committee. Full authority in the subordinate regions, and in particular authority in issues related to migration and land regulation.

6. each of the provisional councils in each state shall gradually take over from the committee under whose supervision they work the full administrative responsibilities of each during the period that elapses between the termination of the mandate and the establishment of the independence of the state.

7. the committee shall instruct the Provisional Government Councils of both the Arab and Jewish states after their formation.

Proceed with the establishment of Central and local administrative government bodies. .8 the Provisional Government Council of each state shall recruit-in the shortest possible time-an armed militia from the population of that state

They should be sufficient in number to maintain internal order, and to prevent clashes at the borders.


Such an armed militia should be in each state-for operational purposes under the command of Jewish or Arab officers residing in that state; however, the general political and military control over the militia, including the selection of its supreme command, should be exercised by the committee.

The Provisional Government Council of each state conducts elections for the "Constituent Assembly" on democratic grounds, so that this is not later than two months after the withdrawal of the Armed Forces of the mandatory power.

The Provisional Government Council shall establish the election regulations in each state, and the commission shall approve them, and those who are over the age of 18 are eligible for this election in each state, provided that they are (a) Palestinian citizens residing in that state, and (B) Arabs and Jews residing in the state, although they are not Palestinian citizens, but signed before the ballot A statement in which they expressed their intention to become citizens of that state.

Arabs and Jews residing in the city of Jerusalem who have signed a statement expressing their intention to become citizens, Arabs in the Arab state and Jews in the Jewish state, have the right to vote in the Arab and Jewish states in the said order.

Women could vote, be elected to the Constituent Assembly.

During the interim period, a Jew shall not be allowed to establish his residence in the area of the proposed Arab state, nor an Arab shall be allowed to establish his residence in the area of the proposed Jewish state, except with the special permission of the committee.

.10 the Constituent Assembly of each state draws up a draft democratic constitution, selects an interim government to succeed the interim government council appointed by the commission. The constitutions of the two states, chapters I and II of the Declaration mentioned in Section (C) below, contain, inter alia, provisions for the following:

A-the establishment of a legislative body in each state elected by universal suffrage and by secret ballot, on the basis of proportional representation; and an executive body responsible to the Legislature.

B settlement of all international disputes to which a state may become a party by peaceful means and in such a way as not to endanger international peace, security and Justice.

  1. acceptance of the state's obligation to refrain in its international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity and political independence of any state, or by any other means contrary to the objective of the United Nations.

The state shall guarantee to every person, without discrimination, equal rights in religious, civil and Economic Affairs, the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of worship, freedom to use the language he wishes, freedom of speech, publication, education, holding meetings and establishing associations.

E-maintaining the freedom of passage and visit for all residents and citizens of the other state in Palestine and the city of Jerusalem, subject to national security considerations, provided that each state controls the residence within its borders.

Such an armed militia should be in each state-for operational purposes under the command of Jewish or Arab officers residing in that state; however, the general political and military control over the militia, including the selection of its supreme command, should be exercised by the committee.

The Provisional Government Council of each state conducts elections for the "Constituent Assembly" on democratic grounds, so that this is not later than two months after the withdrawal of the Armed Forces of the mandatory power.

The Provisional Government Council shall establish the election regulations in each state, and the commission shall approve them, and those who are over the age of 18 are eligible for this election in each state, provided that they are (a) Palestinian citizens residing in that state, and (B) Arabs and Jews residing in the state, although they are not Palestinian citizens, but signed before the ballot A statement in which they expressed their intention to become citizens of that state.

Arabs and Jews residing in the city of Jerusalem who have signed a statement expressing their intention to become citizens, Arabs in the Arab state and Jews in the Jewish state, have the right to vote in the Arab and Jewish states in the said order.

Women could vote, be elected to the Constituent Assembly.

During the interim period, a Jew shall not be allowed to establish his residence in the area of the proposed Arab state, nor an Arab shall be allowed to establish his residence in the area of the proposed Jewish state, except with the special permission of the committee.

.10 the Constituent Assembly of each state draws up a draft democratic constitution, selects an interim government to succeed the interim government council appointed by the commission. The constitutions of the two states, chapters I and II of the Declaration mentioned in Section (C) below, contain, inter alia, provisions for the following:

A-the establishment of a legislative body in each state elected by universal suffrage and by secret ballot, on the basis of proportional representation; and an executive body responsible to the Legislature.

B settlement of all international disputes to which a state may become a party by peaceful means and in such a way as not to endanger international peace, security and Justice.

  1. acceptance of the state's obligation to refrain in its international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity and political independence of any state, or by any other means contrary to the objective of the United Nations.

The state shall guarantee to every person, without discrimination, equal rights in religious, civil and Economic Affairs, the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of worship, freedom to use the language he wishes, freedom of speech, publication, education, holding meetings and establishing associations.

