The AL-Jawali school is one of the most important schools established during the reign of the Mamluk Sultan Al-Zahir Baybars, where it was founded and stopped by Prince Alamuddin Sinjar bin Abdullah Al-Jawali, the deputy of Jerusalem, and the warden of the Two Holy Mosques in the period between 1312 and 1320, one of the princes of the Mamluk Sultan Muhammad Bin Qalawun.

This important historical building is located to the north of the square of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Bab al-quwayma, to the south of the mujahideen and Al-ulam roads and to the west of the Naqshbandi corner.

This two-storey building has been used as a center for many rulers since the Roman era, where it was occupied by the Roman governors Herod and Pilate through the various Islamic eras, where it was occupied by the Mamluk and Ottoman governors, and until the Jordanian era, where it was occupied by the leadership of the Jordanian army during the 1948 war .

His buildings were also occupied by many science houses and schools such as: College of kindergarten, age school and others.