The first gate of the western wall of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque from the north side, and it is a relatively small door whose entrance is rectangular. These three names are relative to the Al-Ghawanmeh neighborhood, which he arrived at, and Al-Ghawanmeh is a family that is believed to have arrived in Jerusalem with Salah El-Din Al-Ayyubi. It is also called Bab al-Khalil, perhaps this name is in relation to Khalil Ibrahim, as a matter of honor only.

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It was probably established in the Umayyad period, and it was known as Bab Al-Walid in relation to Al-Walid bin Abdul-Malik. It was renewed during the Mamluk period, specifically in the year 707 AH - 1307 AD, during the days of the Mamluk Sultan Al-Nasir Muhammad bin Qalawun, may God have mercy on him.

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