Islamic conquest of Jerusalem

Palestine and Jerusalem have formed the first line of Defense for Islam and the Muslim country. the city has derived its religious importance for Muslims, not only because it has Canaanite Arab origins, but also because it is the cradle of the messages, from which the messenger of Allah "Muhammad" (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came to the Seven Heavens and spoke to his Lord, and prayers were imposed on Muslims

Allah Almighty did not choose the House of Jerusalem as a place for the worship of his prophet in vain, but a heavenly Divine Will has drawn since that date and forever the relationship of millions of Muslims to this holy spot of the Earth, which is for them one of the holiest shrines, and it is the place to which they make their pilgrimage, as it is their first kiss and the third of the Two Holy Mosques after the Kaaba and the Prophet's mosque in Madinah

The messenger of Allah, Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), after pronouncing the Islamic call and spreading it, began to direct the eyes and hearts of Muslims to the city of Jerusalem, realizing its religious and spiritual importance for Muslims. in the first jamada, the eighth year of emigration, he sent the first Islamic force to the Levant, and made at the head of this force, which does not exceed three thousand fighters, "Zaid Ibn harithah" the force marched to the Levant to clash with the armies of the Romans, where Muslims learned that "Hercules" from the Romans and joined by such a number of neighboring Arab tribes, the tension in the hearts of the Muslim force and they thought to ask for help from "Muhammad", but they influenced the clash with armies Rum is either victory or martyrdom for the sake of Allah and Paradise

The Muslims marched to the North until they were met by the rum masses in Muta near the city of Karak in Jordan, and the unequal battle took place, and soon the Muslim army withdrew to save the force from certain annihilation, this incident was the first test for Muslims and their courageous will to liberate Jerusalem and their full readiness to sacrifice and redemption for Jerusalem

The holy prophet ordered to equip an army led by "Osama bin Zayd" to avenge the martyrs of mutah, and the messenger moved to the Supreme comrade and the army of Osama is preparing to march north, so the caliph Abu Bakr ordered Siddiq that the army of Osama continue its March and achieve the mission assigned to him by the messenger of Allah, and the army of Osama clashed with the Arab tribes

After the caliph "Abu Bakr al-Siddiq" finished the wars of apostasy and strengthening the pillars of Muslims after the death of the prophet, he prepared an army to invade the Levant and liberate Jerusalem, the number of the army was estimated at twenty-four thousand strong Muslim soldiers, and the Muslim army marched north and fought the Romans in side battles until it reached the outskirts of Damascus in the "Hauran "

As for the Romans, they gathered in preparation for the decisive battle in the Yarmouk Valley separating Syria and Jordan with an estimated ten times the number of the Muslim army, and on the other hand, Khalid ibn al-Walid at the head of an equipped army provided an extension to the Muslim army and the army united under the leadership of "Khalid ibn al-Walid" and the decisive battle took place and the victory was the ally of the Muslims in Yarmouk, after which the Muslim army headed to Damascus, where it was besieged and

In the year 15 Ah – 636 A.D., The Emir of the believers, Khalid ibn al-Walid, was removed from the head of the army, and Abu Ubaida was appointed in his place, so Abu Ubaida was sent to the commanders of the armies, advising them to consult Umar-may Allah be pleased with him -, and he pointed to Jerusalem, so the joy of the Muslims was great joy, they were eagerly waiting for prayer at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the armies moved towards Jerusalem, and the walls of Jerusalem, and when Abu Ubaidah and his army arrived in Jerusalem, the Muslims saw him, and they magnified greatly, so terror spread in the hearts of the Romans and they thought that the Prince of the believers had arrived himself, and when they knew that he had not come to Jerusalem, they continued Fighting.

Siege of Abu Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarrah Elijah (Jerusalem)

When Abu Ubaidah Ibn Jarrah finished conquering Damascus, he was confused where to turn: (to Caesarea, or to Jerusalem), Abu Ubaidah knows the importance of both these cities, which resisted all attempts by Muslims to conquer, so he wrote to Caliph Umar for instructions, he is unable to make a decision on this issue.

