Al-Aqsa mosque library

The origin of the Al-Aqsa mosque library dates back to the Ayyubid era, where it was called the Al-Aqsa Mosque bookcase, the bookcase of the Al-Aqsa Mosque was located in the dome of the rock, and in 1922 the Supreme Islamic Council reopened the library by collecting manuscripts, adding prints and manuscripts from outside the library and transferring them to the grammar school building. Then (the Islamic Waqf Department in Al-Quds Al-Sharif) reopened the library in 1976, and its location was in the basement of the AL – ashrafiyya madrasa-hanbaliyya mosque in the formerly blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque. Then it was finally transferred to the women's mosque in 1420 Ah/2000 AD.





Library content
Manuscripts: there are 4000 manuscripts, including a large number of Qurans, and there are also a number of manuscripts in Ottoman Turkish. These manuscripts, 80 % of which were copied in the Ottoman period, and some of them were copied in Istanbul.

Old publications: the library contains thousands of books and magazines printed about 100 years ago, which are precious editions because they are no longer printed, and this section includes a section in Ottoman Turkish.

Modern publications: estimated at more than 160 thousand books, in various subjects.


Library services

Lending services: especially for library subscribers in its departments
Electronic index search services
Services in the search for books by library staff and volunteers
Computer Services: the library has 14 computers to serve visitors and users and also contains photocopiers and printers in black, white and color.
Database search service
Free wireless internet access for library visitors.
Photography and printing for scientific research
Photocopying manuscripts according to the highest specifications
The indication of other copies in the Jerusalem libraries, and others
Communication with libraries and scientific centers that deal with manuscripts
Help students of Science in advance to interview some of their manuscripts and guide them in adjusting the text.

Library activities

Activities to encourage reading from seasonal and permanent competitions and events
Summer camps
Book clubs and scientific clubs
Reception of groups from schools and camps
Lectures and cultural meetings