
In a serious attempt to connect the occupied city of Jerusalem with its eastern and western parts with a special transportation network in the Israeli entity, and to cut off the neighborhoods of Jerusalem and separate them from each other, the "local committee for organization and construction" in the occupation municipality in Jerusalem began work on the implementation of the second phase of the "light train"project. This Judaization project is primarily part of a large and dangerous Israeli plan aimed at Judaizing Jerusalem as a whole, imposing a fait accompli by the force of its occupation, and trying to change its Islamic and Arab character and its civilized face. According to the occupation municipality, the project is one of the most important projects connecting the transport network in Jerusalem to all parts of the Israeli entity through two "light and large" trains, where Jerusalem will be connected to Tel Aviv, Jaffa and Haifa to the North and at the same time connecting the settlements to the holy city with each other, according to Safa agency.

The project includes three phases, the first of which was completed ten years ago, and it starts from the Shuafat area to the western part of Jerusalem near "Ein Karem". As the researcher on Jerusalem affairs Fakhri Abu Diab says.

He explains to the Safa agency that the second phase of the project starts from the town of Issawiya, the settlement of "French Hill" and near the Hebrew University, reaching the western part of Jerusalem, passing through the "Talpiot" industrial area to Beit safava and up to the settlement of "Gilo" southwest of the city. The length of the "light train" in its second phase will extend over a distance of 22 kilometers, and 47 stations will be built along the route of the so-called"Green Line", so that it will meet with the regular train to transport settlers from Jerusalem to the Palestinian coast. According to Abu Diab, the goal of the new railway line is to connect the settlements in the north of Jerusalem to the south, through a network of transportation, with the aim of flooding the city with settlers and facilitating their movement inside it, and also represents an important link for the Israeli entity.

Through its plans, Israel is working to impose the so-called "unified Jerusalem project, and that it is the eternal capital of the Jews," so its Judaization projects begin from the eastern part of the city to connect it with its western part so that there is no separation between them. This Judaization project is part of the strategic road system that stretches from North to south of Jerusalem to serve the general settlement project, including facilitating the movement of settlers from settlements to the city. According to the project, changes will be applied to traffic and parking arrangements in the Gilo settlement south of Jerusalem, as part of the construction of the so-called "light rail Green Line". The occupation municipality said that it is in the process of completing this new line as soon as possible, because it will implement the government's plan to connect the settlements, expecting that by 2023 all settlers in Gilo will be eligible to use the "light train".

The researcher in Jerusalem affairs adds that the implementation of the second phase of the "light train" project will lead to the division of the Arab neighborhoods of Jerusalem, change the face of the city, confiscate thousands of dunams of land of Palestinian citizens and their homes, especially in Issawiya, Beit Safafa and many neighborhoods, as well as the penetration of this line to the main streets in the city. He shows that this will significantly affect the Arab transport companies in Jerusalem, which employ thousands of Jerusalemites, and traffic, and may lead to the cessation of their work, which further strangles the Jerusalem economy.

The occupation authorities confiscated thousands of dunams of Jerusalemites ' land in Shuafat, Misrata and Beit Hanina in order to establish the first stage of the "light train". According to Abu Diab, the Judaization project will threaten the security of Jerusalemites as a result of the intensive deployment of occupation forces and settlers ' security guards in the area, which will witness more arrests and violations.

The third phase of the project, which is called the "Brown Line", will start from Sur Baher and Jabal al-Mukaber in the south, passing through the town of Silwan, Ras al-Amud, Sheikh Jarrah and even Beit Hanina and Atarot in the North, and will also be interspersed with the seizure of thousands of dunums and houses.

 Abu Diab confirms that the occupation government allocates billions of dollars to transform Jerusalem into an architectural, civilizational and cultural character different from what it is, and to create manifestations far from the values and Arab-Islamic civilization and the history of the city.