About Us

Dear visitor
Welcome to the website of the information bank about the Old City of Jerusalem
This website seeks to document and disseminate accurate and authentic religious, historical and political information about the Old City of Jerusalem, which represents the heart of Jerusalem, the political, spiritual and eternal capital of Palestine.
It aims to highlight the Arab, Islamic and Christian identity of the Old City, which reflects its history, civilization, coexistence and the violations it is subjected to by the Israeli occupation and attempts to obliterate and falsify the Arab and Islamic identity of Jerusalem .
It provides its services to all categories of users, researchers and those interested in the Old City of Jerusalem in four different languages: Arabic, English, French and Turkish, and is keen to provide accessibility for people with special needs.
The Website is based on the Arab and Islamic vision of Jerusalem as an international city and the eternal capital of the state of Palestine, and its establishment is based on the vision and goals of the people's National Congress for Jerusalem, and what the Jerusalem, National, Arab, Islamic and international institutions concerned with the defense of Jerusalem and its rights and sanctities come together.
The site invites visitors to interact, participate and benefit from the rich and diverse content it offers.
It seeks to be a reliable source and reference for everyone who wants to know the truth about the Old City of Jerusalem.
This site is the result of the work and cooperation between the Iraqi Ministry of culture, which fully funded the project in cooperation and coordination with the National Committee and the alecso organization, and under the supervision, management and follow-up of the people's National Congress of Jerusalem .

(The Jerusalem people's National Congress is an integral part of the PLO that takes into account social, cultural, institutional and national affairs to strengthen the steadfastness of the Jerusalemite Citizen on his land ).
Temporary address: Umm Al sharait-next to Badran lounges