it is a large round open water basin clad in marble from the outside ,in the middle of a water fountain and there are stone benches for ablution around the body of the basin, where water flows from taps in the walls of the basin. the way and place of the Cup are located between the building of the dome of the honorable rock and the building of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and it looks like a link between the two buildings. its first construction dates back to the reign of the Just King Abu Bakr Ayyub, brother of Saladin Ayyub, 589 Ah 1193 M,

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it was renovated during the reign of the Nasiri Mamluk Tang (تن um), and then it was connected by the Ottomans to the Sabil canal in the eighteenth century, and the Supreme Islamic Council added sixteen marble seats to it in the Thirties of the twentieth century.

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