Suddenly the Caliph ordered them to conquer Jerusalem, and the Muslims rejoiced, because they were waiting for prayer at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, accordingly, Abu Ubaydah wrote to her people - the people of Elijah-inviting them to Allah and Islam, or to pay tribute, or authorize a war, so they refused to answer to what he called them, so he rode to them in his soldiers, and he had marched towards Jerusalem seven armies, headed by: (Yazid, Khalid, sharhbil, Muawiya).

"Amr ibn al-as" had beaten a severe siege on the holy city, and the” artabun of rum “had fled to Jerusalem, when the news reached him about the gathering of the Islamic armies to conquer the holy city, he felt very scared, he did not forget his humiliating defeat in front of Amr ibn al-as in the” Battle of ajnadeen", and Amr was alone, so how if Amr ibn al-as, Abu Ubaida and Khalid ibn al-Walid met?"!

When Abu Ubaidah arrived with the army of the Levant, the Muslims began to enlarge, and the Romans thought that the Prince of the Muslims had arrived, so they told the archbishop, and he said:

(And the truth of the Gospel, if he has presented their prince, we have condemned your destruction, because we find in the knowledge that we have inherited, that the one who opens the Earth in length and width, is the brown man, the tall one, called Omar, the companion of their prophet, if he has presented, there is no way to fight him, surrender to him, and I must honor, if it is him, surrender, and if it is someone else, fight, they will not open it)،

When Abu Ubaida saw him, he knew that he was not the conqueror of Jerusalem, and he gave the soldiers orders to fight.

The siege of Jerusalem lasted for four months, during which the Muslims cut off all means of escape to the Romans and harassed them, but the Romans did not give up and after severe distress, the patriarch asked the Muslims through letters to describe to him their prince, and when they described him and the Romans found that his description matched the description in their holy books, he knew that never until God owns them as others own them. He asked them about their request, and they replied that it was one of three, either Islam, jizya, peace or fighting.the patriarch agreed to make peace, but he told them that only ' Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) should enter it, and the Muslims agreed to that.

The bishop of Jerusalem sent to the Muslims asking why they opened Jerusalem, and Abu Ubaydah replied that it was the land of the prophets and the messenger's (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and that they would never leave it until Allaah owned it as others owned it,so he asked them about their demand،

And they answered: one of three: (either Islam, or tribute and peace, or fighting), the bishop imposed peace, but he told them that only 'Umar should enter it, and' Amr ibn al-as said: (I am ' AMR), and they said: but his name consists of (3) letters and not (4).

So Abu Ubaidah wrote a book to Umar, and Umar consulted the people about it:

So Uthman ibn Affan advised not to ride to them, so that it would be more despicable for them, and he would be forced for their noses.

Ali ibn Abi Talib advised to march to them, so that the burden would be lighter on the Muslims in their siege among them.

This is what Ali said, and he marched the armies towards them, and Ali ibn Abi Talib took over the city, and went out to the Levant and at the front of the army: Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib.

Opening the holy house

Omar bin al-Khattab meets with leaders in jabiya

Umar wrote to the princes of the soldiers to present him with jabiya-an area in the Golan plateau-for the day he named for them, and to take credit for their deeds, so the first to meet him was Yazid ibn Abi Sufyan, Abu ubayda, and then Khalid ibn al-Walid, on them the iron they had brought from rum, iron mixed with brocade and silk, so he went down and took stones and threw them،

He said: 'as soon as you come back from your opinion! You are being greeted in this outfit, but you have been full for two years! And by Allah, if you had done this at the head of two hundred, I would have replaced you with someone else, and they said: (O Prince of believers, we have to take up arms, and these Romans are not intimidated except by this dress, he said: yes, then).

This great meeting of these great leaders was after a break of more than two years, since they came out conquering the country, and set up a camp in jabiya, and while they were meeting, if a piece of horse shining their swords came towards the Muslim camp, the soldiers came to prepare, Omar said: Do not consider that they are safe, if they are the people of Jerusalem, they came to Omar to negotiate with him the surrender of Jerusalem, and agreed on reconciliation.

