The Mosques

Dome of the Rock Mosque

The Dome of the Rock is considered one of the most important Islamic architectural monuments in the world. The building is incomparable splendor, so that many theories have ...

Al Aqsa Mosque

the roofed mosque topped with a lead dome and located south of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque is named after al-Qibli. As for calling it the mosque, because it is the main chap ...

El-Marwani Mosque

The Marwani Chapel is located below the southeastern corner of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. This part of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque was known in the past as the eastern settlement, as it was originally built b ...

Mosque of Omar ibn al-Khattab

It is also called the Al-Malik Al-Afdal Mosque, after the one who rebuilt it, the King Bin Salah Al-Din in the year 589 AH / 1193 AD. ...

Alburq Mosque

This mosque is located in the southwestern side of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, below the Mughrabi Gate. There was the ring in which the Prophet, may God bless him and grant ...

Al Maghariba Mosque

This mosque is located in the southwestern corner of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, south of Al-Buraq Wall. This mosque has two doors, closed in the northern and open in the ea ...

Women Mosque

It is located inside the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, and extends along its southern wall, starting from the western wall of the Al-Qibli Mosque to the western wall of the blesse ...

Old Al-Aqsa Chapel

This mosque is located under the Al-Qibli Mosque. It is entered through a stone staircase located near the middle gallery on the northern side of the Al-Qibli Mosque. The do ...

Sheikh Makki Mosque

In relation to Sheikh Mujahid Makki, who is buried there. It is a small mosque, Ottoman in style, located in Haret Al-Saadiya. It was reopened recently after the Jewish sett ...

Red Minaret Mosque

It was built by Sheikh Alaeddin Ali bin Shams Al-Din Muhammad Al-Khalouti in the year 940 AH / 1533 AD, and it was known by its name in the first half of the sixteenth centu ...

Almwlawi Mosque

 its original crusader building is located near the red minaret mosque, it was converted into a mosque in the Ottoman era, and it has a distinctive building date.


Zawiya Naqshbandi Mosque

built in the Ottoman era, it is located a few meters from the gate of suffering, opposite the Church of the confinement of Christ, and is inside the Naqshbandi corner< / p ...

Rasasi Mosque

so named because its stones were brought together by melting Ottoman-style lead. It is located near the door of the beholder,< / p>

one of the ...

Sioufi Mosque

 located on el Wad Street near Bab el Hadid, it was recently restored and opened to prevent the occupation authorities from getting their hands on it, and is currently ...

Al-Shurafa Mosque

a small mosque located on Bab al-Silsila road, inside a school . Ottoman in origin and recently restored, it is full of worshipers from the children of the school and the n ...

Al-Qarmi Mosque

it is located in Al-qurmi Lane near the AL-attarin and Bab Khan Al-Zeit markets, it is small and has not been since, and the place of ambitions of the occupation authoritie ...

Sheikh Lulu Mosque

it is the ancient Pearl corner that was stood by the mujahid Emir Badr al-Din in 775 Ah / 1373 ad, it has no Mina originally located in front of the column, and the occupa ...

Al-Shorbaji Mosque

according to one of the scholars, it is a small mosque that does not have a minaret, which is frequented by worshippers from the merchants of the area and passers-by on the ...

Othman Bin Affan Mosque

or bazaar mosque, Ottoman style. It is located in the bazaar market, which was previously intended for the sale of farms of the Macedonian peasants. Major renovations were ...

Disi Mosque

or the Prophet David Road mosque is an Ottoman-style mosque ordered to be built by Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent , it was named after the architect who built it, locate ...

Souiqa Aloun Mosque

located in sweiqa Alun west of the old town, near the Hebron gate towards the bazaar market, it is an old Ottoman mosque that is currently used by market traders.


Hayat Mosque

it dates back to the time of the Umari conquest, its name differed between the Al Hayat or the reason is known, its current building is Ottoman style, it is located in the ...

Qalawun Mosque

located in the Christian Lane, it is without a minaret and is being restored at the expense of Muslim merchants of the region.



Qaymari Mosque

relative to Prince Saif al-Din al-qaimri, who died in 674 Ah / 1276 ad, a spot near Bab al-Jadid, opposite the Latin monastery, which is without a permit, and its construct ...

Darghat Mosque

located on wad street leading to the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, a group of Christian places, it is newly built.


Alyaaqubi Mosque

located west of the old town, near the gate of Hebron, it was renovated during the days of Sultan Qalawun in 686 Ah / 1287 ad. It is an old mosque, recently restored.