E-maintaining the freedom of passage and visit for all residents and citizens of the other state in Palestine and the city of Jerusalem, subject to national security considerations, provided that each state controls the residence within its borders.


11 the committee shall appoint a preparatory economic committee of three members to make such arrangements for Economic Cooperation as may be possible with a view to establishing the Economic Union and the Joint Economic Board, as set out in Section (D) below, as soon as possible.

12 during the period between the adoption by the General Assembly of the recommendations on the question of Palestine and the termination of the mandate, the Mandatory Authority in Palestine shall retain full responsibility for the administration of the areas from which its armed forces have not been withdrawn, and the commission shall assist the Mandatory Authority in carrying out its tasks.

13 in order to ensure the continuity of administrative services, and to ensure the transition of the entire administration - upon the withdrawal of the Armed Forces of the delegated authority to the provisional councils and the Joint Economic Council, respectively, working under the supervision of the commission, it must gradually transfer from the delegated authority to the commission responsibility for all government tasks, including the maintenance of law and order in the areas from which the troops of the delegated state have withdrawn.

14 the committee shall be guided in its work by the recommendations of the General Assembly and such instructions as the Security Council may deem appropriate

The need to issue them.

The actions taken by the committee - within the recommendations of the General Assembly-shall become effective immediately unless the committee has previously received counter-instructions from the Security Council, and the committee shall submit to the Security Council a report every month on the state of the country, or more than one report if desired.

.15 the committee shall submit its final report to the next regular session of the General Assembly and to the Security Council at the same time.

(C) a statement

The Provisional Government of each proposed state before independence submits a declaration to the United Nations, which includes, inter alia

It includes the following texts:

General rule

The conditions contained in the permit are considered basic laws of the state; no law, regulation or official procedure contradicts or interferes with these conditions, and no law, regulation or official procedure provides for them.

The first chapter

Holy places, religious buildings and sites

1-do not deny or affect the existing rights related to holy places, religious buildings and sites.

2 with regard to the holy places, freedom of access, visit and passage shall be guaranteed, in conformity with the existing rights, to all residents and citizens of the other state and of the city of Jerusalem, as well as to foreigners without discrimination in

Nationality; subject to the requirements of national security, public order and decency. Freedom of worship shall also be guaranteed in conformity with existing rights, subject to the maintenance of Public Order and decency.

3 holy places, religious buildings and Sites shall be preserved, and no work shall be permitted that could in any way affect their sacred character, if at any time it appears to the government that any holy place, a particular religious building or site needs urgent restoration, the government may invite the sect or sects concerned to carry out the restoration, and if no action is taken Reasonably, the government could conduct it itself at the expense of the sect or sects concerned.

No tax is levied on any holy place, religious building or site, which was exempt from it on the date of creation

The state.

There should be no change in the impact of this tax that would discriminate between the owners or residents of holy places, buildings or religious sites, or would put these owners or residents in a position inferior to the general impact of the tax than they were at the time of adoption of the recommendations of the assembly.

5 the governor of the city of Jerusalem shall have the right to determine whether the provisions of the Constitution of the state relating to the holy places, religious buildings and sites, within the borders of the state, and the religious rights competent thereto, are properly applied and respected; and he may establish on the basis of existing rights disputes that may arise between different religious communities, or These are places, buildings, sites. The governor must receive full cooperation, enjoy the privileges and immunities necessary to carry out his duties in the state.

Chapter II

Religious rights and minority rights

1 freedom of belief and the free practice of all rites of worship in accordance with public order and good morals shall be guaranteed to all.

2 it is not allowed to discriminate between the population in any way, due to origin, religion, language or gender. 3 all persons under the jurisdiction of the state shall have the right to the protection of the law.

.4 family law, the personal status of various minorities, as well as their religious interests must be respected, including

That's the endowment.

5 except as required for the maintenance of order and good administration, no measure shall be taken that hinders or interferes with the activity of religious institutions or expertise of all denominations, or infringes the rights of any representative or member of such institutions because of religion or nationality.


6 the state shall ensure to the Arab or Jewish minority an adequate amount of primary and secondary education in their language, in accordance with their cultural traditions.

The right of each community to maintain its schools to educate its children in its own language will not be denied as long as it adheres to the general educational requirements that the state may impose; foreign educational institutions, on the other hand, continue to operate on the basis of their existing rights.

7 no restrictions will be imposed on the freedom of any citizen to use any language in private conversations, in trade, religion, the press, publications of all kinds - or in public meetings.

8 the expropriation of any land belonging to an Arab in the Jewish state or a Jew in the Arab state may be permitted only for the public benefit, and in all cases full compensation must be paid (and in the amount determined by the Supreme Court ) and payment must be made before the owner is stripped of his land.

