A memorial building inside Al-Aqsa Mosque, built by Muslims during the Ottoman era in 1315 AH / 1898 AD. It is located in the middle of an existing staircase in the southeastern corner of the Marwani chapel that leads to the roof of the chapel.

Entrance to Moses' Tomb

The building consists of a small dome supported by four columns, and without it a stone basin called the "cradle of Jesus" that was probably placed there during the Abbasid or Fatimid era, and in front of it is a stone mihrab as well.

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Researchers assert that the mihrab or the cradle of Jesus is originally the caliph's shrine, which is a room made of the stone of a large house fortified by the walls of the elements of the mosque, which is erected near the mihrab.

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The Fatimids had taken this mihrab and this maqsura as a place of worship, and they called it the Mosque of the Cradle of Jesus.