Gate is the only open gate in the East wall of the Old City of Jerusalem, it can be reached through an ascending road from the Kidron Valley "Valley of hell" That road separates the two Islamist cemeteries, South known as the cemetery of the gate of mercy, and the North known as Youssifiyya cemetery, attributed to Yousef Bin Shadi who's well-known by Saladin.


The gate had many names like Sitna mariam, Algour(Jordan), Jericho, and Lions Gate. because of the presence of 4 lions, two lions on each side.

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These lions were taken from the facad of a Khan( hotel) which was constructed to the north of the Damascus the gate by the Mamluk Sultan Baybars(1263 AD), it is one gate of the original gates with a broken passing, the demolition by the British Mandate for the internal Interface to it to facilitate the passage of military trucks to the old city.