Chapter III

Citizenship, international agreements and financial obligations

- 1 citizenship (Citizenship)

Palestinian citizens residing in Palestine outside the city of Jerusalem, and Arabs and Jews residing in Palestine outside the city of Jerusalem who do not have Palestinian citizenship become citizens of the state in which they reside, and enjoy all civil and political rights once the independence of the state is recognized; every person over eighteen years of age may within a year from the day of recognition of the independence of the state in which he resides To choose the nationality of the other state, provided that no Arab residing in the proposed Arab territory has the right to choose the nationality of the proposed Jewish state, and no Jew residing in the proposed Jewish state has the right to choose the nationality of the proposed Arab state, and every person exercising this right of choice considers that at the same time he has made the choice for his wife and children Who are under eighteen years of age.

Arabs residing in the territory of the proposed Jewish state, and Jews residing in the territory of the proposed Arab state, who have signed a declaration of their desire to choose the citizenship of another state, may participate in the elections to the Constituent Assembly of this state, but not in the elections to the Constituent Assembly of the state in which they reside.

2 international agreements

A-the state shall be bound by all international treaties and agreements of a public and private nature to which Palestine has become a party, and the state shall respect these treaties and agreements for the duration of their contract, without prejudice to any right of termination that may be provided for in these agreements.


B any dispute concerning the applicability of international conventions or treaties signed or acceded to by the mandate government on behalf of Palestine or concerning their continued validity shall be submitted to the International Court of justice, in accordance with the provisions of the statute of the court.

- 3 financial obligations

A the state shall respect and implement all types of financial obligations assumed by the mandatory state on behalf of Palestine during the exercise of the mandate and recognized by the state, and this condition includes the right of employees to retirement salaries, compensation and bonuses.

B the state, through its participation in the mixed economic council, fulfils that category of obligations that include the whole of Palestine, and fulfills individually those that can be understood and distributed fairly between the two states.

C-A "Claims Court of Claims"shall be established under the Joint Economic Council, consisting of a member appointed by the United Nations, a representative of the United Kingdom and a representative of the relevant state, and any dispute between the United Kingdom and this state concerning claims not recognized by the latter shall be submitted to this court.

Dr. Commercial concessions granted to any part of Palestine prior to the approval of the resolution by the General Assembly shall remain valid on their terms unless amended by agreement between the concessionaire and the state.

Chapter IV

Miscellaneous Provisions

1 the provisions of chapters I and II of the declaration shall be guaranteed by the United Nations and shall not be amended without the approval of the General Assembly of the United Nations.any member of the United Nations shall have the right to alert the General Assembly to any breach of these provisions, or to the risk of breach thereof, and the General Assembly may accordingly recommend what it deems appropriate in the circumstances.

2 any dispute concerning the application or interpretation of this declaration shall be referred to the International Court of justice - at the request of one of the parties unless the parties agree on another method of settlement.

(D) Economic Union and transit

.1 the Provisional Government Council of each state shall jointly draw up a draft economic union, transit (transit). The text of this draft shall be prepared by the committee provided for in Paragraph 1 of Section B, benefiting to the greatest extent possible with the advice and assistance of the institutions and bodies representing both states, and it must include other matters of mutual benefit.if this draft is not agreed upon by the Provisional Government councils until the first of April 1948, the committee will elaborate it.


Palestinian economic union

2 the Palestinian economic union shall have the following objectives:

A-finding a customs unit.

B establishment of a common monetary system, which includes a single exchange rate.

(C) the management of the railways, interstate roads, Postal, Telegraph and telephone facilities, ports and airports used in international trade on a non-discriminatory basis in the public interest.

Joint economic development, especially with regard to irrigation, land reclamation and soil maintenance. X-enabling the two states and the city of Jerusalem to have access to water and energy sources on a non-discriminatory basis.

3 a Joint Economic Council shall be established, consisting of three representatives of each of the two states, and of three foreign members appointed by the economic and Social Council of the United Nations organization.foreign members shall be appointed for the first time for a period of three years and shall exercise their functions in their personal capacity and not as representatives of states.

4 the function of the Joint Economic Council shall be to implement the necessary measures to achieve the objectives of the economic union directly or by delegation and shall delegate all the necessary organizational and administrative powers to perform its task.

.5 the two countries undertake to implement the decision of the Joint Economic Council, and its decisions are taken by a majority.

6 in the event of a failure by one of the two states to take the necessary action, the council may decide, by a majority of six of its members, to withhold an appropriate part of the share of customs revenues belonging to the said state, under the Economic Union, if the state persists in non-cooperation, the council may decide, by a simple majority, to take In that disposal of the funds that he has withheld.

7.with regard to economic development, the council's function is to plan, study and encourage joint programs between the two states, but it may not implement these projects without the consent of the two states and the approval of the city of Jerusalem if they are directly affected by the development project.

.8 with regard to the common monetary system, the issuance of currencies in circulation in the two states and in the city of Jerusalem is under the authority of the Joint Economic Council, which is the sole issuing authority and which determines the Reserve held as collateral for these currencies.

