the Marwani chapel is located below the south-eastern corner of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.this part of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque was known in the old days as the Eastern Settlement. it was originally built by the Umayyads as an architectural settlement of the original south-sloping Beit al-Maqdis plateau so that it could be built over its southern section closest to the Qibla on a winter floor and solid foundations rising to the level of the northern section.

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the Marwani Chapel consists of sixteen porticoes, with an area of more than four dunums and is the largest covered area for prayer in Al-Aqsa when the Crusaders occupied the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque the Crusaders turned the Marwani chapel into stables for horses and dug the corners of the columns to tie their horses,< / p>

which can be seen in the columns of the chapel to this day, and was named at that time as (Solomon's stables) after the prophet of God Solomon (PBUH),< / p>

it is a biblical designation that is not correct and has nothing to do with Solomon (PBUH) using the Marwani chapel as a stable, but it is from the old biblical heritage and after the Salafi liberation) returned the Marwani chapel to its former use as a settlement and storage only,< / p>

the order remains the same even after the Zionist occupation of the holy city until it was opened for prayer in 1996, and its day was named the Marwani Chapel after Abdul-Malik ibn Marwan .

 Marwani Chapel < / p>

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