
Qattaneen market

The covered market was built by Prince Tankz al-Nasiri during the year 1336 1337 AD during the reign of Sultan al-Malik al-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qalawun, who made   many a ...

Avtimos Market

 One of the markets located within the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem; It extends from north to south. Its northern entrance is a triumphal arch consisting of three ...

Khawajat Market

The Khawajat market was founded during the Mamluk period, and it was called the Nahhasin market. It specializes in the profession of engraving on copper. In the nineteenth century, large numbers of ...

Bab Khan al-Zeit market

Khan al-Zayt Market: Its name indicates its original mission since the Mamluk period, as its stores were the main stores for olive oil coming from all over Palestine. passer ...

Meat Market

Souk al-Lahhamin "Souk al-Saqat": This market was built during the Crusader era in Jerusalem, based on 25 columns tied with overhead vaults. It collapsed and was renovated d ...

Attarin Market

Al-Attarin Market: This market was built during the era of the Crusades, then it was rebuilt again during the Mamluk period, and parts of it were renovated during the Ottoman rule. p>

The area ...

Al Jadeed Gate market

It is a small market located between the new door, which was opened at the time of the Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II, north of the city, and the Casanova hotel, and to the right of the entrance to ...

Al-Husur Market

     It was given this name due to the large number of sellers of mats and carpets. It was a field for traders of mats and carpets of all shapes and sizes, and now it is a semi-des ...

Al-Bazaar market

 One of the markets located within the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem, a market that extends from the Citadel in the west to the "Al-Lahhamin Market" in the east. This market was one of the e ...

Bashoura market

Bashoura Market: This market has a long history, dating back to the Romans who ruled Jerusalem from 63 BC to 636 AD. The importance of the market emerged during the Mamluk r ...

Dibagha (Tanning) Market

& nbsp; The Tanning Market is one of the markets located within the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem; It is located between the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and the Church of St. Savior and to the n ...

Alwan Market

Aloun Market "Aloun Market": This market was named after the mosque that was built during the Mamluk period and attributed to the Aloun family in Jerusalem. The market inclu ...