. Each state may, in accordance with paragraph 2 (B) above, run its own central bank, control its financial and credit policy, its foreign exchange income and expenditure, the granting of import licenses, and conduct international financial transactions, depending on its self-affiliation; the Joint Economic Board shall have the authority, during the two years immediately following the end of the mandate, to take all Measures are necessary for it to be available to each state –



In a period of twelve months, the amount of foreign exchange is sufficient to guarantee the territory itself an amount of goods and services imported for domestic consumption equal to the amount of goods and services consumed by the territory during the twelve months ending December 31, 1947, to the extent permitted by the total income from foreign exchange, which the two countries receive from Export of goods and services, provided that each state takes appropriate measures to maintain its own foreign exchange resources.

.10 each state shall have all economic powers not expressly delegated to the Joint Economic Board. .11, a tariff will be imposed that will leave complete freedom of trade between the two countries, as well as between the two countries and the city of Jerusalem.

.12 tariff schedules are drawn up by a special tariff committee consisting of representatives of an equal number of each of the two countries, and submitted to the Joint Economic Council for approval by a majority vote, and in the event of a disagreement in the tariff Committee, the Joint Economic Council mediates the disputed points, and also sets the tariff itself in the event that the tariff Within the specified time limit.

13 the costs of the following items shall have priority from the customs income and other general income items of the council

Joint economic:

A-expenses of Customs interests and expenses for the management of common interests. B expenses of the management of the Joint Economic Board. The financial obligations of the administration of Palestine, which are the expenses of managing the public debt.

ی۔ Pensions that are currently paid, or that will be paid in the future, in accordance with the laws and to the extent provided for in Clause (3) of Chapter III above.

.14 after covering these obligations with their development, the surplus income from Customs and Common Services shall be distributed to

الصورةThe following picture:

تمنحThe city of Jerusalem shall grant an amount of not less than 5% and not more than 10%, and the Joint Economic Council shall distribute the rest fairly to the two countries, in order to maintain a reasonable and appropriate level of government and social services in both countries, but the share of either of them may not exceed the amountذي contributed to the income of the Economic Union by more than four Millions of pounds a year; after the expiration of five years, the Joint Economic Board may reconsider the principles of the distribution of joint revenues, inspired by considerations of fairness.


.15 the two states shall jointly conclude all international agreements and treaties on customs tariffs and on transport facilities placed under the authority of the Joint Economic Council, and in these matters the two states shall be obliged to act in accordance with the decision of the majority of the Joint Economic Council.

16 the Joint Economic Council shall make every effort to provide Palestine's exports with fair and equal access to world markets.

17 all projects managed by the Joint Economic Board shall be paid fair wages on the basis of


18 freedom of passage and visit: the pledge contains provisions that preserve freedom of passage and visit for all residents or citizens of both countries and the city of Jerusalem within security considerations, provided that each state and the city of Jerusalem control residence within

Its boundaries.

.19 termination, Amendment and change of the undertaking the undertaking and any agreement issued by it shall remain in force for a period of ten years, and it shall continue as such until either party requests its termination and it shall be terminated two years later.

20 during the first ten-year period, this undertaking or any agreement issued therefrom may not be amended, except with the consent of both parties and the approval of the General Assembly.

.21 any dispute relating to the application or interpretation of the undertaking and any agreement issued by it shall, at the request of either party, be referred to the International Court of justice, unless the parties agree on another means of settlement.

(E) assets:

1 the funds of the administration of Palestine transferred between the Arab and Jewish states and the city of Jerusalem shall be distributed on an equitable basis and the distribution shall be made by the United Nations committee mentioned in Section (B) Item (1) Above, and the immovable funds shall become the property of the government in whose territory these funds are located.

2 during the period that elapses between the date of the appointment of the United Nations Commission and the end of the mandate, the mandatory state shall consult with the commission on any action it considers to take, including the liquidation, disposal or encumbrance of the funds of the government of Palestine, such as accumulated Treasury surplus, rents of bonds issued by the government, state lands, and any other assets.

Membership in the United Nations

The independence of the Arab or Jewish state, as provided for in the present draft, and the declaration and undertaking provided for in this draft have been signed by the state, it is appropriate that the application for admission to membership in the United Nations in accordance with Article (4) of the Charter of the United Nations be considered with sympathy.


.15 the two states shall jointly conclude all international agreements and treaties on customs tariffs and on transport facilities placed under the authority of the Joint Economic Council, and in these matters the two states shall be obliged to act in accordance with the decision of the majority of the Joint Economic Council.

16 the Joint Economic Council shall make every effort to provide Palestine's exports with fair and equal access to world markets.

17 all projects managed by the Joint Economic Board shall be paid fair wages on the basis of


18 freedom of passage and visit: the pledge contains provisions that preserve freedom of passage and visit for all residents or citizens of both countries and the city of Jerusalem within security considerations, provided that each state and the city of Jerusalem control residence within

Its boundaries.

