This corridor was destroyed within time and the earthquakes, and only remains remained which were discovered near the giant doors of the Al-Marwani Mosque. It seems that this corridor dates back to the Umayyad times, as it extends from the giant gates of «Al-Marwani»> and is connected to the Gate of Mercy (Al-Rahma) by a southern entrance to the gate. Naser Khasrou (438 Hegira / 1047 CE) describes part of the eastern corridor saying: «And on the eastern wall, in the middle of the mosque, is a portico beautifully decorated with polished stones so that you would think it This is a one-piece sculpture, its height is fifty cubits and its width thirty, with engravings and patinas, and

has two beautiful doors, separated by more than a foot, and on them are find many Damascene decorations of iron and copper.