
Al-Saaleek Cafe (Al-Mukhtar Cafe)

The Tramp cafe was named after a group of intellectual men who called themselves the Tramp party, built by the Jerusalem writer and educator Khalil qastandi Al-Sakakini, one ...

Al Basti Cafe (Hospice Cafe)

The basti cafe is so named because it belongs to the basti family, built by Haj Suleiman Musa Basti in 1927
It is located in the wad district, it was named hospice cafe because it is adjacent ...

Cafe Siam

Siyam cafe was so named because it belongs to the Siyam family, and the cafe has been in existence for almost 130 years, centered on a corner from which a road branches to the Church of the Holy Se ...

Zaatara coffee

Zaatara coffee is named after its owners from the Zaatara family, built by Arif Tawfik Zaatara and dates back to the Ottoman era and is located at the door of the column from the inside and has lar ...