.19 termination, Amendment and change of the undertaking the undertaking and any agreement issued by it shall remain in force for a period of ten years, and it shall continue as such until either party requests its termination and it shall be terminated two years later.

20 during the first ten-year period, this undertaking or any agreement issued therefrom may not be amended, except with the consent of both parties and the approval of the General Assembly.

.21 any dispute relating to the application or interpretation of the undertaking and any agreement issued by it shall, at the request of either party, be referred to the International Court of justice, unless the parties agree on another means of settlement.

(E) assets:

1 the funds of the administration of Palestine transferred between the Arab and Jewish states and the city of Jerusalem shall be distributed on an equitable basis and the distribution shall be made by the United Nations committee mentioned in Section (B) Item (1) Above, and the immovable funds shall become the property of the government in whose territory these funds are located.

2 during the period that elapses between the date of the appointment of the United Nations Commission and the end of the mandate, the mandatory state shall consult with the commission on any action it considers to take, including the liquidation, disposal or encumbrance of the funds of the government of Palestine, such as accumulated Treasury surplus, rents of bonds issued by the government, state lands, and any other assets.

Membership in the United Nations

The independence of the Arab or Jewish state shall then become effective - as provided for in the present draft and the declaration and undertaking provided for in this draft have been signed by the appropriate state to consider favourably the application for admission to membership in the United Nations in accordance with Article (4) of the Charter of the United Nations.

The sea. The border of the mountainous Samaria and Judea region begins on the Jordan River in the Salt Valley to the southeast of beisan and runs towards the West, meeting the beisan-Jericho Road, then follows the western side of that road in a northwestern direction to the junction of the borders of the districts of beisan, Nablus and Jenin, and from this point follows the border of the Nablus It then turns to the northwest passing through the east of the built-up area from the villages of jilioun and fougoua to the border of Jenin and Baysan provinces at a point to the northeast of Nourse.

From here, it first goes towards the northwest to a point north of the built-up area of two farms, then bisects the west to the Afula-Jenin railway, and then in a northwestern direction along the border line of the area to the intersection point on the Hejazi railway from here the border goes to the southwest, so that the built-up area and some of the lands of It follows this border to the southernmost point of the village of butemat, and from here it follows the northern and eastern borders of the village of Arara meeting again with the border line of the region between Haifa and Samaria in Wadi Ara, and from there it turns towards the south and south-west in An almost straight line meets the western border of qaqun, and with it goes to a point located to the east of the railway on the border of the eastern village of qaqun. Hence, going with the railway track to the east of it towards a point situated east of the railway station in Tulkarem, and from there follow the border line in the middle of the distance between the railway and the way Tulkarm Qalqilya Jaljulia top of the eye so the point is located east of the station, the head of the eye, which control them in the direction of the railway track to the East until the point on the railway south of the junction railway Haifa, Lod Beit Nabala here it is going in the direction of the limits of the Lod Airport south to the corner of his South-West, and then in a southwesterly direction to a point the product of the amount of the work, the From there, take a portion of the south of Mar-western region of Abu al-Fadl to the northeast corner of the territory of beer Jacob (you must specify the boundary line, so that allows a direct connection between the state of Arab kitchen Lod)And from there follows the line of the border limits of the town of Ramla West and south to the northeast corner of the village Nomani, and then walked in a straight line to a point in the far south of the Wild on the alignment of the boundaries of the village east and Park Village jujube South and from there turning north the south side of the road Jaffa Jerusalem until the domes, including the follow the way to the limits of my dad Shusha, and in the alignment of the eastern border dad Shusha it will be only up to the point in the far south of her. From here It Goes West in a straight line to the north-eastern corner of Umm kalkha, from there it follows the northern borders of Umm kalkha and Al-qazaza and the northern and western borders of Al-makhazin to the borders of the Gaza area, and from there it goes through the lands of the villages of Al-masmiyya al-Kabira and Yasur to the southern point of the intersection located in the middle of the distance between the built-up areas of Yasur and Batani Sharqi.

The border lines go from the southern intersection point towards the northwest between the villages of GaN yifna and Barqa to the sea at a point located halfway between the Prophet Yunus and the port of Qalaa, and towards the southeast to a point west of qastina, from which it turns in a south-western direction passing east of the built-up areas of Al-Sawafir and abdis, and from the southeast corner of the village of abdis A point in the southeast of the built-up area of


From there, it goes in a southerly direction along the western border of the village of Fallujah to the borders of the Beersheba District, then it goes through the tribal lands of the Arabs of jabarat to a point on the border between the two districts of Beersheba to the north of Khirbet khuweilfa, and from there it goes in A south-westerly direction to a point on the Beersheba-Gaza public road two kilometers to the northwest of the town, then it turns Southeast and reaches Wadi Sheba at a point located one kilometer to the west of it, and from here it turns in a north-easterly direction, walking along Wadi Sheba and along the Beersheba / Hebron Road a kilometer away One, and then it turns east and runs in a straight line to Khirbet as a highway to meet the provincial border between Beersheba and Hebron, then follows the border of banersheba / Hebron in an easterly direction to a point north of Ras zuweira, then separates from it and cuts the base of the void between the 150th and 160th meridians.

