Les Dômes

The Dome of the Chain

It is located three meters from the eastern door of the Dome of the Rock, in the heart of Al-Aqsa Mosque. He ordered its construction by the Umayyad caliph Abd al-Malik bin Marwan, and he differed in the wisdom of its construction, and it is likely that it was built as a model on the basis of which the Dome of the Rock was developed, and that was between the years 65-68 AH / 685-688 AD, that is, before the construction of the Dome of the Rock.

T ...

Dome of the Mi’rage

One of the domes of Al-Aqsa Mosque located above the courtyard of the Rock to the northwest of the Dome of the Rock. It was built by Prince Al-Isfasllar Izz al-Din, the ruler of Jerusalem in the year 597 AH / 1201 AD, i.e. during the Ayyubid era, in place of an older dome erected to commemorate for the ascension of the Prophet. It was renovated during the Ottoman era.

The dome of the Mi'raj is a sm ...

The Grammar dome

تقع في الطرف الجنوبي الغربي لصحن الصخرة، مقابل باب السلسلة. أنشأها الملك شرف الدين أبو المنصور عيسى الأيوبي عام 604هـ/1207م، على يد الأمير حسام الدين أبي معد قمباز، لتكون مدرسة متخصصة لتعليم العلوم اللغوية من صرف ونحو داخل المسجد الأقصى المبارك, فعرفت بالقبة النحوية، والمدرسة النحوية.

أوقف لها الملك عيسى أوقافا كثيرة لتصرف عليها، حيث كان من أبرز من حرصوا على إعمار هذا المسجد الشريف، كما كان محبا لل ...

Dome of Moses

This dome is located above the Mastaba of Musa, in the middle of the western courtyards of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, between Bab al-Silsilah in the west and the Nahwiyya Dome in the east.

It was built by the righteous King Najm al-Din Ayyub in the year 647 AH / 1249 AD for ascetics to worship there. It was previously called the Dome of the Tree, in relation to a huge palm tree that was next to it. It is also called the ...

Dome of Suleiman

It is located to the southwest of Bab Faisal, in the middle of the northern courtyards of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque. It is attributed to the Umayyad caliph Suleiman bin Abd al-Malik, as some historians mention that it was built by the Umayyads. However, it is believed that its current construction took place during the Ayyubid era, specifically in the year 600 AH / 1203 AD, especially since it almost matches the Ayyubid dome of the Miraj. It was restor ...

Dome of the Prophet

It is located above the nave of the rock to the northwest of the Dome of the Rock, between it and the Dome of Mi'raj. It is believed that it was built in the place where the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, prayed as an imam with the prophets and angels on the Night of the Night Journey.

The construction of this dome dates back to the Ottoman era, when it was built in two st ...

Dome of the Spirits

It is located on the courtyard of the rock in the middle of Al-Aqsa Mosque, specifically to the east of the northwestern corner, in front of a northern retreat that has been used as an office for the Al-Aqsa Guard, and it is about ten meters away from it. It dates back to the tenth century AH / sixteenth century AD, meaning that its construction was Ottoman.

There was a difference of opinion about the reason for naming it ...

Al Kheder Dome

This dome is located above the courtyard of the Dome of the Rock, which is in the middle of Al-Aqsa Mosque, south of the northwestern Baca, and adjacent to its staircase. It was established in the tenth century AH / sixteenth century AD, i.e. during the Ottoman era, above a place where it was said that al-Khidr used to lead him in prayer and lead prayers.

It is a dome of small size, compact in construction, and of a pleasant ...

Dome of Yusuf Agha

It is located inside Al-Aqsa Mosque, to the west of the Al-Qibli Mosque, opposite the Islamic Museum (Moghrabi Mosque). It was named after its founder, the Ottoman governor Yusuf Agha, and that was in the year 1092 AH / 1681 AD, and he also established the Dome of Yusuf in the courtyard of the rock.

It is a square room topped with a dome. Today, it uses an office to sell entry tickets to the Islami ...

Dome of Yusuf

This dome is located south of the courtyard of the rock located in the heart of Al-Aqsa Mosque, between the Burhan al-Din minbar and the grammatical dome. It was built by the Ottoman governor Yusuf Agha in 1092 AH / 1681 AD.

It was rumored by mistake that it was called the Dome of Yusuf after the Prophet of God, Yusuf, peace be upon him, and this is probable. However, the presence of the Ayyubid in ...

The Dome of The Lovers of the Prophet

This dome is located inside Al-Aqsa Mosque, to the southeast of Bab Faisal, and its construction dates back to the era of the Ottoman Sultan Mahmoud II, specifically in the year 1233 AH / 1817 AD, and for this reason it is also known as the Iwan of Sultan Mahmoud. the second. As for its current name, its source is the habit of some Sufi sheikhs gathering to mention under it.

It is a square-shaped b ...

The Dome of Sheikh Al-Khalili

It is located in the courtyard of the Rock to the northwest of the Dome of the Rock, located in the heart of Al-Aqsa Mosque, separated by the two domes of the Prophet and the Mi'raj.

It was established during the Ottoman era in the year 1112 AH / 1700 AD, and it was known as a Sufi Sheikh who used to lead it and worship in it. .




Dome of the Cradle of Jesus

A memorial building inside Al-Aqsa Mosque, built by Muslims during the Ottoman era in 1315 AH / 1898 AD. It is located in the middle of an existing staircase in the southeastern corner of the Marwani chapel that leads to the roof of the chapel.

The building consists of a small dome supported by four columns, and without it a stone basin called the "cradle of Jesus" t ...