Security Council resolutions

The issue of Jerusalem entered the corridors of the United Nations as a result of the partition of Palestine Resolution No. 181, which was issued by the UN General Assembly on November 29, 1947, and stipulated that the internationalization of Jerusalem is the best way to protect all religious interests in the holy city.

Since the Nakba of 1948, there have been a number of resolutions issued by the Security Council on Israeli violations and measures aimed at Judaizing the holy city to make it its unified capital, but these resolutions have remained mostly on paper because of Israel's non-compliance with them, and because these resolutions themselves are non-deterrent.

The following are the most prominent resolutions adopted by the Security Council on Jerusalem since the Nakba:

August 19, 1948 -:

The Security Council considered the status of Jerusalem and voted on Resolution No. 56, in which it asked the international mediator to demilitarize Jerusalem to protect it from destruction.

April 27, 1968 (Monday):

The Security Council unanimously voted on Resolution No. 250 calling on Israel to refrain from holding a military parade in Jerusalem because this "will increase tension in the region and have a negative impact on the peace settlement".

May 2nd/May  :
The council voted on Resolution No. 251, in which the council expressed "deep regret" for the holding of the military parade in Jerusalem on May 2, in disregard of Israel's decision, which was adopted unanimously by the council.

May 21st/May  :

The council studied a Jordanian complaint against Israeli measures aimed at Judaizing Jerusalem, and voted on Resolution No. 252, in which it considered that "all administrative and legislative measures and actions carried out by Israel, including the confiscation of land and property that would lead to a change in the legal status of Jerusalem, are invalid" and the resolution called on Israel to "cancel these measures and immediately refrain from any other action that would change the status of Jerusalem".

The council requested the secretary-general to submit a report on the implementation of this resolution.indeed, he subsequently submitted two reports (9194) and(9199), in which he indicated that Israel was continuing to change the parameters of Jerusalem.

June 30th, 1969 (in Russian):

The council met at the request of Jordan, and voted on the third of July of the same year on Resolution No. 267, in which it condemned all measures taken by Israel to change the features of Jerusalem, including the confiscation of Arab land and property. Consider it canceled.

September 15th:

The Security Council passed Resolution No. 171 condemning Israel for causing the Al-Aqsa mosque fire.

September 25, 1971:
It issued Resolution No. 298, in which it urgently called on Israel to "cancel all previous actions and actions and not to take further steps in the occupied sector of Jerusalem that may be understood as changing the status of the city or infringing on the rights of residents, the advice of the international community or a just and lasting peace".

June 30th, 1980 (in Russian):

The Security Council adopted Resolution No. 476, in which it noted that in the event that Israel refuses to comply with this resolution, the council is determined to discuss practical ways and means provided for in the UN Charter to ensure the full implementation of this resolution.

August 29th/August:

Resolution No. 478 was issued and includes non-recognition of Israeli law on Jerusalem, and calls on countries to withdraw their diplomatic missions from the city.

October 12th, 1990 (in Russian):
It issued Resolution No. 672, which condemns the massacre that took place inside the squares of Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem, and confirms the position of the Security Council that Jerusalem is an occupied territory.

September 30, 1996:

The Security Council issued Resolution No. 1073 calling for the immediate cessation and retraction of the opening of a tunnel entrance next to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the opening of which resulted in a large number of deaths and injuries among Palestinian civilians.

December 23rd, 2016 (Monday):

It issued Resolution No. 2334 confirming that Israel's establishment of settlements in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967-including East Jerusalem– has no legal legitimacy, and demands that Tel Aviv immediately cease all settlement activities and not recognize any changes in the borders of the Fourth of June 67.

December 18th, 2017 (Monday):

The vote on an Egyptian draft resolution at the UN Security Council rejecting US President Donald Trump's declaration recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel has won the approval of all council member states, with the exception of the United States, which vetoed it, while the Palestinians vowed to turn to the UN General Assembly to condemn Trump's decision.