
Church of the Holy Sepulchre

One of the oldest and holiest Christian churches known to Westerners as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. It was established by Queen Helena, the mother of King Constantine in the year 335 AD, and she built three buildings in the place, the first of which is the Church of Calvary at the place of the crucifixion according to Christian belief. Today it is located on The right of the entrance to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, and ...

Church of St. Veronica

 It is located near the Church of the Passion of the Virgin. It was established in 1894 AD. It is for the Roman Catholics, and it was established in the place where they believe that St. Veronica wiped the face of the Lord Christ.


Church of the confinement of Christ

It dates back to the twelfth century AD and is built in Haret Al-Saadiya in the place where it is believed that Jesus was flogged and imprisoned. The Armenians built this church on the ruins of an old church that was known as St. Peter's Church. On the path of pain.


Monastery of St. Jacob the great

It belongs to the Armenians, and the Armenians in Jerusalem are divided into Orthodox and Catholics. The monastery is located in the Armenian Quarter, south of the Jerusalem Citadel, and in this monastery is the church of the Apostle Jacob the Great, which was built in the year 1165 AD at the place of his murder. ...

St. Thomas Church

For the Syriac Orthodox, it is located in a location opposite the Citadel of Jerusalem, and the Crusaders at the time of the occupation of Jerusalem had built it on the ruins of an old mosque. In the nineteenth century AD and they are still in their folds today.


St. Hannah's church

For Roman Catholics. It is located between the gates of Hatta and Al-Asbat, i.e. north of Al-Aqsa Mosque. The place was originally a pagan temple, and the Byzantines built a church over it in the fifth century AD, as it was the house of Boakim and Henna, the father and mother of the Virgin Mary, and the Persians destroyed this church in 614 AD, then the Crusaders, during their occupation of Jerusalem, built a church and a monaste ...

Monastery of our father Ibraham

It is located in the courtyard of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, from the southeast side. It was established by Queen Helena in the year 335 AD, and the Persians destroyed it when they invaded the city in the year 614 AD, and it remained in ruins for several centuries until the Russians took it from the Turks in the year 1887 AD. There are two churches in the monastery, one of which is small and known as our father Ibrahim, an ...

St John the Baptist Monastery

 It was built by the Greek Orthodox, and it is located south of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab Square, and it includes two churches, one underground, of Byzantine style, built in 450 AD, and the other above it, built in 1048 AD.


Monastery of the Virgin

Its style is Byzantine. It is only separated from the Church of the Holy Sepulcher by the Omar Ibn Al-Khattab Mosque. It was built during the reign of Patriarch Elias I in the year 494 AD. It overlooks the courtyard of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.


Greek Orthodox Patriarchate and monastery

It is also called the Great Monastery or the Monastery of Constantine. It is located in the Christian Quarter. It was established by Patriarch Elias I in 494 AD. It represented the center of the Greek Orthodox monasteries in Palestine. It includes three churches: the Church of St. Helena and the Church of St. Nekola and the Church of St. Jacob, and in the last church there are two small temples, one in the name of the Forty Marty ...

Girls ' monastery

It is located between the Monastery of the Virgin and the Monastery of St. Dimitri. It was built by the Greek Orthodox Patriarch Elias I. It has two churches, one of which is on the ground floor, known as Saint Melania, and the other above it is known as Mary the Great or the Virgin Mary.


Sultan monastery

One of the ancient monasteries in Jerusalem, with an area of about 1800 square meters. It was renovated in the Fatimid era and was occupied by Latin monks after the Crusaders took over the city. However, Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi returned it to the Orthodox Copts after the liberation of Jerusalem, so it was known from that time as Monastery. The Sultan. 


Monastery of St. Anthony

 This monastery is located above the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and near Deir al-Sultan. It was rebuilt in 1875 AD. Its importance is due to the fact that it has become the seat of the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate since 1912 AD. It contains the residences of the Coptic monks, the headquarters of the monastery and the Antonine College.


St. George's monastery

It is located near the Monastery of St. Maryam. It was built in the Ottoman era. A school known as St. Demiana was attached to it. The monastery has a church of one structure, in which the Copts are held in front every Thursday, while the Armenians are in front of it. On the day of celebrating St. George's Day every year.
