
The Western hallway

A covered corridor consisting of 55 arches along the western facade of Al-Aqsa. It was built in several stages during the Mamluk era between 737-707 AH / 1336-1307 AD with the aim of facilitating passage between all the monuments located in the western area of the mosque.


North Hallway

A covered corridor along the northern facade of Al-Aqsa, built in several stages during the Ayyubid and Mamluk eras between the year 610-769 AH / 1367-1213 AD, with the aim of facilitating passage between all the monuments in the northern area of the mosque. It was closed during the Ottoman era and then reopened as it was.


Eastern Portico (early Islamic period)

This corridor was destroyed within time and the earthquakes, and only remains remained which were discovered near the giant doors of the Al-Marwani Mosque. It seems that this corridor dates back to the Umayyad times, as it extends from the giant gates of «Al-Marwani»> and is connected to the Gate of Mercy (Al-Rahma) by a southern entrance to the gate