About five kilometers to the northeast of Ras Al-zuweira, the border turns north, so that it excludes from the Arab state a sector along the Dead Sea coast no more than seven kilometers wide, until Ein Gedi, where it turns from there to the east to meet the borders of East Jordan in the Dead Sea.

The northern border of the Arab part of the coastal plain starts from a point between the port of castles and Nabi Yunis, passing between the built-up areas of GaN yifna and Barqa until the intersection point, and from here it goes in a south-westerly direction passing through the lands of the eastern blanket along the eastern border of the lands of Beit Daras and through the lands of, And past as far as the northwest corner of the Beit Tema grounds. From there, go to the east of the hungry through the territory of the Berber villages on the alignment of the eastern border of the village of Beit George Abbey Snead destroyed, and the east corner, it would destroy crosses the boundaries of the lands of Beit Hanun the history of the land of the Jews from the yoke of the year towards the East, and the south-eastern corner of Beit Hanun the trending border to the south-west towards the South Point of the line respectively 100 and then turn towards the North-West a distance of two kilometers, And emotions again in the direction of the south-west and in almost a straight line to the north-west corner of the territory of the formless that and from there follow the line of this village to the southernmost point and then moving in the direction south on the alignment of the Meridian 90 until the point of its intersection with latitude 70 and then turn in the direction of the south-east to Khirbet welcomed and in a southerly direction to a point known as the foyer, where the mess left behind by Sheva / Auja general to the west of the Khirbet a supervisor and there she meets the valley oil to the west from the set and from there turn to the Northeast and then to the South-East belonging to this reality, and then proceed to the east of the slave received my Valley bloating and then to the south-west aligned Valley bloating Valley Ajram ouaddai tongue up until the point you cut the valley of the tongue of the Egyptian border.

The area of the Jaffa Arab strip consists of that part of the Jaffa City Planning Area located to the west of the Jewish neighborhoods located south of Tel Aviv and to the west of the extension of Herzl Street until its confluence with the Jaffa Jerusalem road, and to the southwest of that part of the Jaffa Jerusalem Road located to the southeast of the


These converge, to the west of the territory of makveh Yisrael, to the northwest of the Holon local council area, to the north of the line connecting the northwestern corner of Holon with the northeastern corner of the Bat Yam local council area, and to the north of the Bat Yam local council area. The question of the katron neighborhood will be decided by the Boundary Commission, taking into account - among other considerations-the desire to include as few of its Arab inhabitants as possible and as many of its Jewish inhabitants as possible in the Jewish state.

The Jewish state:

The north-eastern sector of the Jewish state (Galilee) is bordered to the East by the North and West, the Lebanese borders, and to the East by the borders of Syria and East Jordan, and includes the entire hula Basin, the sea of Galilee and the whole of the Baysan province, where the border line extends to the top of the Gilboa mountains and the Salt Valley, and from there the Jewish state extends towards the northwest within the boundaries described in relation to the Arab state.

The Jewish part of the coastal plain stretches from a point between the port of castles and Nabi Yunis in the Gaza province, includes the cities of Haifa and Tel Aviv leaving Jaffa a sector of the Arab state. The eastern border of the Jewish state follows the one described in connection with the Arab state.

C-the city of Jerusalem:

The boundaries of the city of Jerusalem shall be as defined in the recommendations on the city of Jerusalem. (See below the third part

Section B).

The third part is the city of Jerusalem

A-a special system

It makes the city of Jerusalem a separate entity (Corpus separatum) subject to a special international regime, administered by the United Nations, and appoints a Trusteeship Council to carry out the work of the administrative authority on behalf of the United Nations.

B city limits:

The city of Jerusalem includes the current Jerusalem municipality in addition to the neighboring villages and countries, the farthest to the East is Abu Dis, the farthest to the South is Bethlehem, and to the West is Ein Karem, and includes with it the built-up area of the village of qaluniya.

C City System basis:

The guardianship Council shall, within five months of the approval of the present project, draw up and approve a detailed Constitution of the city containing the essence of the following conditions:

1 government administration, its own purposes


In carrying out its administrative obligations, the administrative authority shall pursue the following specific objectives:

A-to protect and maintain the unique spiritual and religious interests located within the city of the three great monotheistic faiths spread throughout the world, Christianity, Judaism and Islam, and to work to this end, so that order and peace prevail - religious peace, especially the city of Jerusalem.

