The sabil consists of one room with a square plan and covered by a shallow dome. A door opened in the eastern wall of this room leads to the inside of the room, where in the middle there is a bead for a cistern. Windows opened in the rest of the walls, preceded by water basins to contain the spilled water. .

Sabil Bab al-Maghariba_1

The Mughrabi Gate Sabil is located in the southern Arab side of Al-Aqsa Mosque, 10 meters to the east of the Mughrabi Gate. The sabil ceased to be full of water, even if it was not placed in the basins. Several names were given to the sabil, such as the Sabil of Al-Malikiyah Mosque, the Sabil of Fadi Ahmed Al-Kutahi, and the Sabil of the Well of the Dome.

Sabil Bab al-Maghariba 3

Sabil Bab al-Maghariba 56