In fact what is called today the Maghariba Gate is not actually one of the original gates of the wall, but rom a tower built in (1540/947). It expanded later to become a gate in 1953 to allow the of cars in addition to facilitate the crossing of people living near the old city. Therefore, this gate was opened in the wall and it does not have a bent entrance.


This gate located very close to a famous neighbourhood known as Magahriba (Moroccan) Quarter, Maghreb (Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco), who resided since Ayyubid period and had very rich However, the buildings of this Quarter were destroyed, and its residents had been displaced y after 1967 war by the Israeli occupation authorities. To the west of the recent opening located a genuine gate in the southern wall, was discovered in the nineties of the twentieth century, its orgins back to the Ayyubid period (called dung gate)

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