It is necessary to support the spirit of cooperation between all the inhabitants of the city, whether for their own benefit, or in order to promote the peaceful development of common relations between the peoples of Palestine in the Holy Land as a whole, to ensure security and well-being, and to encourage every constructive measure that would improve the lives of the population, taking into account the Customs and special circumstances of different peoples and communities.

2 governor and administrative staff

The Guardian Council shall appoint a governor of Jerusalem, to whom he shall be responsible, and this choice shall be on the basis of his own competence without taking into account his nationality, provided that he is not a citizen of either state in Palestine; the governor represents the United Nations in the city of Jerusalem, and exercises on its behalf all administrative powers, including the International employees in accordance with the operative article (100) of the charter, and are selected as far as possible from among the residents of the city and from the rest of Palestine, without any racial discrimination. The governor must submit a detailed project for the organization of the city administration to the Regency Council for approval.

3 local independence

A-the currently existing units with local autonomy in the city area (villages, centers, municipalities) shall have broad governmental and administrative powers within the local scope.

B the Governor shall study the project of establishing special municipal units, consisting of the Jewish and Arab sections in the new city of Jerusalem, and submit it to the guardianship Council for consideration and decision, and the new municipal units shall continue to form part of the current municipality of the city of Jerusalem.

4 security measures

A-the city of Jerusalem shall be demilitarized, its neutrality shall be declared and maintained, and no formations, training or military activity shall be allowed to take place within its borders.

B in the event that the work of the administration in the city of Jerusalem is seriously hindered or prevented by the lack of cooperation or interference of one or more categories of the population, the Governor shall have the authority to take the necessary measures to restore the effective functioning of the administration.

(C) to assist in the maintenance of internal law and order, in particular for the protection of the holy places, religious sites and buildings in the city; the Governor shall organize a special police force of sufficient strength, whose personnel shall be recruited from outside


Palestine, and the governor is given the right to dispose of budget items as needed; to maintain this power

And spending on them.

5 legislative regulation

Legislative and tax authority shall be in the hands of a Legislative Council elected by secret universal suffrage, on the basis of proportional representation of the adult population of the city of Jerusalem, and without discrimination in terms of nationality.however, no legislative measure shall contradict or contradict the provisions stipulated in the city's Constitution, nor shall any law, regulation or official act prevail over these provisions. The Constitution gives the governor the right (to vetobills that contradict the said provisions, and also gives him the power to issue temporary orders in case the council fails to approve in a timely manner a bill that is essential for the normal functioning of the administration.

.6 elimination:

The law should provide for the creation of an independent judicial system, which includes an appellate court under whose jurisdiction the residents of the city are subject.

7 economic union and economic system:

The city of Jerusalem shall be included within the Palestinian economic union, and bound by all the provisions of the pledge and every treaty emanating from it, as well as all the decisions of the Joint Economic Council, and the headquarters of the Economic Council shall be located in the city area and the Constitution must contain provisions for Economic Affairs that do not fall within the system of economic unity, on the basis of non-discrimination and equal treatment for states Members and nationals of the United Nations.

8 freedom of TRANSIT, visiting and resident control:

The freedom of entry and residence within the city limits shall be guaranteed to residents of the Arab and Jewish states and their citizens, provided that security considerations are not violated, taking into account economic considerations as determined by the governor in accordance with the instructions of the guardianship Council. Migration to and residence within the city limits for nationals of other states shall be subject to the authority of the governor in accordance with the instructions of the Regency Council.

. Relations with the Arab and Jewish states

The governor of the city accredits the representatives of the Arab and Jewish states, and they are charged with protecting the interests of their states and their subjects at the International administration of the city.

.10 official languages


Arabic and Hebrew shall be the official languages of the city, and this text does not preclude the adoption of a language or languages in the work

Several additional ones as needed.

11 citizenship

All de facto residents become citizens of the city of Jerusalem, unless they choose the nationality of the state of which they were nationals, or unless they are Arabs or Jews, have declared their intention to become citizens of the Arab state and the Jewish state in accordance with paragraph (9) of Section (B) of the first part of the present draft.

The guardianship council takes measures to provide consular protection to citizens of the city outside its territory.

12 freedoms of citizens

A-the residents of the city shall be guaranteed, provided that the requirements of Public Order and public morals are not violated, human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of belief, religion, worship, language, education, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of Assembly, membership and formation of associations, and freedom of grievance.

B no discrimination is made among the population because of origin, religion, language or gender. C-all residents within the city shall have an equal right to enjoy the protection of the law. D the family law and personal status of different individuals and different communities must be respected, as well as

Their religious interests.

E without prejudice to the necessities of Public Order and good administration, no action shall be taken to impede or interfere with the activity of religious or charitable institutions of all denominations, and no discrimination shall be made towards representatives of such institutions or

Its members, because of their religion or nationality.