Description of the conqueror of Jerusalem by the Jews

A man from the Jews of Damascus came to him and said to him: (peace be upon you, Farouk, You are the owner of Elijah, no, and Allah does not return until Allah opens Elijah), even the Jews know that the one who opens Jerusalem is Omar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him.

Omar ibn al-Khattab received the keys to Jerusalem

When they reached Jerusalem, its bishop came out to him, and Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, wrote them safety, so the bishop handed the keys of Jerusalem to Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, and the opening was completed, and Umar entered Jerusalem through the door from which the messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, entered on the night of Isra, and prayed in the future Qibla.

Then the bishop wept and Omar said to him: (do not grieve, take it easy on you, the world is coming, day for you and day for you), and the Bishop said: (I think I cried for the loss of the King I cried, and God is not for this I cried, but I cried when I realized that your state for eternity remains, rising and Unbroken, the state of injustice is an hour, and the state of justice until the hour arose, and I thought it was a conquering state passing and then extinct with the Sunnis).

Then the bishop invited him to inspect the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Omar answered his invitation, and the prayer caught him while he was in it, so he turned to the bishop and said to him: (where do I pray?)He said: 'it would not have been for' Umar to pray in a church, so the Muslims would come after me and say 'Umar prayed here' and build a mosque on him.

Then the Amir of the believers returned and added to the” age Covenant " a clause: Muslims should not touch the place where Umar prayed.

The date of Umar ibn al-Khattab's entry into Jerusalem

The Amir of the believers entered Jerusalem in the year (16 Ah), he entered it with peace, not war, because Islam is a religion that calls for tolerance and the preservation of lives, not the loss of them, and calls for renouncing strife, and fighting injustice and injustice throughout the ages.

During his stay in Jerusalem, the Prince of believers wandered around looking for the Al-Aqsa mosque, but he could not find it, so the bishop asked about him, and he was told: (is this the one that the Jews revered?))

He said: (yes), and he pointed him out, and the Christians made him a garbage dump, and Omar rolled up his forearms, and began to clean and sweep the mosque, and when the Muslims saw him, they all began to clean it, put his cloak and prayed two Rak'ahs on it, and Bilal was allowed in the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and it was not allowed since the death of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him.

Umar laid the foundation stone of the rock from which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)ascended with King Gabriel less than (20) years ago on the journey of the heavens to the highest public; known as Isra and Miraj, and built the “Umar mosque” in the same spot where he prayed.

The humility of Omar at the opening of Jerusalem

The Prince of the believers came out of Medina with his boy on one side, and they took turns riding him, he could have gone out and left behind the armies of his army, and in a majestic procession of knights, but he wanted to leave a message to the Kings of the Earth about humility and pride in Allah alone and no other.

When the age of Jabal al-Mukaber reached, he grew up, and the soldiers grew up to enlarge Omar, rejoicing at the arrival of the Prince of believers, and the people of Elijah were waiting for a solemn procession for the Prince of believers, who eliminated the presence of rum in most of the Levant،

And they started asking Muslims, ' where is Omar?' They did not know him, because when he reached Jerusalem, it was the turn of the boy to ride the camel, and the boy wanted to present the Prince of the believers to him, but he refused and entered Jerusalem on foot dragging the camel،

When Abu Ubaidah saw him, he could not bear it, so he hurried to the commander of the believers and said: (O commander of the believers, you have done a great deed today among the people of the Earth, so may you عمر) and Umar struck him in the chest, reproaching،

But if someone else had said it, O father of slaves, we were a humble people, and Allah strengthened us with Islam, and we were weak, Allah strengthened us.

The Bishop said to his people: (no one in the world can stand in the face of these people, so hand over to them to survive.)،

It was the "age covenant" that still exists and is preserved to this day in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, in which the Prince of believers gave the Romans safety in Jerusalem, and assured their worship, churches and shrines that they would not be destroyed and not touched.

