Damascus Gate is actually the most beautiful gate of the Jerusalem wall; it is also the most elaborate in architectural decorative elements, as well as its size and front large square.


Damascus Gate is located on the north side of the old city  wall at the beginning of the sloping of the Central Valley, which crosses the old town from North to South, currently by the people of Jerusalem as the al-Wad "the Valley". Damascus Gate is also known by several names : Bab al-'Amud (the Column Gate): Nablus Gate: and St. Stephen Gate.


This gate Is Called alamode Gate in proportion to the column was present in the Romanian period (second century AD) holds statue of Hadrian the builder of the city (Ella Capitolina)

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Damascus  Gate consists of two parts, upper and lower. The lower one is built by Hadrian (138-117) in 135. This part access to a small museum showing the evolution of the Damascus Gate and it includes an important part of the Roman road which descents from the current level of the Damascus Gate. The upper part is the Ottoman construction dates back to the year 1538-1537/945.

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