The city provides adequate primary and secondary education to the Arab and Jewish communities in their respective languages, in accordance with their cultural traditions, and the rights of each community to maintain its own schools to educate its members in their national language - provided that they comply with the general educational requirements imposed by the city will not be denied or disrupted, and foreign educational institutions continue their activity on the basis of existing rights.

G-the freedom of any member of the city's population to use any language whatsoever in his private conversations, in trade or religious matters, in the press or publications of all kinds, or public meetings may not be restricted.

13 holy places:

(A) no prejudice shall be caused to the existing rights relating to the holy places , religious buildings and sites.


B guarantees freedom of access to holy places, religious buildings and sites, and freedom to practice worship, in accordance with existing rights, provided that order and decency are observed.

C the holy places, religious buildings and Sites shall be protected and any act that would in any way offend their holiness shall be prohibited. If at any time the governor deems it necessary to restore a holy place or to build a religious site, he may invite the sect or sects concerned to carry out the necessary renovations. He may carry out such repairs at the expense of the sect or sects concerned if he does not receive an answer to his request within a reasonable period.

D no tax shall be levied on a holy place, building or religious site that was exempt from it at the time of the establishment of the city (with its international status), and no amendment shall be made to this tax that would discriminate between the owners of religious places, buildings and sites or their inhabitants, or would put these owners or residents of the general effect of the tax in a lower position It is more appropriate than it was at the time of the adoption of the recommendations of the General Assembly.

14 special powers of the governor in relation to the holy places, religious buildings and sites in the city and in any part of Palestine

A-the protection of the holy places, religious buildings and sites located in the city of Jerusalem should be the subject of special attention of the governor.

B with regard to places, buildings and similar sites located in Palestine outside the city, the governor, under the powers granted to him by the Constitution of the two states, shall determine whether the provisions of the constitutions of the Arab and Jewish states in Palestine concerning these places and the religious rights related thereto are properly applied and respected.

The governor also has the right to make decisions on the basis of existing rights in the event of a dispute between different religious communities or concerning the rituals of a particular community regarding holy places, religious buildings and sites throughout Palestine.

In carrying out this task, the governor may appoint an advisory board consisting of representatives of various

Communities, acting in an advisory capacity.

D the duration of the special regime:

The constitution drawn up by the guardianship Council - in the light of the above principles-shall enter into force no later than the first of October 1948, and shall initially enter into force within ten years unless the guardianship Council deems it necessary to review these provisions as soon as possible. At the end of this period, the total system must be reviewed by the guardianship Council in the light of the experiences gained during this period of its operation. Residents of the city will then be free to declare by referendum their wishes for possible amendments to the city ordinance.


Part IV: privileges

The states whose nationals have in the past enjoyed in Palestine the Consular Privileges and immunities granted to them during the Ottoman rule by virtue of privileges or custom, are called upon to waive all their rights to re-establish the said privileges and immunities in the Arab and Jewish states intended to be established as well as in the city of Jerusalem.

The General Assembly adopted this resolution at its plenary session No. 128-23 votes to 13, with 10 abstentions as follows:

With the resolution: Australia, Belgium, Bolivia Brazil Belarus (Belarus), Canada, Costa Rica, Czechoslovakia, Denmark Dominican Republic Ecuador France Guatemala Haiti, Iceland, Liberia, Luxembourg, Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay Peru Philippines, Poland, Sweden, Ukraine, South Africa, USSR, USA United States of America, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Against the resolution Afghanistan Cuba Egypt Greece India Iran Iraq Lebanon Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Yemen.

Abstaining Argentina, Chile China Colombia, El Salvador Abyssinia Honduras Mexico United Kingdom, Yugoslavia.

Source :

United Nations resolutions on Palestine and the Arab-Israeli conflict, Vol. I, 1947-1974, Institute for Palestine Studies, quoting from the official records of the General Assembly, Session 2 Supplement No. 11 vol. I - IV


Jerusalem is Arab .. Al-Azhar confirmed it in the document "2011", Al-Azhar gate, December 7, 2017, link: statement of the board of senior scholars of Al-Azhar on Jerusalem, al-Azhar gate, December 12, 2017, link: Details/% -

Azhar .. Bright stations in the march in support of the Palestinian cause, Thursday, January 18, 2018, newspaper website

The Voice of Al Azhar, link: كتاب القدس العربية .. Testimonials from history, book collection, link: d Hala Mustafa research papers, Al-Ahram Jerusalem Journal between history and politics, December 2010 pre-Israel Jews.. How citizenship turned into hostility , January 18, 2018, Voice of Azhar magazine website link: Dr. Hassan Zaza, Alexandria University, 1970, Jerusalem book.. The city of God Or the city of David, The following link

- Zahi Hawas, Amarna Letters, June 14, 2012, Al-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper, link:

توثیTo document the monumentsof Minya, an article about Amarna Hill, Link

- 98 years of the Balfour Declaration, 02 November 2015, Palestine Now website, link:




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