He stipulated that no one from the Jews should live with them, and the Jews were forbidden to enter Jerusalem at the request of the Christians themselves, and the Amir of the believers agreed to this, so this was a witness to the morality of Muslims and their mercy, and here she knew Jerusalem as her most merciful Conqueror, unlike the Kings who were invading Jerusalem and razing it completely and killing its people.

Umar ibn al-Khattab landed in Jerusalem after its conquest in 16 Ah/638 ad half of the Army assigned to the conquest of Palestine, which is about three thousand fighters, led by alakma Ibn majzaz al-Kanani and the sources mention the names of many companions and followers who settled in it after the conquest of them :


* The companion Obadah Ibn al-Samit Al-Ansari, who died and was buried there in 34 Ah, In the Bab al-Rahma cemetery next to the eastern wall of the city.

* The companion Shaddad Ibn Aws Al-Ansari, who died and was buried there in 58 Ah In the Bab al-Rahma cemetery along with the worship of Ibn al-Samit.

* Companion Abdullah bin Amr bin Qais Al-Khazraji (son of Umm Haram)،

* The companion Abu Muhammad Al-Khazraji Al-Ansari.


The Yemenite tribes from Hamir settled in Jerusalem, including the companion Salama Ibn Caesar al-Hadrami Al-Hamiri, affiliated with Umm Darda.

A number of kinda tribe members descended on it, the most famous of them: the follower of Raja Ibn haywa.

A number of members of the Canaanite tribe also settled in the city, the most famous of them are: alaqma Ibn majzaz Al-canaani, one of the army commanders who participated in its conquest, and the Sahabi WA'thah Ibn al-asqaq Al-canaani .

The intensity of the Arab settlement in Jerusalem was observed in the time of the adults, especially from the generation of companions and followers who came there and it became a residence for them and their descendants after them.


The Christians:


Umar ibn al-Khattab gave them security over themselves, their money and their churches, and Christians remained a large percentage of its population until the end of the Rashidun era, and they lived with Muslims in harmony and peace.




The Jewish diaspora employed servants and cleaners on the Temple Mount, and there were 20 of them, and it seems that they were poor religious people .




Arab Muslims from its people worked in the administration and the Army as governors, judges, writers and fighters, some of them worked in education, most Christians worked in handicrafts and trade, some held administrative positions in the state, they worked as writers in the Diwan of the Kharaj, and a few of them worked as doctors for caliphs and governors.




According to this system, the lands that belonged to Palestine in the Byzantine era were distributed to two soldiers, so the second Palestine became the army of Jordan after the conquest, with the city of Tiberias as its capital.

The territories of both the first and third Palestine formed : Jund Palestine with its capital Jerusalem, beisan and Lajjun represented its northern border with Jund Jordan, and Ayala on the Red Sea was the southernmost point of its borders, while the Mediterranean Sea and the Egyptian Sinai desert formed its western borders, and the western foothills of the Balqa and Shara mountains formed its eastern borders.


Administrative institutions:


Among the most important administrative institutions that existed in Palestine were: the Diwan of the army, the Kharaj, the letters, the House of money, the judiciary and the stories, and the role of the Sekka (striking money) .

The administrative apparatus of the Palestine Legion consisted of the governor and his workers on the Kur, the cities, the House of money, the courts, the police, the hijab, the judiciary, and the stories.

During the caliphate of Umar ibn al-Khattab (16-23 ah), the Wali of Jerusalem were al-AQMA Ibn majzaz al-Kanani and ubada Ibn al-Samit Al-Ansari; Shaddad Ibn Aws Al-Ansari and Tamim Ibn Aws Al-dari held the post of Beit al-Maqdis worker in the caliphate of Uthman (24-35); Salama Ibn Caesar al-Hadrami took over during the fitna (35-40 Ah).

It is mentioned that the cult of Ibn al-Samit took over the judiciary in the caliphates of Umar and Uthman, and that the companions Tamim Al-Dari and Abu Rayhana Shimon Al-azdi held the post of storyteller(preacher) in the mosque of Bayt al-Maqdis.