The sabil building consists of a square base bearing four small decorated columns, and these in turn support three arches that open on the north, west and south sides. As for the fourth side, the honorary side is a closed wall   The horseshoe is a small dome that was recently covered with stone tiles. The sabil is located in the northwestern part of the courtyard of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

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The age of this sabil was Mostafa Agha Barawnehzadeh, the ruler of Jerusalem (Qaimmaqam) in the year 174101740/1153. He inscribed on the sabil a group of poetic verses describing the Arabic language and explaining the reasons for the construction, in addition to containing decorations that reflect the content of the poetic verses. , and the way today is broken.

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This path was sometimes called the path of al-Badiri or the path of Sheikh Badr

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