Communities and corners

The African community

The members of the African community in Palestine are Palestinians of African descent, some of whose ancestors accompanied Ibrahim Pasha in his famous campaign on Palestine during the reign of Muhammad Ali Pasha the Great, who was the governor of Egypt in the late years of the Ottoman Empire. They live in the city of Jerusalem in close proximity to one of the gates of the Holy Temple Mount called Bab al-Nazer (door of the council ...

Al Khataniya Corner

It is located behind the mihrab of the tribal Chapel in the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, directly on the west side, and has an entrance to the right of the pulpit, in addition to an entrance under the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque from the north side.

It is located behind the mihrab of the tribal Chapel in the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, directly on the west side, and has an entrance to the right of the pulpit, in addition to an entrance under the blessed Al-Aq ...

Surgical Corner

A minaret located north of the Rabah Al-Hassani Palace (currently the American colony), on Nablus Street, was established in the year (583 Ah / 1187 ad), attributed to Prince Husam al-Din al-Hussein bin Isa Al-Jarahi, one of the commanders of the army of Sultan Saladin (d. (1201 ad), and has a mausoleum. It is also called the soil or the corner of Sheikh Jarrah. It included several rooms and a waterway.


LoyalCorner-Al-Badiri Waqf

It is located next to the blessed Al-Aqsa mosque, opposite the headquarters of the general Islamic Awqaf Department to the left of the exterior of the caretaker's door. It consists of two floors and is one of the oldest buildings in Jerusalem. It is believed that the Caliph MU'awiya ibn Abu Sufyan was satisfied ! God forbid, he came to a house that was standing on its site when he visited Jerusalem; therefore, it was called "Mu ...

The Indian Corner

It is located inside the Jerusalem wall near the Watchtower gate. It is also called the "al-Zawiya Al-faridiya", after Sheikh Farid al-Din al-Hindi, as the Ottoman authorities granted him the Zawiya building belonging to the Awqaf previously . A shop in Bab Hatta market was stopped on it in 1868, and some of the corner buildings were shelled by the artillery of the Israeli occupation army in the war of 1967. Tod ...

Qadiriyya Corner (Afghan

It is located in Al-ghawanmeh Lane, in the northern row of barquq road, and southwest of Naqshbandiya corner . It was established by Muhammad Pasha, the Honorable Governor of Jerusalem in the Ottoman era ( 1043 Ah / 1633 ad), and he stopped it for the followers of the Qadiriyya method, as indicated by a founding inscription at the top of its entrance . The text reads:"in the name of Allah, the Merciful, the merc ...

Naqshbandi Corner (Uzbek)

The records of the Sharia Court confirm that its founder is Osman Bey, the Turkish Sufi, where he stopped it in (1032 Ah / 1622 ad) on the Sufis of the followers of the Naqshbandi method

Then several plots of land and buildings in Jerusalem were stopped for her. And in the XVIII century a special hospice was created, which received its needs for meat and bread from the architecture of khaski Sultan. During the British mandate, the hospice broke ...

Al adhamiya Corner

It is located outside the Jerusalem wall, northeast of Bab al-Amud, and north of the Central Bus Station. It is attributed to the ascetic slave Ibrahim ibn Adham. Prince Saif al-Din munjak Al-Yousfi was about her age in (763 Ah / 1361 ad), and he stopped many stops for her inmates in Jerusalem and abroad. The corner consists of a large cave located under the Bab al-Sahira Cemetery, in which there is a large water well and the gra ...

The Moroccan community

Palestine, and the city of Jerusalem in particular, has been a destination for Moroccans throughout history; Moroccan pilgrims visiting Mecca and Medina quickly come to the holy city and are attracted to stay there; on the other hand, the city of Jerusalem attracted Moroccan scholars (modernists, scholars, travelers ...); As well as the choice of the Moroccan Mujahideen, who participated in repelling the Crusades, to reside in th ...